The next morning the first thing Jay did was do use morning Exercising since his pokemon train early in the morning as well to keep up the habit along with him, today he was doing one hand pushups with his body up like a pen in the air. If it was in his previous Life he probably would not have been able to achieve such kind of strength doing stuff like this but he felt full of vigor after a few hours of training. There were people looking at his training talking amongst themselves since scenes like this are rare at the training grounds of the pokemon centre, so Jay completed his training faster to go back to his room for a wash and get dressed.

Since he next Gym is a water type...

Jay: "Sigh... Misty who is suppose to be the real gym leader left the gym in the hand of someone who can't do the job"

Yes, it may be arrogant to say this but Jay could not get fired up for this battle so he went towards the gym with the mindset of just smashing it and get done. What entered his view was a large window styled building where you can look through and see a lot of water arena within which was quite different from what he know of the story. This kind of change made him hope for the best and entered the Building.

Girl: "Good Morning Sir, are you perhaps a challenger?"

Jay: "Ah Yes I am"

Girl: "I see, you came just in time. Thanks to a previous challenger the Gym Leader's confidence is back up"

Jay: 'This..... Will this be alright?'

When they entered the room where the main arena was the person who stood at the Gym Leader position was none other than Misty, Brock was still sitting at the audience seats and Ash is no where to be seen. Probably wasting time as usual.

Misty: "Ar-Are yo-u a-a-a-a new Cha-llenger!?"

Misty's face was blood red when she looked at Jay's face, but Jay did not feel any specific attraction towards her. He nodded at her question, realizing she stumbled her words and embarrassed herself on the first meeting she felt downhearted but because Ash already somehow crept in her heart the pain was not that much so she swiftly got her resolve and prepared for battle.

Girl: "This is a official Gym battle for Jay Silver of Pallet town! Both the Gym Leader and Challenger is allowed to use two pokemons with only the challenger being allowed to substitute, The battle will be over when the first one has no more pokemons... Please present your pokemons!"

Misty: 'Maybe if I summon one of my strong pokemons he might take notice of me' "Go Starmie!"

Jay: '... Is.... This seriously alright?' "Come out Gallade"


Gallade was quite pumped up but when it looked at Starmie it's burning heart extinguished and gave Jay a questioning look only to see Jay sigh heavily and shake his head. Even he was troubled by this lucky go round groupie that relied on luck to survive in this world which was beyond his understanding. Just from the sheer presence of Gallade was enough to cause Starmie's Gem to flicker from fear. Misty seeing this realized why the boy was shaking his head at his pokemon, what she did not know was the kind of training and the existence of his Pokeworld helped him speed up his training with his pokemon to the level of being able to contend against Gym leader's original Pokemons and someone like misty who did not even train her pokemons properly was simply just asking for a beating to begin with.

Jay: 'Well nothing I can do about this, maybe with this I will crush her and then motivate her to train her pokemon seriously, just cute and not facing her original pokemon which she refuses to use is simply unacceptable.'

Girl: "Both pokemons are present let the match begin!"

Misty: "Starmie use Psych---"

Jay: "Gallade Shadow sneak"

Gallade disappeared into it's shadow and emerging from starmie's shadow.

Jay: "Leaf blade"

After coating the blade extended from the elbows with grass energy it slashes down starmie with just enough force to knock it down,

Girl: "Starmie is unable to battle, Gallade Wins!"

Misty: "Starmie return! Take a good rest, I will have you healed up in a jiffy"

Jay: "I don't want to sound condescending towards you, but you rely too much on luck to go through your journey. If this is all you can offer as a Gym Leader then it's best this gym to simply close down"

Misty: "What do you know!? You only beaten one of my pokemon! Come out Gyarados!"

Jay: 'Just that was enough to push her? Lets see how she handles this'

(Gyarados is a serpentine Pokémon with a long body covered in slightly overlapping scales. It is mostly blue with a yellow underbelly and a row of yellow spots down each side. Its mouth is very large and gaping, bearing four pointed teeth and yellow lips. It has one barbell and a small white fin on each side of its face. The barbells are white on a female and tan on a male. It has small, red eyes, a three-pointed, dark blue crest on its head, and four white, spiky dorsal fins. Gyarados's tail fin is similar in structure to the crest on its head, except with a thin, white fin spread between the points. )

Misty was trembling looking at the large Gyarados who is looking at her but the eyes were truly sad, even Jay could feel that pokemon wanted to bond with her. The only way to test it is to be a villain.

Jay: "If your too scared to use the Gyarados then you can trade it with me... The way you are will simply waste the potential Gyarados has.... If you tell me you can't see what those kind of eyes means then you fail not only as a Guild Leader but as a Pokemon Trainer as well"

This statement struck her like a bolt making her look once again at Gyarados this time more properly, she was still shaking as she stretch out her hand seeing this Gyarados did not move fast but instead slowly although it was so happy inside it wanted to curl around Misty to show how happy it is for her to accept him (AN: Assuming her pokemon is male) When misty felt the scale of gyarados she unknowingly calmed down and stopped shaking, seeing this Jay felt he would finally be able to give a battle for Mawile.

Jay: "Gallade return"

Misty: "Why you recalling your pokemon?"

Jay: "You found your resolve so I intend to take you on seriously this time... Show me the resolve you shown to Gyarados to me"

Misty: "Lets go Gyarados!"


The sound of Gyarados showing it's fighting spirit truly excited Jay as he called out his partner.

Jay: "Time to get serious from the start Mawile!"


Mawile roared back at the gyarados which made it quite surprised that this little fellow had such intimidating aura like he does. The snake even sneaked a glance as Gyarados over her shoulder, Seeing this unfamiliar pokemon Misty was perplexed because this is the second pokemon and she also does not know about it either.

Jay: "No need to stress about it, both the pokemons I used are not natives of Kanto. They can be found but extremely rare like seeing a Mew"

Misty :"I see, Gyarados Use Hydro Pump!"

Jay: "Mawile use fairy wind to boot you towards Gyaradons while dodging the hydropump"

Gyarados launched a large blast water towards Mawile meanwhile mawile used her fairy power to summon a whirlwind that launched her into the air bȧrėly missing the high pressure water attack from gyarados.

Jay: "Now Thunder Punch!"

Misty: "Gyarados go under water!"

Jay: "Continue the strike, launch a full power Thunder punch!"

Suddenly the enormous energy gathered in Mawile's fist starting to generate a vast amount of electricity as she was dropping mid air, the electricity that was being generating from the constant energy Mawile was feeding it began to gave it the shape of a large Dragon that was opening his mouth and the moment the Strike was about to hit Misty already recalled her Gyarados for the fear her partner would be killed in a official match and she was wise to follow through that feeling of hers, Luck really are helping the One super dumb, one lazy and one Housewife man in their journey.

A Large explosion occurred within the arena leaving the pool without water but a vast amount of electricity that changed the territory into that of a electric field. Seeing this even Jay was slightly shocked but soon though it was understandable because Mawile was wobbly but still kept her footing., when mawile saw the lizard was nowhere to be seen she fainted from overuse of her powers So Jay recalled her.

Girl: "Gyarados and Mawile is unable to battle the Challenger wins the match!"

Misty: "Thanks for your lessons"

Misty came over to shake hands with Jay which he agreed to and shook hands with her,.

Jay: "Hope you will start training seriously instead of relying on luck to save your life all the time"

Misty only laughed knowing she will be leaving the gym today to continue her journey with ash and Brock tomorrow so she hand over the Badge to Jay allowing him to take his leave immediately. When Jay was already gone Ash finally came back.

Ash: "Whoa!!!! Who did this?"

Misty: "a Boy called Jay from the same town and you"

Ash: "Jay did this!? I have to train harder then!"

Indirectly our MC gave Ash a decent wake up call that pokemon master will just be a dream if he can't pull off such an attack.


Meanwhile the MC was heading towards Route 24-25 Jay was currently walking while capturing Pokemons in the route alongside Mawile until he came across a strange Ratata that had the face of a human. It was curringly pulling a branch as thick as it's height on the ground heading up ahead, but he suddenly stopped for a breather.

Jay: "This is strange... Some sort of new pokemon?"

H-Ratata: "Who would've thought it is hard to light a fire"

Jay: "Oh a talking Ratata, so that Meowth is not the only one!"

H-Ratata: "Huh? Oh Thank Goodness a Human! And was starting to think no one is coming! But your here! So help me out!"

Jay: "....." 'No matter how you look at it, it seriously looks weird'

Bill: "What's the matter? I might look like a mutated Ratata but I am a expert on Pokemons! The Name is Bill and this is my sea cott=="

a Fearow sweeps down real fast and snatches Bill like a hawk does with fishes and flew off. It was quite a shocking event but Jay swiftly regained his composure, he look at mawile nodding. Mawile swiftly gathered an enormous amount of Dark energy within her body before releasing it in a form of an arrow instead of a pulse, sensing this amount of energy scared the fearow to cause it to flinch for a moment which was all Jay required as the arrow pierced the wing of fearow.

With the wing pierced Jay ran alongside Mawile, Mawile caught Bill while Jay caught Fearow with a pokeball. Jay, Bill and Mawile Returned to the Sea Cottage and placed Bill inside a Machine that looks like a massive enclosed incubator and there is two of them as well. Once Inside Jay activated the machine once again and what came out this time was a Easy Going Guy rubbing the back of his head while laughing.

Bill: "Woo! What a Day, I Couldn't have done it without your help"

Jay: "So what is this machine?"

Bill: "Pokemon Transporter"

Jay: "Looks more to me like a Pokemon Combiner"

Bill: "BWahahaha Well today was kind of a slip up accident so yeah, this transporter can transport a Pokemon or whatever you want to transport to wherever you want it to"

Jay: 'Maybe I can send that Mime I just caught in the road and send it off to mom? Nah I will send it when I get back to Cerulean City. I still need to enter the Ceurlean Cave to get a Steelix'

Bill: "I still have a couple of Bugs to Fix though, like for example if you put a Ratata in the one tube and a human in the other something else occurs.... Oh speaking of pokemon, I have a Eevee I can't take care off could you take care of it for me?"

Jay: "Well sure, I have a lot of eevee evolutions on my team so having one more is more of a blessing than anything else for me"

Bill: "Hehe take good care of her, she is in dire need of a friend she can walk with."

After taking the pokeball from Bill a connection could be felt with this peculiar Eevee, the feeling of wanting a friend was truly deep within it's heart and when the eevee sensed Jay within the pokeball it came out on it's own and jumped onto his ċhėst.


Jay: "Whoa there little girl"

Jay chuckled at this lovable little pokemon gently rubbing her fur while thanking Bill, before he left he helped Bill install some safety devices in the transporter to prevent this kind of accident from happening again, realizing that Jay has excellent engineer and programming skills Bill exchanged Contact details with Jay. Jay could only smile wryly because everything he knows are stuff he stole from Team Rocket and his previous Life. So with everything done Jay waved goodbye and went back to Cerulean City.


It was night time and places are about to Close, Jay was currenting in front of the telephone with two people instead of one on the screen. It was his mother and Professor Oak!

Mom: "You finally called young man! You promised me you will call me daily!"

Jay: "Aiaya I'm really sorry mom, I was a tad bit too excited with my journey I..... Forgot"

Jay hung his head down keep apologizing to his mom until she felt satisfied, she began asking him about his journey so far and then .

Jay: "Mom I am transferring a Pokemon to you, I trained it a bit and should help you and your pokemon in housekeeping"

Mom: "Oh my! Thank you very much I love this gift! Ohohoho I got a gift from my Boy"

Seeing his mother went off into her own world Professor Oak talked.

Oak: "Jay, I noticed you registered some strange evolution forms of Eevee on the Pokedex which I have no information off"

Jay: "Ah yes, the first two Espeon and Umbreon are natural evolution of Eevees that requires for it to evolve in Daylight for Espeon and Night Time for Umbreon, the information should be with the Johto Research team. As for Glaceon needs to evolve around a peculiar Ice stone and Leafeon around a Moss stone unfortunately I got these two from Flint the Rock Gym Leader in Pewter City, you will be able to get more information from the Sinnoh region!"

Oak: "I guess it is time for me to reconnect with more of my friends huh?"

Jay: "Why not create a database for all researchers to use where they can share information with one another, this way when new pokemon are spotted someone else might know of it"

Oak: "Good plan, I will contact the League to handle that part"

Seeing that Jay's Mom came back from her world Professor Oak said goodbye while Jay spoke to his mother for a while longer and finally went off to a bed in the Pokemon Centre once it was done

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