Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 11 - Leaving Cerulean cave for Power Plant




Gallade: "1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004!"

Gallade was swing it's arm blades in the same motion while being pressured by Gravity,

Flareon: "Put some More guts into those swings! One two! One Two!"

Vapereon blasts Flareon with a Hydro pump into the river.

Vapereon: "You should put those guts to good use or our master will be disappointed in you, we as the first three pokemon who been with master the longest of times we have to keep our lead or we will bring shame as his first pokemon"

Jolteon: "Hpmf! Let her be Vapereon, lets continue our training instead"

Flareon: "Come on! A little chilling won't kill us!"

Vapereon: "You forgotten what Mewtwo told us? The fact that Master intends to leave Kanto we have to at least reach Pseudo Lord Rank before then or survival will be difficult"

Mewtwo told the pokemons what he was told by other pokemons during his stay at the Team Rocket Head Quarters, about the fact that starting from Johto Region the number of towns and cites are far less and death lurks around every corner. From time to time there will be Pokemon Stampede on roads or a Pokemon Raid when Resources in a area becomes scarce, not to mention evil organization setting their eyes on Legendary pokemons.

It was a miracle that Mewtwo learnt all of this because of Team Rocket's greed to have all kinds of powerful pokemons, ever since Mewtwo told them about these things Jay's pokemon began training really hard and this is something Jay knew but he will soon know he underestimated the severity of the situations.

Espeon: "Calm down sisters! Fighting amongst ourselves will only give problems for master"

Umbreon: "..."

Espeon: "What?"

Umbreon: "Been wondering for a while now hasn't this egg been glowing more recently?"

Espeon came closer to the egg but it happened suddenly when the egg burst into light revealing a Mew.

(Mew is a pink, bipedal Pokémon with mammalian features. It has a rounded, wide snout, triangular ears, and large, blue eyes. It has short arms with three-fingered paws and large hind paws with oval markings on the soles. Its tail is long and thin with an ovoid tip. Its fur is so fine and thin,)

When mew look up to Espeon seeing that Espeon is about the same color as she is, a big smile form on her face with her eyes closed as she said the words that broke Espeon's heart.

Mew: "Ma-ma"

Epseon: "What the hell!?"


Meanwhile Jay and Mawile were currently tending to Steelix body healing him up to the point he could move again, knowing that he has been captured by the human in front of him he bowed his head towards Jay to show his respect at this human who fought him bravely head on. Jay of course patted it's head before heading deeper inside. According to Steelix it is only acting as the lord because the real lord is too lazy to govern the place because it prefers to eat and sleep only.

Jay had an idea of what it might be with just that description alone, so he and mawile followed Mawile to catch this guy because when Jay leaves the Kanto Region will be the start of strong eat weak world. Even the tournaments there does not stop others from killing their opponent pokemons with their own pokemons. Including gym leaders. When they arrived what Jay saw was a snorlax that was easily 3.2 meters high and judging from the bright blue fur it was a shiny on top of it as well.

(Snorlax is a huge, bipedal, dark blue-green Pokémon with a cream-colored face, belly, and feet. Its body is composed of mostly its belly, as its limbs are comparatively small. Its head is large with small, pointed ears and two pointed teeth protruding from its lower jaw. It has round feet, which both have three claws and a circular brown paw pad, and short arms with five claws on each hand.)

Jay: "Is.... Is this the lord?"

Steelix nods at my question and sighs because this little fat lord was currently sleeping! Since he was sleeping Jay did not hold himself back and threw the pokeball at this big guy. Ping Ping Ping Ting!

Jay: "I should consider finishing this region and move on to the next one because soon there won't be a challenge for my pokemons"

He pick up the pokeball and sent the sleeping snorlax to the pokeworld, he has nothing to train this guy on because there isn't much that could threaten it other than legendary pokemons, with the current lord gone soon this cave will have another war to select the new Lord since both Snorlax and Steelix has left. Considering there isn't anything new further ahead since he already rescued Mewtwo so there should be nothing else down below.

It's been two days since Jay left Cerulean Cave and is currently standing in front of a old Power Plant that has been abandoned, according to the Rumors Zapdos made this it's nest and it's true because that is why Jay is here currently with Jolteon at his side. After training in the pokeworld Jolteon managed to breakthrough to Pseudo Commander Rank, Zapdos is still twice as strong but with Jay he could boost her power to double her capacity for a few minutes.

The moment they entered they were surrounded so Jay called out Steelix, Mawile and Gallade. Seeing the number of strong pokemons appearing one by one the pokemons made a path for Jay and his pokemon to continue venturing deeper into the powerplant till they reach a large open area filled with electricity all over the place like a real natural electric terrain but Jay knew this was because of Zapdos. When Jay turned at the corner he saw a Team Rocket Admin holding a master ball and Zapdos was no where to be seen. Just this was enough to know that they succeeded in capturing the legendary Zapdos.

Jay: "Release that pokemon!"

Admin: "Hah! a Brat like you dare tell us Team Rocket to let go of this pokemon? You must be dreaming"

Jay: "Jolteon use thunderbolt!"

Admin: "Come out Golem and use Rock Tomb to block the attack"

Golem came out and immediately made conductive rocks float in the air attracting the thunderbolt away from the Admin, this gave the admin the time to transport the master ball away.

Jay: "Shit!" 'It means either father failed and on the run or he could not do anything about this'

Admin: "Ahahaha, since you started this battle lets enoy ourselves"

Jay: "Jolteon remember the training we did for Golems... Use Quick attack!"

Jolteon covered her body with a white cloak energy before sprinting in fast speed around Golem, since Jolteon's speed in the main selling point after it's destructive thunder Jay opted to use speed against a slow opponent.

Jay: "Now thunderbolt!"

While running Jolteon began slamming thunder around the place creating small craters but the admin did not take notice of this.

Admin: "Ahahaha does your Jolteon even know how to aim? Golem use Gyro ball!"

Golem began spinning towards Jolteon who stood firmly waiting for golem to come

Jay: "Jolteon use Iron Tail!"

Just a moment after Golem stumble for a moment jolteon slammed her iron hardened tail at the bottom corner launching Golem into the air, her mouth was glowing white as energy began to gather.

Jay: "Hyper Beam!"

The moment the order came Jolteon opened her mouth and released a earth shattering beam at Golem launching him even further into the skies believing the moment it lands will be either it's death or it will be crippled, the Admin who saw this bit his lips in frustration but chose to escape because his job here was complete. Jay could not stop him from escaping but he knew sooner of later he will meet with Team Rocket and then he will be able to put an end to this little fiasco.

After recalling everyone to their pokeballs Jay climbed on his bike and hit the road towards Lavender Town, the place was unusually gloomy with citizen looking at Jay with disdain which actually surprised him because he wasn't sure exactly what he had done to deserve such rude attitudes towards him, when he walks towards someone to ask them what is going on they would speed up and walk faster away from him as if he was some sort of plague.

Jay: "Just what the hell is going on here?"

Old Man: "Slaves to their suspicions, that's what they've become"

Jay: "Do you mean something happened and they will suspect every single person for it regardless of who they are? Mind me asking you what you are doing?"

Jay looked at the old man standing in front a grave that was recently dugged lowering his head for a moment.

Old Man: "Ho Ho, Just paying my respects. Paying my Respects"

Jay walk over to see that this grave was a pokemon grave, he put his hands together and gave a moment of silence to pay respect to the pokemon that went to the after life and that the next life it is granted it will be peaceful.

Old Man: "He time has come at last. He lived to a ripe old age.... My dearest Pokemon"

Jay: "So it was your partner huh?"

Old Man: "Come have something warm to drink at my house, I can see you are truly a person who loves pokemon"

Jay walk next to the old man throughout the town, it truly was disturbing how the people were giving him the stinky eye. Just what happened in this town to make the people like this. Finally they came to the old man's house and went inside, the old man went to the kitchen to switch on the kettle while Jay took his seat where the old man gesture for him to sit.

Old Man: "For many years now this Place has been said to be the gathering place for the Souls of pokemons"

The old man was busy pouring coffee into Jay's cup, once the cup is filled he place the kettle down and look outside the window where the Pokemon tower was located at with a lonely gaze.

Old Man: "To Honor these souls and give them a place to rest at, the towns people erected that Giant Pokemon Tower"

Jay: "That big tower over there?"

Old Man: "Indeed"

Jay took a sip of his coffee and love the taste of it, seems this old man truly is a expert in making coffee.

Jay: "If that is the Cemetry, then why did you bury your pokemon outside it instead?"

Old Man: "Because no one dares venture near that Tower! We'd never risk it... 'They' appear"

Jay: "They?"

Old Man: "Ghosts.."

Jay: "Well it's only natural that Ghost appear in the place of the dead because the amount of ghost energy is stronger in dark places especially dark places with graves around"

Old Man: "No no Young man, not the Ghost like Ghastlies.... The ghost I am referring to is the ghost of the pokemons who died... Such a thing should not happen"

Jay: "Hmm... Could that be the reason...."

Old: "Yes you saw the fear in the eyes of those town people despite their disdain looks, they have far greater fear... They have become so terrified of the Ghosts that they've forgotten how to trust one another! They won't even make contact with strangers!"

Jay: "This is a problem... Huh? Is that your DuoDuo?"

Old Man: "It was, if only I could let my pokemon rest in a proper place, and not a weed grown alley"

Jay: "Huh isn't this Gary?"

Old Man: "You know that lad?"

Jay: "Well we did come from the same town after all"

Old Man: "He Passed through this town just before I lost my DuoDuo, when I told him of the pokemon Ghosts he laughed it off and ran off into the tower to prove us all are fools. That was two weeks ago"

Jay: "Thanks for the information old man, I will sort this out for you"

Old Man: "Hold up young man you are not thinking of going in there are you?"

Jay: "I have to... He may be arrogant prick and I scared him once during childhood, he is still a childhood friend and I owe his grandfather a lot.... Thanks for the Coffee, as repayment for the drink I will clear up the tower for you"

Jay wave at the old man one last time before running off to the Pokemon Tower.




Meanwhile in the PokeWorld, where the pokemons were currently taking a day off.

Mew: "Mama!"

Espeon: "I am not your mama!"

Mew: "Uwaaaa Mama hates mew!!"

Espeon: "nononono I like mew very much!"

Mew: "Then are you my mama?"

Espeon: "....."

Gallade: "Better give it up Espeon, you won't be able to change it's mind"

Mew looks at Gallade with stars in it's eyes

Mew: "Papa?"

Cracking sounds could be heard from Gallade as if his body turned to stone and broken to dust, as he collapse on the ground with tears in his eyes.

Gallade: "IM NOT YOUR PAPA!"

Espeon: "WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

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