Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 8 - The Mysteries of Mt Moon Cave

Upon venturing deep within the cave Jay managed to capture some pokemons he did not have and sent them to the PokeWorld, With the capture requirements done in this area Jay decided to venture deeper inside the cave while Mawile was battling against a few ground and rock type pokemons while being restricted. Unlike his other pokemons Mawile truly was a genius and her progress in training was simply astounding that Jay feared that leaving her in the PokeWorld would cause adverse effect on her who is currently undergoing such rapid growth.

Since it was the first level of the cave it will only make sense that the weaker pokemones would be here so before going down the second level Jay summoned out his Sacred Gears and then finally head down together with Mawile, when they came across the second level the area was eerie quiet, way too quiet. They threaed quietly while trying to sense any sort of life inside the cave but nothing was picked up, instead a shivering cold permeate in the surroundings as if they were walking through a graveyard. The first thing Jay grabbed was one of the many Master Balls he had in his inventory, he felt whatever is living here is already incredibly strong and he could not risk the safety of his and Mawile just yet.

The deeper they venture through the dark cave the darker it became, there was a occasional laughter within the dark which indicated what Jay though was true. This area was under the control of Ghastlies and from this amount of ghost energy it won't be strange for a Gengar to be in the vicinity and it is the pokemon he wanted to complete his trio team for the rest of the journey. So after a few provokes the Ghastly started coming out one by one, Mawile started forming shadow balls to attack the ghastlies while Jay sprinted towards them. Probably because of instinct or experience they thought Jay had no means to attack them since normal humans can't hit ghots but they never counted on Jay who daily cultivates Dragon Aura ontop of his Psychic energy and magic had many means just to do that.

The first ghost who came in front of Jay did not have a moment of time to even blink with a aura covered gauntlet fist smashed into it's face sending it crashing into the wall, under the momentum Jay entered close combat with a few more ghastlies before they began running away realizing they are not worthy of being an opponent of Jay, they are after all nothing more than Apprentice rank pokemons. As for Mawile Jay realized that the combat caused her body to digest the dragon aura he kept feeding her for a long time and visible changes became apparently. Around her hands black scales grew out as if she was wearing gauntlets with her fingers bȧrė, the large jaw at her back began to morph into that of a black snake breathing out poison. After putting on his Glasses to check her status he realized she is now a triple element Steel / Fairy / Poison, she is probably the only Mawile with such a type which is caused by his aura.

Jay: "So troublesome... Guess I will just say I don't know she touched a weird stone and popped like that... Yep it will work since there is a lot of mysteries in this world anyway"

After reasoning out with himself on a way to deal with his current predicament if Mawile's change were made known but this world really was convenient. So after the wave of Ghastly were beaten and send packing home Jay and Mawile continued venturing until she came across a open hall with nothing but a ċhėst in the middle, this sort of cliche set up made Jay involuntarily laugh at this because it reminded him of something everyone was well known of. The mimic treasure ċhėst but he bet something else was hiding in there.

Jay: "Mawile, could you launch a extra large shadow ball at that ċhėst for me?"

Mawile tilted her head for a moment wondering just why is her master asking her to attack a treasure ċhėst but she agreed nonetheless, thanks to her hard working attitude and natural talent the task of creating a large Shadow Ball was far easier than creating those compressed shadow balls so she relaxed threw the ball towards the ċhėst but before the ball touched the ċhėst a shadow escaped fom the ċhėst to a distance followed by a massive explosion. Mawile already set up trick Room around her and Jay so she will be able to sense when something enters her field but nothing came.

Once the Dust dispersed a gengar was standing looking at Jay as if he was a monster who destroyed his prank, but seeing Jay laughing at him as if he succeeded in his prank Gengar felt he met a companion who shares the same kind of entertainment like him so it let his guard down and came closer towards Jay. Of course Jay knew the way to start a conversation with Gengars would be a prank but not all of them are like that though but Jay wanted on he could use to become the mood maker of the group, In a successful group there is always the one who is the 'naughty' one and Gengar fit the bill to a T.

Jay stepped forward out of the trick room holding out his hand towards Gengar, Gengar was a bit confused at this action because the human left himself wide open for an attack and instead wants to shake hands? Well since it is a ghost it could just phase through and escape if it gets dangerous so it stretch out its palm, what it did not notice was that Mawile was holding a pokeball in Gengar's blind spot and Jay already coordinating with Mawile to catch this little trouble maker so when Jay felt Gengars hand he grip it tightly and with a swift movement while Mawile threw the master ball jay threw gengar towards the master ball and caught him with a trick.

Jay then called out gengar who looked at him with wide eyes before starting to laugh uncontrollably, the one who always loved to trick others got tricked by a human no less. Gengar felt just maybe with this new master of his he could learn more about the profoundness of tricks and pranks so he could educate his future kids as well. If Jay were to know of this he would break a cold sweat at this Hooligan who is more of a master than he is at tricking people. Jay gave Gengar a set of training to complete in the pokeworld, and he said if Gengar can show atleast up to the level of advanced control he will send gengar out to haunt and trick an entire building of humans. Of course those Humans will be team rocket!

With Gengar caught the rest of the Ghost pokemons refused to come out so Jay and Mawile went down the next level but here it was a large lake as far as the eyes could see, the strange thing was there was no living pokemon in this lake but this lake was glowing with a faint light even Mawile was attracted. So Jay took off his clothes and put on his black swimming trunks and jumped in the lake together with Mawile, the nice thing about the gravity bracelet was when it submerged under water instead of making you heavier it makes you having difficulties to swim instead, more like increasing the water pressure instead. Of course to a survivability level and increase little by little as the body adapt.

When the two of the reached the bottom of the lake Jay spotted a gigantic meteorite which started resonating with his pokeworld, Of course he did not know what it was just yet but decided to touch it and when he touched did the meteorite turn into particles and entered his body into the pokeworld. Even Mawile began tugging his shirt to ask him to send her to the world which bewildered him but he chose to believe in her and recalled her into the pokeball which teleported her to the pokeworld. Seeing there is nothing else within the lake Jay turned to swim out but he saw a ċhėst hidden within boulders, so he went over and only by using his dragon aura he could move the boulders away from the ċhėst with great difficulty. He did not immediately opened it but pulled the ċhėst up to the shore because it did not want to enter the Babylon which could only mean one thing.

Upon climbing out of the lake onto the shore while dragging the ċhėst along, Jay fell on the ground for a minute to catch his breathe. Even if he was using a spell but the subconscious mind made him feel like he was drowning 'mentally', after a good rest Jay opened the ċhėst and found Five eggs and another letter inside the ċhėst.

Jay: "Seems these pokemons are important? Well the only thing I can do is send them to the PokeWorld where they will have the right temperature and energy to hatch and grow since the world there should be filled with fast regenerating food"

Jay placed the five eggs into his pokeworld after capturing them each with a pokeball. Seems his rewards for exploring the Cave brought a lot more profit than he bargained for, while exuding his dragon aura he went the same route back to the top level where he was before coming down and went the other side to start his journey towards Cerulean City!


Upon Exit Jay saw several Pokemon Trainers along the route and decided that if some challenge him then he will battle them for free, instead he is looking to rob some team rocket goons. As he walked on the mountain way he came across a man who was dressed as a fisher who enjoys to fish at the damns walking towards him.

Fisher Man: "Young Man are you interested in a Pokemon battle?"

Jay: "Sure, one on one?"

Fisher: "Yes, Go Geodude!"


The same kind of geodude Jay and his pokemon once gone on a pummelling training appeared in front of him again, this time he took out a pokeball and called out.

Jay: "Come Mawile, your first Pokemon Battle"

Fisher: "What a peculiar pokemon, I never saw this kind before"

Jay: "She is not native of Kanto Region so they are really really rare around here. You Ready?"

Fisher: "Ah yes! Geodude Rollout!"

Geodude began to spin preparing to start rolling towards Mawile

Jay: "Mawile, launch a shadow ball in front of you and prepare Iron Head in the mean time"

Mawile charged several small shadow balls blasting the ground in front of her uneven, the snake behind her head began giving off a silver tint showing that Iron head activated so when Geodude came stumbling along the way she swing her head forward slamming the snake ontop of the poor little earth ball planting him into the ground.

Fisher: "Geodude!!!!!"

Of course Mawile held back considerably because Jay increased her gravity to prevent her attacks from being too deadly, so Jay went over and gave the Man a Full Restore for his pokemon before bidding farewell. The fisher man did want to stop him but Jay kept walking because Jay realized something quite simple, if the person is too predictable then using one hit knock out moves to deal with them is quite effective but such style will never work. So it took him a few hours to finally reach Cerulean City but it was already night, with almost all of the hotels already closed Jay had no choice by to head off to the Pokemon Centre, of course he already recalled mawile back into the pokeworld so he won't pick up any attention just yet.

Upon entering the Pokemon centre which was as bright as it is in the day, Nurse Joy smiled just like all the other Joys so Jay gave her the pokedex to prove he is a trainer and got a room to sleep in. Tomorrow will be his second gym battle using who he wondered as he remembered those girls were thoroughly destroyed by Gary and lost their confidence.... How troublesome

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