Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 12 - From Ghost to Racing

When Jay stood in front of the tower the clouds already began to gather darkening the night even further, with the atmosphere of the pokemon tower it gave off the creepy feeling of a haunted house. Little drops of water began to fall from the clouds, little by little the ran began falling harder and in more quantity to the point Jay was forced to enter the Pokemon Tower to avoid getting drenched and fall sick by mistake. The doors were difficult to open and it creaked loudly as Jay pushed the doors open revealing the first floor with tomb stones in the orderly fashion in straight lines and enough space for two people to walk on the passage way so One can pray and still pass by those who are standing to pay respects.

a Creepy white mist filled the entire area up to the knees and it was eerily quiet, seeing that he might be up against Ghost pokemon he called out Gengar and Espeon. Jay look at Gengar who was snickering and nodded at his naughty pokemon that he is allowed to play hide and seek with the other ghost pokemons in the vicinity, in the meantime Jay and Espeon walked further and further into the tower. The deeper the go in the thicker the mist becomes. Even the top of the ceilings had black smoke starting to accumulate, Jay felt something touching his ankle causing him to shiver for a moment before turning around to see nothing but a puddle of water near his shoes.

Jay: "I'm seriously not a fan of horrors alright, this place did not seems so huge from the outside. *Cough cough* What's this smoke?"

Just up ahead Jay could see a shadow of a pokemon that was approaching extremely slowly, the closer it step the more Jay could see of it. First to appear from the smoke was yellow duck feet followed by yellow body but what came next was a grotesque face of a Psyduck that had some of it's face missing one of the eye balls already fell off with the meat already oozing out brown slime and the stench of death could be smelt from it. But soon after the psyduck there was also a Slowpoke that was walking towards Jay with hindlegs, there was even a lickitung almost as if Jay was in a Resident Evil Pokemon Style place filled with Pokemon Zombies.

Suddenly the remaining eye of the psyduck fell off when it suddenly roared with sharp teeth at Jay, .

Jay: "Espeon use psywave!"

Espeon nodded and launched a pulse of psychic energy in a circle blasting away the ghost energy I felt for a moment, upon contact with the energies the surrounding dead pokemons collapse on the ground but the ghost energy was still going strong. It didn't take long for Jay to realize that he was currently in the middle of being surrounded by dead pokemons around him. Jay pick up Espeon and ran until they were out of the fog and just as Jay suspected the zombies did not leave the Fog, with a idea he got espeon to drag all the dead zombies out of the fog with Psychic energy.

The moment the bodies lost contact with the fog they instantly began rotting and turning into dust, from behind the fog Jay could see two eyes floating around the fog and realized that is the pokemon controlling the dead pokemons but before he could move a water gun was launched at him from the fog and he bȧrėly managed to dodge it. Realizing that the attack was indeed water, Jay look at the direction and saw Gary standing there but his eyes appear to be out of focus including his Wartortle. With no other way to bring him back Jay look at Espeon and gave her the okay to launch a full power Psywave.

This time the gem on Espeon's head began blinking at Espeon was gathering energy from the surroundings to supplement the rest of the energy she requires for the next move, the ghost pokemon must have sense danger as he made Gary command his wartortle to attack Espeon but before the attack could happen Jay already called out Umbreon to cast Reflect which launched the water attack back at Wartortle snapping it out of the control of the ghost pokemon, seeing this the ghost pokemon began panicking.

With a loud howl espeon released a wave pulse of concentrated psychic wave that made the fog completely dispersed revealing the floating Yamask, the zombies that were walking around all collapsed and rotted to the point of becoming dust which later blew all over the cemetery. Right behind Yamask Gengar appeared when Yamask turned around Gengar pulled an incredulous face at it causing Yamask to almost drop it's mask out of fight but before it could ran away gengar already formed a shadow ball and face palm it into yamask launching the knocked out pokemon towards Jay who caught it.

Jay walk over to the collapse Gary and went down on one knee tapping his face.

Jay: "Gary, snap out of it"

Gary: "N? Oh it's you"

Jay: "Good to see you show no signs of mental Illness, I will carry on the mission then"

Gary: "I'll show that Buffoon, He thinks he can cast spells on me does he?"

Without waiting for Gary to Jay went up to the second floor where the Mist was even more concentrated, Just as they reached the reach the second floor Jay could only see strange substance on the floors that appears harmful at first but from the smell and his experience in his old world he knew this poison was deadly for Humans to touch. He recalled both Espeon and Umbreon and replaced the two of them with Mawile, Jay felt a strong presence and from his experience it will be one of the true Admins of Team Rocket that could give off such pressure.

Taking each step carefully Jay already had Mawile charge of a few floating [shadow balls] ready to fire them off at a moment's notice, without warning the substance raise up like a wave that wanted to engulf both Mawile and Jay but it exploded to other directions when Mawile hurled several [shadow balls] at it. She immediately started charging more [shadow balls] and the snake behind her head was charging a [Hyper Beam].

Jay: "Gary be careful there is a poison pokemon nearby... Oi you coward come out and show yourself!"

????: "AHAHAHAHA!!"

a Man wearing your typical ninja outfit without a face cover and black spikey hair stood showing of the large 'R' sign of the Team Rocket on his ċhėst. He smiled with disdain when he looked down at Gary and Jay.

Koga: "I am one of Team Rocket's Elite Triad.... Ninja Koga!"

Jay: "Heh As if Team Rocket is Elite after losing Money , their resources and precious Head Quarters"

Koga: "You--- You ... How do you know that?"

Jay: "It's been 5 years Koga, you still forget the one you brag about when he what he gave you was a simple calculation scouter?"

Koga: "You the son of the betrayer of Team Rocket"

Jay: "Oh? So He finally left huh? Well considering how you guys were moving faster than planned it will only be reasonable he left or got caught but from your tone it seems you guys are still looking for him huh?"

Koga: "You! Because of you our plans were delayed and some projects were forced to be shut down! I will take you down myself! Go Arbok!"

What Koga forgot the remember was Mawile that had several Shadow balls floating around her so the moment Arbok revealed itself she launched the shadow balls in full throttle instantly killing the poor snake for having a fool for a master. When Koga saw what happened he only noticed the existence of Mawile and was greatly shocked at how different it was compared to the usual Mawile, it was a shiny plus it's body was completely different. This made him feel greedy to snatch this pokemon who could help the project Mewtwo advance by leaps and bounds even if they lost Mewtwo they could just create another one.

Jay: "You are but a projection, so you enjoy seeing your pokemon being so useless to the point that it got instant killed? Mawile Launch the Hyper Beam in that direction"

Seeing the direction Jay pointed to made Koga's face grow abnormally white as the projection was cut off followed by a massive large hyper beam blasting through the tower towards the skies where Koga was flying before ontop of Golbat, seems the little ninja managed to swiftly move away before getting killed like his snake. Meanwhile a bit far away from the tower where Koga was being carried by Golbat, he crushed the camera that was linked to the projection out of rage as he spits out hateful words.

Koga: "I will get you for this you little worms!"

The next day after reporting to the Town Officials that the tower problem has been resolved all the towns people were more lively than ever, they even came apologizing to each other and to Jay about their behavior before but this town was finally high speed in it's recovery. All the pokemons that were buried elsewhere were all brought into the Pokemon Tower that still had ghost pokemons around but these ones were the friendly types that did not bother the towns people.

Old Man: "Oh There you are Jay"

Jay who was helping with the last bit of small things he could do to help the town people move on with their lives stop for a moment and turned around seeing the old man he had a drink with was approaching him.

Old Man: "Thanks to you this town has life again! And my little one rest easily again"

Jay: "It's not only me who you should thank but this little guy here as well"

Jay grabs the collar of Gary and hooks his arm around his neck.

Gary: "o - oi! Don't act so familiar with me!"

If you look closer you could see a slight pink on his face, seeing this Jay pushed him away

Jay: "Oi! I don't swing that way!"

Gary: "Shut Up! Me neither"

Gary walked off with a Hmpf but still waved goodbye.


Route 12


Announcer: "Attention all pokemon trainers! Take your positions!"

Today was a free for all competition with riding a bicycle from Route 12 all the way to Route eleven, using pokemons are allowed but you could not attack other competitors well not directly of course. There are of course Wild Pokemons that will try to obscure your path, so Jay had to think of which pokemon to use but the choice came fast as his choice was Mawile. Her Snake is independent that can launch Poison Breathe and she could shoot off some shadow balls or some punches not that Jay could not do it himself but someone has to pedal.

Announcer: "A Mere 10 Kilometers on Level Well - Marked Roads there is nothing else to it! An Easy Race Course It is!"

Apparently the price was a coupon which you could hand in to get a years worth of Pokemon Food. Not that Jay needs it but it's something to do while he is traveling to the next Gym anyway!

Announcer: "Everyone on their bikes? Then Get Ready... Get set.... Go!!!"

Soon the road turn back into ground road with small well marked signs showing the road ahead so Jay began paddling harder because Mawile warned him that the others are starting to cross over Snorlax! Up ahead the road turns left making a huge round about road at the side of the forest and turn right again and the shortest road was going straight through the forest. COnsidering that Espeon already went back and he had Mawile with him he chose to head straight through the forest.

But boy was he wrong He hit his head against a Honey hive of the beedrills covering his face with honey, hearing the sound of angry beedrills Jay began paddling more frantically while Mawile was shooting of [Shadow Balls] at the beedrills that was coming closer and the snake behind her head was breathing out paralyzing poison to stop the rest. Jay was crying happy tears for having Mawile with him because even with his strength he would not be able to fend off such a number of beedrills who knows where those stingers might penetrate.

After finally leaving the forest Jay entered the normal marked road once again but another problem cropped up so he recalled Mawile and called out Glaceon. What was ahead was a large river and a bridge that looked like it was about to fall apart, so he had Glaceon create a temporary bridge with [Ice Beam] And went over it. After paddling for a few minutes he finally saw the Large Finish Line, waking up his burning guts he pedal harder once again!

Announcer: "And we have a winner!!! You have won the year supply of pokemon food Coupon!"

Jay: "Ah thanks"

Jay received the Coupon and a small golden trophy cup and when the others arrived and got their prices the competition came to an end. So Jay continued with his bike and went off to Vermillion City!

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