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"Say, I don't like this tactics at all, it is too dangerous." On the armored truck, Cori is whispering, "although the armor can pick up the attack of the bullet, as long as they use What anti-giant gun bombed, our eight people ... "" Shut up! "I let, Ma Ke also has Thomas immediately called, let it be more awkward to Corne's mouth:" Stupid! Is it this time now? This is the crow mouth, I'm doing a few high-tense, I will lose you from the car! "

"Hey!" Conni is struggling a few times. After the eyes of our non-good eyes, they quickly calmed down and shrunk, and they did not dare to talk. At present, I have divided the team of twenty-two people into three teams, taking three armored trucks, and avoiding the enemy's pot, while also covering each other. Li Wilband, I took a team, Anderson took a team to add Allen, which can save the life of the companions as much as possible. Only, we are now in the middle section of the troops, and there will be no fight for the time being.

The rear of the guns did not stop at a moment, and the shells showed that the meteor shower generally rose the horizon in the Middle East coalition, and the momentum was amazing. The Middle Eastern Union's counterattack can be thin, after all, in size, but in fact, they will be hitting seven inch, and every counterattack can hit the Male's artillery position, which causes huge losses. Then transfer immediately, waiting for the next opportunity, even if the enemy cannon bomb, the flesh and blood of the infantry, will never move. Magic insights flying in the air let me know everything.

As the artillery is in depth in the Middle East coalition, the Alidia troops in Malai also took the lead in launching offensive, heavy machine guns spit the fire tongue and not stopping the fire, thousands of stuffles or steel thira The figure is printed from the bunker from the bunker, and the handheld rifles cover the enemy position. Da da da! The Middle East coalition of the machine gun and the rifle are also unfair to attack, and their machine guns are still used by the cross-fire, the killing efficiency is extremely high, and the theory of fighting theory is more advanced than Mara.

With the fire sound of the machine gun, the Aldians who are taking the charge are as if the harvested wheat, and the force responsible for attack is a lot of losses in the enemy's bullets. However, the Eldeens who have rushed up were no fear, and they took the bodies of their companions to continue to move forward. When they were in the hands of the hands, they took away the life of the Middle East coalition soldiers, and the battle was only started. Entering white heat, both sides were inadvertently injured, and at this time, the second batch of attacking Aldia troops also rushed out of the trenches.

"Killing !!!" The soldiers rushed to the fire line of the Middle East coalition army, and the bungeons on the rifle were forced, but they went down to the hot bullets in the ground. The machine gun seems to harvest their lives like the harvester, and the infantry gun on the ground is more ferived, and the hard-born in the championship is playing a flesh and blood alley, and blood is reddish. Black land.

However, the soldiers who haven't worried the Middle Eastern coalition will have to be probably, and the gunfire of Malai will fall from the sky, and they are blown up, and the fire pressure has immediately interrupted. The Eldia soldiers immediately seized the opportunity to quickly forward. The Middle East coalition in the 100-meter range ...

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