Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 10 - Cerulean Cave - Discovery!

The next morning Jay woke up this time he did not immediately went to train but instead got himself washed , this time since he will be inside the cave for a few days he got himself dressed with Black boots fitted for mountain traveling, blue jeans, black shirt and blue thick jacket since it was said that the deepest part of the cave was incredibly cold. According to the books in the library Cerulean Cave is a large underground complex of maze-like tunnels which extend out from Cerulean City to the mountains beyond.

With the dark entrance positioned on the outskirts of Cerulean City, only accessible by surfing down Route 24 to the entrance near the northern border of Cerulean City, the cave has been renowned for its mystery. The entrance to the cave looks like it has been carved out from a hillside, forming an indented entrance into the hill.

It was luck that the Pokemon League has not yet forbidden anyone from entering the place as there were several unique pokemons inside there that is suppose to be only on other regions which is why Jay is definitely going to head there to catch some pokemons and train, after thanking Nurse joy for the room she loaned him to sleep in Jay took out his Motorcycle around the corner where no one was looking and drove off back to Route 24.

When he came to the lake where he should cross over to reach the cave he thought for a bit which pokemon he could use and thought of throwing magikarp and see if he could make it evolve but it shocking that the one that came out was a Red Gyarados instead, His eyes began twitching uncontrollably at this unbelievable situation as he knew the pokeworld had pure energy but was the energy so pure it drove that little fish to evolve so fast?

Jay could only shake his head not bothering to figure out what is going on anymore, he ordered gyarados to take him across the lake so he climbed on the body of Gyarados and rode on it over the lake. When he crossed he recalled gyarados back into its ball and headed inside the cave entrance, what surprised him was the cave was mostly white if it wasn't for the stalagmites all over the place he would have thought it is a hallway inside a secret lab.

Soon he reached a crossroad where he could only choose left and right to start his journey inside the maze so he called out Mawile who looked around the place curiously but happy with the amount of steel energy was lurking around the area. She pointed towards the right passageway so Jay followed her, there were some diglets which Mawile smashed with a ice punch and he managed to catch one before it died from Mawile's rampage. The Dugtrio's who were smarter refused to come out, Seems the passage way they took mostly have Digletts and Dugtrios then the left one would be Geodudes huh? How mysterious that pokemon can divide their territory without much conflict.

The walking took them several hours till Jay could start hearing someone talking, but the strange thing was that the person was not being answered, could it be a mental patient? The closer he got the clearer the voice, soon he could hear the voice.

???: "That damn God I asked him to give me a system that can do everything and he gave me a piece of junk that charges millions of pokedollars for scrap!"

???: "I don't want it! It's simply a robbing item!! When I get the power I will kick that God's ȧss for playing with me"

???: [Ding! Host please be alert, detecting enemy behind you]

???: "What!?"

Jay Looked at the man who was dressed as a Ninja, but just one look was enough to know this man bought cheap cloth to make himself look like a ninja. The man looking at Jay felt that his face was familiar but could not remember where he saw it before (He is thinking of Vali), he took out his cheap iron Kunai taking a strange stance as he looks at Jay carefully to see if he will be attacking or not.

Jay: "Are you trying to keep the cave for yourself or something?"

???: "Huh? Your not a enemy?"

Jay: "Nope I don't see the point to = = ="

But he immediately pulled out a katana type noble phantasm from his Babylon Gate and blocked the strike of the ninja from his back, using brute force he pushes the ninja away from him as the two looked at each other.

Jay: "You... Are your resolved?"

???: "Hah? What you talking about? Your way low level compared to me"

???: [DING! Warning Warning! Host please run, this man is too strong for you to handle]

???: "Shut up you piece of junk! You said the same thing last time but I managed to kill the guy in one hit"

Jay looked at the man one more time before putting away his sword, seeing this the ninja began laughing like a maniac.

???: "See!? He is scared he=== Gugh!!"

Before he could finish want he saild Jay's right white gauntlet was already punched into his gut making his spit out blood, when the ninja saw the gauntlet he point his hand at Jay.

???: "You---- You, You're Vali Lucfier"

Jay: "I told you if you did not attack me I would not necessary kill you.. Because after all.... I am... a Hero Respresentative"

When the Ninja was about to use his energy to do something a sound resounded the entire cave from Jay's gauntlet, [Divide Divide Divide] Until the energy was so minimal he could not perform anything even his stamina was depleted to the point he collapse into the ground.

Jay: "You should have listened to that System because that system scans the power inside the person not the ability to control that power of a person... Maa... I will send you off so you can yell at the God who screwed you over like mine did with me"

???: "Screwed with you!? You have the gate of Babylon, the handsome look of Vali and plus the two heavenly dragon Sacred Gears!? Who the hell screwed you!?"

Jay: "He made me shorter for some reason... That is enough to screw with me"

Jay simply stomped his foot crushing the ninja's skull after receiving several [Boosts!] during the conversation. Seeing the first representative has been killed a small ċhėst appears in front of him, when he opened it there were eight more pokemon eggs which he simply placed in a pokeball and sent off to the pokeworld. He is not sure what pokemons they were but they were sent by the God.

With this he has Seventeen eggs inside the world but from the looks of it four of the eggs are about to hatch but what he found strange was until the pokemons were atleast one year old he could not bring them out, the other eggs he gets normally are fine but these ones were truly mysterious. The other thing that was inside the ċhėst was a small gem and a note on it.

[Yo Jay!

I am sure you noticed I made you shorter than usual huh? It's PUNISHMENT! But don't worry it will turn to normal when you turn 11 years old. Anyway from the eggs you have received so far as you might have guess but these are Legendary Pokemon Eggs I have rescued from another Pokemon world the competition took place at, that world got destroyed when the gods got too involved in it so the creation god placed a massive restriction on the involvement of gods.

But luckily because of my heroic acts I am allowed to send you some eggs to look after since the Creation god created your pokeworld into a real world where you can then restart a world filled with only pokemons as compensation for those who died along with the old world.

So good luck handling that matter for us, as payment for handling the matters of that world I have sent you a meteorite that will automatically create Z Stones for you! You will have to find the watch socket for it though, also just a FYI that meteorite you found in the bottom of Mt Moon was a Mega Stone generating meteorite. So with the energy of your pokeworld it will probably produce a stone a month which is faster than the normal pokemon world...

Even with all these benefits you can't enter the world! Creation God does not want another world to get endangered by my fellow competitors!

Yours Truly,

Jay: "What a nice thing to do, dump me with the task of restarting a pokemon world from scratch but I can't even enter it but have to look after it!? This damn gods are lazy"

Jay took hold of the small meteorite and it entered his body into the pokeworld and the ċhėst dispersed like smoke, with nothing else to do Jay and Mawile continued walking down the path. Nothing changed from what he had to do, catch pokemons, survive the hunger games and reach the apex. So with that goal sorted Jay went down the road together with Mawile until they came across the 'Lord' of the Cave. It was a steelix, the rumored monster that threatened the league to close off the cave in order to keep rookie trainers alive was this guy right here.

(Steelix is a long, serpentine Pokémon with a silvery-gray body made up of rock-like sections, which can possess chips and scrapes from fights and tunneling. Three of those sections have long rock spikes coming out of them on either side. It has a massive head mainly made up of its large, wide jaw with sets of large square teeth inside. Along it bottom jaw are ridges there are two pairs of ridges. Several small, square lumps cover the underside of its lower jaw. Its eye sockets are slightly deep set, and the eyes themselves are red. Its head has two long ridges going from the eyes up to the top of its head. The tip of its tail is conical with a blunt tip.)

Jay: "Lets do this go Mawile"


Mawile stood in front of Jay looking into the eyes of the steelix who has been glaring at them for a while now, if it wasn't for the large open cave around them Jay would have made a run for it because the power of these two pokemon could collapse the cave if it was narrow. With a wide area he could battle carefree almost.

Steelix: "Roar!!!"

a Faint energy covered it's body [Harden] before it came lunging it's whole body at Mawile [Tackle].

Jay: "Mawile jump and latch onto the stalagmite above you to dodge the attack, then follow up with a fire punch on it's head!"

Even a Lord Tier was brought down quite easily because it underestimated it's opponent and Jay utilized it's big body weakness as his advantage. If it was a trained Steelix the first thing it would do was shake fiercely or dig into the ground. Since the Steelix was beaten Jay threw his pokeball and caught his fourth pokemon he could use in his next gym battle.

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