Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 6 - Camp Training Part One

The next morning Jay woke up with his pokemons sleeping soundly around him, but Glaceon and leafeon were still traumatized because of their previous owner. The scar was quite deep for his skill not to work efficiently on them, so the first thing he did when he woke up he began combing their hair one at a time. Seeing our morning activity Glaceon was the first one to come over to Jay to get her fur combed and when she experienced his careful handling her made her body warm up more.

Leafeon was still a bit reluctant to go but when she saw Jay is not scolding her, not calling her just simply patiently wait for her to approach on her own. It didn't take much longer after that when the other pokemons began to reassure her even Glaceon convinced her to come over and she did not regret it when Jay began to comb her body with a special comb for grass types. With the spoiling Over, Eevee felt a bit down being the only one not being able to evolve but Jay picked her up gave her a peck on the forehead earning him a happy cry from her instantly blowing away her depression.

After considering their next plans Jay recalled them all back into their pokeballs and went out of town, when he was out of sight from other he threw a capsule after clicking the buŧŧon which popped in a smoke bomb and later revealed a mountain motorcycle which he got on. This motorcycle he modified to fit his slightly short stature and it did bother him about it the fact he was shorter it felt like God made him this way on purpose. So after starting his motorcycle he drove off towards the ground road heading towards the forest near Mt Moon, reason for this is he has skipped a few days of personal training and he can't keep relying on his deep dėsɨrės to help him in times when it gets desperate.

After reaching the location, he released all his pokemon to let them play around for a bit while he was clearing a area wide enough before he threw another capsule but this time a house that looked like a igloo painted white but red stripe on the bottom edge. It's small but when you enter the space enlarges revealing a decent house, The first thing Jay did was teach each of them another new method to further improve their control over their energy which he discovered during their battles against the golem and and the geodudes. He also shared some of his dragon aura with them and noticed this aura also helps expanding their energy cores, thanks to this experiment their energy control was at intermediate level but showed no signs of improving after that. Seems the body automatically rejects more energy if the body can't handle it huh.

With the elemental training of the pokemon was left to them, Jay payed extra attention to Glaceon and Leafeon teaching them patiently about their respective energies. Seeing how Jay was teaching them so patiently without any signs of showing anger like their previous master caused their determination to make their current master much happier by training seriously. When Jay saw that the two of them are fine on their own he left all his pokemons inside the house that is locked and strong enough to protect against attacks upto Pseudo-Legendary rank class, He took only the last Remaining Eevee together with him into the forest since it was now currently night time, since eevee dėsɨrės for it he will help it. He went deep into the forest near the mountain where he found a injured mankey, he immediately caught it and sent it off to the pokeworld.


A bit further inside Jay finally spotted a opponent he could use for the current Eevee, it was a level 23 Sandshrew. Thinking for a moment to confirm it's stats then he looked at eevee who was looking at sandshrew with a strong fighting spirit which could be seen from her eyes.

(Its brick-patterned yellow hide is dry, tough, blends in with desert sand, and protects its soft white underbelly and muzzle. Sandshrew has blue, almond-shaped eyes, a pointed snout, and triangular ears with white insides. Its tail is thick and conical. It has two long claws on each foot and three sharp claws on its forepaws, which are used to burrow. )

Jay took a step back indicating Eevee to fight against this pokemon without him giving her commands, nothing is better than a life and death struggle to ȧssist her with the push she needed. She already started forming her Dark Core so it was only a matter of evolving in the right time and it will work. Eevee took her stance sending a glare at the sandshrew to provoke it into a battle, considering the fact this sandshrew was still young and mostly ran away when the bigger pokemons came but now a little dȯġġƴ was challenging it and now it had the chance to bully it.

The sandshrew swiftly used [dig] to burrow in the ground traveling in a fast pace towards Eevee, seeing how the pokemon used dig to charge towards her Eevee jump onto a rock and used it as a step to leap onto a thick three branch that wasn't too high but high enough from the ground and she looked and waited for the sandshrew to come out but then she realized that by doing this the battle will be too easy so she jumped back down and also used [dig] and soon a few explosions could be heard form underground as eevee launched a few shadow balls underground but the sandshrew was just to fast for her. With no other way she [dig] herself out and took a stance on a rock trying to sense where this little bugger was at.

Getting impatient the sandshrew peek it's head out and saw numerous eevees in a circle around it, at first it thought it was the reinforcement but suddenly spotted the subtle movements between each afterimage so it jumped out of the ground and launched a sand attack. Eevee took note of the sandshrew coming out and used [quick attack] to swiftly move to the back of it's head and shot out a point blank shadow ball into its head, the impact was not enough to kill the sandshrew but cracked it's skin behind it's head which enraged it and it began to use [rollout] out of rage spinning after Eevee who was dodging but the last dodge eevee's paw landed on a loose little stone and lost balance.

At this moment the Sandshrew came back and smashed the eevee into the tree, blood dripped from the side of the eevee's mouth a few of her ribs were broken but her eyes were still burning. The feeling of anxiousness she once felt when her sister evolved into a espeon faster than her and she is the only one who was in her base form made her frustrated, but then she remembered Jay who encouraged her with a kiss on her forehead. Eevee slowly began to stand up with her pure will and took a look at Jay who was watching her patiently, she could see the light in his eyes reflecting that he has not given up on her.

Deep within Eevee she felt that he was the only one who's expectation she could not betray, her dėsɨrė for power, her dėsɨrė to have strength to follow her sisters, all her emotions bursted forth like a tidal wave and came out in the sound of her Howls towards the Moon vowing that the last thing she would do is give up! And then it happened. Her body began glowing in a sharp ray of light as her body began growing, unlike Flareon, Vaporeon and Jolteon who used evolution stones to make use of the energy to evolve and unlike Espeon who evolved out of pure happiness when she could win a battle for her master. This newly Umbreon evolved under the desperation of not letting down her one and only master she sworn to live till the end of her days.

(Umbreon has a sleek, black body with four slender legs and crimson eyes. It has two pairs of pointed teeth (one in the upper jaw and one in the lower jaw) which are visible when its mouth is open. It has long, pointed ears and a bushy tail, each with a yellow band around them. Its forehead and legs have yellow rings on them.)

Once the evolution was over Umbreon took her new stance, with her Rank going up her power increased, umbreon used [quick attack] to reach sandshrew fast before it would run away and used a powerful [Dark Pulse] smashing the dark energy she currently had in a wave concentrated solely on the sandshrew knocking it out. With the battle Jay came over to heal Umbreon while praising her to her hearts content, for sandshrew he healed it and send it off to his Pokeworld.


Soon Jay arrived back home seeing his pokemon juggling with several balls of their respective energy, this training method was to start with multiple small balls once the control is good then they start increasing the energy within the balls till they feel they are about to lose control and train, each time their control grows they increase the amount they can handle without it losing it's form and disperse. Since Jay came back the pokemons stopped their training to congratulate Umbreon for evolving, and because it was a happy occasion the eevee squad brought their brushes together and made Jay comb them one by one of course Umbreon who was the MVP today got extra time.


The next day Jay called out his pokemons and attached four mini bracelets around their legs in a way it won't hamper with their movements and immediately activate the gravity function which start putting stress on their bodies, with all of them fully grown there won't be any danger to their growth anymore so he could start training them all together. Mawile had two bracelets on her feet, two around her hands and one around the black jaw on her back so she had a bit more gravity to handle compared to the rest of his pokemons.

So for the first two hours he and his pokemons began to jog within the forest dodging the trees, the reason it is safe is because currently they are running in the low level side of the forest so a simply release of his dragon aura was enough to scare the pokemons away. It was difficult for the first hour for the pokemons to get used to the new weight but soon began to adapt albeit their energy was being expended far faster than they usually do so Jay told them to use their elemental energy to supplement their fatigue.

Mawile was doing push ups normally while moving her jaw up and down, this way she trains her sense of balance, stamina and muscles. Quite a Prodigy pokemon, she will be Jay's main pokemon. He will have to find another two pokemons and then those three will be the main team while the eevee squad will be the joker random card, that way people might know what he has but not sure what will come out like a Jack in a box. After the Muscle training was done he allowed them to go to their respective places to continue their elemental training, and Jay went to a opening near the river where he was practicing his sword stances and swinging his sword.

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