Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 13 - Vermillion City!


Vermillion City


Situated near a sea inlet to the south, it serves as a popular sea port for ships such as the S.S. Anne. Vermilion Harbor is a home port for many ships. Jay finally arrived in Vermillion City, since it was still day time so Jay decided to first head of to the Vermillion City Gym to bully Lt Surge. Just upon entering the City he could hear some kids carrying their pokemons to the pokemon centre crying, it was something he could not really tolerate or more like he was influenced by the divine protection within his body spurring him on to deliver justice for these kids.

When he reaches the gym he sees an orange building and huge lightning symbol hanging across each side of the door, Jay walks in to see two people wearing military type uniforms carrying a large crate towards the back of the car, when they see Jay coming in they already guessed that he is a challenger and next victim for their boss Lt. Surge

Jay: "Yo! I am here to challenge the gym leader"

Goon #1: "You want to challenge the gym?"

Goon #2: "Bwahahaha you want to challeng the gym!?"

Jay: "... Seems I have no choice huh..."

Without another thing to say to these two goons Jay immediately went over the first one and threw a punch into his face but he held back as he wanted to thoroughly beat them up. When the second one realized what happened Jay already grasp his shirt and threw him over his shoulder into the ground. Afterwards it was simply punches and kicks to the point the goons had pig heads while crying for mercy, hearing the commotion outside another person came out of the gym.

Lt. Surge: "What the hell is going on? Are you attacking my men?"

Jay: "I am currently implementing a mental diagnosis on them to cure them of their idiocy and arrogance as this was suppose to be your task to begin with. Tell me are you happy with my services?"

Lt. Surge hearing Jay talk to him like this really got embarrassed and glared at his goons for picking a fight with this brat as he could feel a faint killing intent that made him shiver out of fear. But more than that he felt this brat was truly familiar to him.

Lt. Surge: "I see you are an arrogant one, It's going to be a fun battle"

Jay: "Oh Fun it really will be"

The battlefield inside the gym was quite the standard one, and there were no audience for todays match so the lighting were only on the battlefield itself. Seeing that Jay did not show any reactions to his threat Lt Surge could only spit on the ground and with a grunt he walked over to the place where the gym leader would stand and Jay went over to the other side.

Lt. Surge: "Let's see how are you going to be so arrogant after I crush you with a devastating defeat"

Jay: "Your more than welcome to give it a try"

This time Jay really frustrated him and now he decided to be even cruel in this battle, but he had to be quick because he had orders from Team Rocket to follow which is a secret no one knows except for Jay who was once in Team Rocket after all.

Lt. Surge: "Ok you want to battle then so be it, we both will use one pokemon each, the first pokemon which is unable to battle will lose, go Raichu"

(Raichu is a bipedal, rodent-like Pokémon. Raichu is covered in dark orange fur with a white belly. Its bifurcated ears are brown on the outside, yellow on the insides, and end in a distinctive curl. There is a circular yellow marking on each cheek where its electric sacs are, and it has a triangular, dark brown nose. Its arms and feet have patches of brown fur at the end, and the soles of its long feet are tan with a circular orange pad in the center. On its back are two horizontal brown stripes. Its long, thin tail has a lightning bolt-shaped end. )

Jay: "Come out Mawile!"

When Jay threw his pokeball in the air, it snapped open and a white light like a lightning hit the ground without making a sound soon forming the shape of a pokemon and revealed his Mawile standing there with a intimidating look which caused Raichu to flinch at this sight.

Goon #1: "Hey what kind of pokemon is that?"

Goon #2: "I am not sure but it sure feels intimidating though"

Lt. Surge: "Lets starts, Raichu thunderbolt"

Jay: "Mawile shadow ball"

It appears the Raichu that Lt Surge had evolved too soon so it did not master control over it's lighting element so it takes a few seconds to charge it;s attack which is fatal especially against Mawile who Jay trained personally each day alongside his other pokemons before he goes to bed. Every night he would call them all out to see how far they progressed in their energy control and when they reach a satisfactory level then Jay would pour in some dragon aura to expand their energy core for them to start compressing again.

Just like now Mawile did not need to even make a movement and shadow balls came raining down on Raichu with rapid explosions, soon raichu was blasted into the embrace of Lt Surge.

Jay: [This little punk sure haven't changed, easy to bully the weak but when the strong comes he acts like a goodie two shoes] "You.... Did you fȯrċɨbŀƴ evolve your pokemon before it was even ready?"

Lt. Surge: "Raichu are you okay?"

Jay: "Hurts doesn't it? Atleast with this you now know what kind of feelings other have when you do this... Don't forget Kanto Region is under a special law where the Gym leaders must not cripple the trainers, and what your doing is border line. I have already submitted a Report to the League to have your gym investigated"

Seeing that the two goons will not be making another move on the residents and trainers, Jay simply gave them a glance and waited for Lt Surge to get back to his senses. Lt. Surge stood up and send his Raichu back to his Pokeball and walked towards Jay and handed over the Thunder Badge and walked away without saying anything.

********************* Hour Later

Old man: "Young man are those spheres at your waist are they per chance pokeballs?"

Jay: "Yeah they are, who are you?"

Old man: "Good for you! It's good to see a young boy such as yourself training pokemon"

Jay: "I'm glad, but Old Man I have to do something on this ship and it will get messy soon. Could you call Officer Jenny in the mean time"

Old Man: "Boy you realize that group of people are not ordinary right?"

Jay: "Heh well I am also not ordinary to begin with hehe"

Jay called out his sacred gear when no one was looking

[Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost!]


Suddenly something touched his leg and was quite small, when Jay bent down to pick up this ball that looked like a pokeball it turned out to be a voltorb and it instantly illuminated the room so brightly that it managed to temporally blind Jay. But suddenly Jay felt he was surrounded when he heard a Familiar voice

Lt Surge: "We make sure that trespassers are punished severely, I'm known for running a tight ship after all"

Jay: "Surge huh? Sigh.... So it was you after all huh?"

Lt Surge: "You still remember my voice huh? I was wondering why the ship security alarm went off after I had that match against you... World sure is a small place"

Slowly his sight is being restored as he saw that he was surrounded by a large number of Magenton and Voltorbs, It was a difficult situation since the only pokemon that had a type advantage against electric pokemons was his steelix but it was too large for the ship to handle it! With no other choice he called out Mawile, seeing this familiar pokemon that thrashed his Raichu angered Lt Surge. He was about to yell but it was halted when Mawile blasted of a concentrated Hyper beam in the direction there was no crated in and killed off more than two thirds of the pokemons Surge was commanding.

For the first time in his life Surge truly understood what true fear felt like and this pokemon in front of him was something that he could not even touch much less battle it, with the large explosion the police was sure to arrive so Surge recalled the pokemons he could and escaped after throwing a smoke bomb. Jay did not go after him but instead started releasing the pokemons from the crates healing them one by one. The police arrived by the time he finished healing the pokemon, he was took in for questioning and once the information came out that surge was indeed part of Team Rocket the League Immediately put up a wanted Bounty along with Koga up for him.

Since Vermillion City was now safe and order has been restored, pokemons went back to their respective homes. Jay pulled out his motorcycle and drove off to Saffron City

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