Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 7 - Training Camp Part 2

Jay: "1001.... 1002... 1003... 1004..."

While Jay was swinging his sword he felt a gaze upon his back, not a hostile one but more of a curious yet battle intent. He did not respond to this gaze and kept his focus on swinging till the pokemon that was watching him come out, yes from experience in the few years in this world Jay could tell whether it is a human or pokemon gazing at him if he focuses. Unable to endure the excitement to challenge this human the pokemon came out of the bushes but what came out naturally shocked Jay because it was a Male Kirlia, it took a stance in front of Jay pointing at Jay then at himself and then bump his fist against one another.

This pokemon was quite smart one too, from this you could see it challenged humans before and probably never lost once as well, Jay looked for a moment at the pokemon without saying a word at it before turning his blade facing the pokemon. From behind his back a fierce battle intent leaked from his body that could make his opponents having the illusion they are up against dangerous monster, but Jay was surprised that despite the pressure the Pokemon stood firm and took a stance. Without need someone to start Kirlia teleported behind Jay, since he was calm to begin with he attained a state similar to that of Ryusu Seikuken and dodged the attack from behind by a hairbreadth and countered with a spinning slice seeing the pokemon managed to dodge his first strike of his wooden practice sword he took his stance once again.

But he stopped, he could sense the energy this pokemon control is already at it's peak but because of it's gender it's evolution path requires a stone which he had, pushing his hand into the Babylon gate he pulled out a dawn stone and threw it towards Kirlia who caught the stone out of instinct and the stones natural attraction and began evolving. It grew larger until it stopped and the light dispersed revealing a Shiny Gallade. Gallade was shock beyond belief at this sudden turn of events as he never imagined the day he challenged the human in front of him the human would help him evolve which was his long cherished wish.

(*Shiny* Gallade is a white, bipedal Pokémon. Its lower body consists of rounded hɨps with strong legs. It has a thin Blue torso with sharp, orange horns sticking out of its ċhėst and back. Its arms are shaped like tonfas with extendable blades in its elbows. It will use its arms like swords in order to protect someone. Its head resembles a gladiator's helmet with a white face and a silver head crest. It has spikes on the sides of its face. It is a master of courtesy and swordsmanship that is capable of predicting its foe's moves. )

Jay stood with his sword pointed Galade and looked at the pokemon in front of him with interest yet testing eyes, Gallade who saw those eyes took his stance before kicking off in a sprint slashing down his right arm while extending the blade outwards. Jay stood silent waiting for it's approach and struck the incoming attack with the hilt up in the air but the blade was in front of his torso, with nothing but brute force he pushes Gallades Blade arm up into the air making it skip it's steps backwards because it wasn't used to it's body yet but before it could recover Jay already had his blade pointed Gallade's neck.

It was Gallade's first defeat in a honorable duel, other times the trainers would give up catching him or some would try to gang up on him but this is the first time without using pokemons just his pure psychical body this human he fought and defeated him with pure swordsmanship earned Gallade's respect. With a kneeling gesture of Gallader in front of Jay made Jay smile brightly that he managed to gain quite the strong pokemon so he took out his ball pressed the buŧŧon against Gallade's head and caught him.

With the training over, Jay and Gallade went back to the house. Of course Jay added those gravity bracelets onto Gallade's body as well, with this Gallade will have a easier time getting used to his body. Jay was quite happy with today's result in training including finding a partner for Mawile who will be two of the Trio of Kanto League. Jay already had an idea for who to choose as the last of the trio but will try to catch it in Cerulean Cave far ahead in the journey.

With the training finally over even gallade was collapse on the floor in the house along with everyone else because it was the first day they were training under the gravity function, so Jay cooked them a bigger meal today filled with some dragon aura within it to help them strengthen their bodies and also expand their energy cores a bit more so tomorrow they can work on compressing the core while training theirn energies.


The next day Jay took out varies exercising machines which work against each type, After moving the house next to the river where they will be training. Of course for the first three hours they did the Jog and Dodge trip for 2 hours under a upgraded gravity and 1 hour muscle training. Afterwards Jay Started with Flareon had to blast fire against a machine that was pumping river water out, of course flareon was standing on a pillar ground surrounded by a pit linked to the river so the water will flow back and tied to Flareon's body was a special rope that will not break as safety measure for if Flareon Loses it's balance. By doing this Flareon will be more forced to expend her fire element more and put pressure on her to somehow deal with her weakness which is water, Luckily this training is not deadly but enough pressure for a Gutsy type as her this kind of training fits her well.

For Vaporeon she was up against a Tazer Machine that activated a sort of Electric terraing, the goal of this training is to have Vaporeon apply the lessons Jay gave her all those years ago that pure crystal clear water without a drop of impurity is not conductive. This training was to force her gain that level somehow while the paralyzing effect will work on her body till she can become a bit more resistant to electric attacks. No pain no gain, his pokemon knew the plans he had for them and they agreed. He also told them that if they could not continue that they should not push themselves too hard. Training should be taken slowly, he is only helping them understand their element and bodies so they can then further train on their own while they are in the pokeworld which had richer energies than here.

Jolteon was placed under a restriction field where his speed is reduced and he is under constant attack of small stones which some were conductive and some were ineffective to strike down, there wasn't a idea on how to counter Earth element other than brute force so Jay made it almost impossible for Jolteon to dodge all the attacks and was forced to use his electricity element to strike down the stones till he can destroy the stones instead of stopping them.

For Leafeon which was a special case, thanks to his little robbery from Team Rocket he got his hands on a special flame that does not die out, so he used earth magic to raise the ground up 2 meters in a arena set up, stack large amount of wood and behind the stack was a strong earth wall and the only opening within the arena was upwards and where Leafeon stood. He lit up the fire and told Leafeon to use whatever means to kill the flame which was a downgraded level of the original inside his Babylon gate, but that leafeon needed to stop the flame with only grass type moves. The goal is for Leafeon to realize a way to create leaves with low flammability with that her leaf attacks won't be burnt down.

Glaceon was simple yet difficult case, same as Leafean he raise a circle arena up 2 meters above the ground with Glaceon in the middle, from what he noticed that most of the moves Galceon execute is good but the solidness of the ice is too brittle at times and sometimes the ice is solid but not cold enough to deal status ailment effects. The complete the magic formation for her training was too complicated but after 5 years of studying since he planned on getting a glaceon he began experimenting with magic formation in his childhood in times he did not train, and today will be the fruit of his hardwork. While being on the formation Glaceon can't easily freeze anything, she has to freeze the ground with nothing but her pure power alone, the function this formation had was to thaw the ice and it thawing effects is equal to that of a marshal grade.

Espeon was the simplest one to handle, there were several rocks all having different weights the first step is to have all the rocks levitating in the air, once she can control it well she as to run around the forest while holding the rocks in the air. She was the only one who could do this kind of exercise because Flareon spewing flames will be a problem, Vaporeon having trouble with electricity will be a problems and leafeon with fire will be a problem. All of them so far could cause problems to the forest if they go running while exercising.

For Gallade He increased his Gravity and placed him under a illusion spell, his mind will feel the pain of the attacks instead of his body. And the opponent is me, if he defeats me then another 2 of me appear and so on. Just as simple as Espeon, After realizing something he simple pushed them all into his pokeworld where they can continue the training he gave him. He noticed he can stuff the machines in to help them train but he himself can't go in the PokeWorld. Umbreon was something not easy to handle, Dark Energy, the best he could so is create a pseudo-trick room which is a fairy type move and also Umbreon's weakness. Inside she need to gather and compress several balls filled with nothing but Dark energies and try to break out of the barrier with her own power.

Jay Decided to keep Mawile at his side for the day as she will be going through Mt Moon together with him. After changing the home back into a capsule and placing it back into the Babylon gate, Jay and Mawile began walk onwards to the Mt Moon Cave. Just near the entrance Jay could smell something was burning within the cave so he went together with Mawile but what he saw next shocked him beyond belief when he saw the dead Rhydon body which was identical to the one he saw at Team Rocket head quarters but at that time it was still a Rhyhorn and very far from evolving because it was already mȧturė so the potential it had was extremely low.

So he went over to have a look, near the back of it's neck a bit of purple fluid was oozing out which was enough evidence to know Team Rocket is already using the Injection that fȯrċɨbŀƴ evolve a pokemon with the price of dying if it does not have enough potential. The only thing Jay could do for this pokemon was to cremate it but he could not do it inside the cave so instead he place it into his inventory. And continued to venture the cave along side Mawile...

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