Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 569 position attack and defense

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boom! With a loud noise, an Aldia soldier who is moving forward is suddenly screaming, and the right leg is separated from the body. Then the whole person is flying into the bullets into screen. "Is mines! Be careful, the front is a mine!" Another Eldia soldier saw it, and he slept to the ground, but he didn't think about his front. It was just a mine, when he was blown It became two trips, but the other soldiers under his reminders quickly responded quickly, and it was greatly reduced from casualties.

A mine array helped the Middle East coalition for the time to block the attack of the Malai army, Although the Ai Oil Asian troops were brave but not the steel body, and it was not a egg. Naturally, it would not directly impact the minefield, and the two sides were stalemate. However, the advantage on the battlefield is still in the Middle East coalition, the Aldia troops that lack the bunker have a lot of casualties under the two sides and the Middle East coalition, and the death is only the time problem, at this time. Malai's second round of firefighting and third waves have been launched.

boom! boom! boom! If the shells are constantly hitting in front of the Middle East coalition, the slap in the Middle East coalition, and the flame and impact Podon will have a lot of mines, let the landmines bury in the ground to explode, and finally in the landmines in the landlore. Digital safety route. The army's artillery also quickly launched a counterattack, and the invitation of the dead god forwarded the gunman of Malai, and the artillery that came off and suddenly took a shredded piece.

"Kill!" "Rush!" Under the Middle East coalition army counterattack Mare's shelling quickly stopped, and I have already waited for a long time, I'm willing to grasp the opportunity to grab the weapon to the coalition position, 100 meters The distance from the moment, after paying the price of nearly three people from the casualties, the Eldia troops finally rushed into the enemy position. However, before they arrived, the coalition soldiers have fly out of this area, the only gunballs that only greeted them only from the distance, the offensive troops suddenly casually injured.

After a round of shelling, the Aldia Force restructuring the defense line, the soldiers of the Middle East coalition military have been killed back. In the face of face-to-face, the fierce white blade war instantly broke out, the two sides used a stabwood, the essay shovel, the wooden handle grenades and even the finishes and the teeth were life and death, curse, scream, the blade into the meat and sullen sound, as if a Death symphony is general, creepy.

In the case of a heavy loss, the Eldia's troops were unleaned, and the white blade war declared in a few minutes, and the last Ildia soldier on the position in the position of the support for the next batch of Malay. It has fallen down, the machine gun sounds again, and the attacking Malai troops will play flesh and blood.

The Malai troops that were hitted, they immediately retired, they did not have a strong battle will of the Aldia troops. The first round of Malai is ended to this, and there is no more than thousands of corpses, and the casualties of the Middle East, there is no more than a thousand people, and the two sides are judged.

In my opinion, the Middle East coalition commander is much higher than the Manta army commander. It is not the purpose of the loss of a small piece of position. It is purely with the ability to kill the enemy, pay attention to protect your lives, you will Will occupy the advantage, see if Harlem will have the ability to break ...

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