Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 5 - Pewter City Gym

It was 16:00 when Jay reached the entrance of the city, so seeing there is still time before the gym closes Jay decided to first go to the pokemon center to get his pokemons checked up to avoid suspicion of a trainer not visiting the pokemon centre since he can also heal and check up his pokemons but this world does not know magic. When he entered it looked almost identical to the Pokemon Centers in the anime with Nurse Joy standing behind the counter.

With a smile he spoke with Nurse joy that he needed her to check up his pokemon and heal them if needed although he felt that it won't be necessary. Nurse joy happily took his pokemons have a check up but she was shocked at the pokemons constitution which was naturally stronger than those of the same group, she came back handing them back while happily complimented him for looking after his pokemon so attentively.

Well not like he had a choice, these little naughty girls love being spoiled and the two new eevees learnt their manners as well! He must comb them atleast once a day if not they will not let him sleep which was a nightmare. He took back his pokeballs with a smile on his face thanking her for the Compliment before heading out to the gym, upon reaching the gym Jay looked excitedly at the Rock style-building with bronze colored doors. It looks like a real Stone Age building with a large carved out 'Pewter City Gym' followed by a pokeball logo next to it. This will be his First Pokemon Gym Battle!

He pushed open the door and loudly announce

Jay: "My name is Jay and I'm here to challenge this Gym!!"

???: "Oh so we will have one last challenger before the day ends huh? Very well I accept. Defeat me and I will grant you the Boulder badge" He grins looking at my confident face, of course I'm confident I trained for this.

Another trainer of the Gym came to the center of the field

Trainer: "This is an Official Gym battle between Gym leader Flint and the Challenger Jay of Pallet Town. Each are allowed to only use 2 pokemon each and the challenger may switch pokemon. Call out your Pokemon!"

Flint: "Come out Geodude!"

"Geodude" a gray boulder Pokémon appear. It has bulging, rocky eyebrows and trapezoidal, brown eyes. Its arms are muscular with five-fingered hands.

Jay: 'Now which Pokemon should I use.... Considering that a Gym is also a place to train pokemon then to use the gym battle as a training for my pokemon I will then deliberately use a disadvantage type...' "Go Jolteon!"


Jolteon stood proudly looking at the pokemon in front it know it will be the first battle for her master's journey, her battle spirit ignited showing a illusion of a wolf forming behind her like a predator.

Flint: "Hoh, seems you are either underestimating me or your a unique kind of trainer to do this... Another trainer also challenged my son with a electric pokemon are you two friends?"

Jay: "Are you talking about Ash? Well we both are from Pallet Town after all"

Flint: 'Could this boy possibly be a pokedex user as well? But I don't see him using that device' "Well I will start, Geodude gyroball"

Geodude begin spinning as a light blue ring began forming, suddenly it's body began shooting towards Jolteon like a cannon ball.

Jay: 'heh seriously....' "Jolteon use quick attack to dodge it and finish it off with a iron tail from behind!"

Flint: "Geodude DODG---"

Before he even finished to command Jolteon slammed it's Iron tail from behind like a baseball bat while using the speed of geodude's gyroball to catapult it straight into the wall causing it to faint.

Referee: "Geodude is unable to battle, the winner is Jolteon!"

Flint: "Take a good rest"

Flint recalls geodude back into its ball

Flint: "You got me good there but the next time won't be so easy"

Jay: "Heh, I know that's why I had only one shot at using this strategy"

Flint: "Now it's my turn to turn this around, Go Onix!"

Flint: "Onix use Rock Tomb!"

Rocks began to float in the air around it before launching towards Jolteon to imprison it.

Jay: "Jolteon jump on the rocks using quick attack"

Following Jay's command Jolteon began jumping rock to rock towards Onix

Flint: 'Not a bad idea of dodging but...' "Onix use Flash Cannon!"

Jay: "Shit! Jolteon Dodge"

Onix opened it's mouth launching a light beam of energy towards Jolteon, *boom*! A cloud of smoke surrounds Jolteon's body before it could be seen crashing into the ground full of bruises. Jay ran towards her to check if the injuries is serious, after confirming everything is fine he gave her a full restore.

Referee: "Jolteon is unable to battle, Onix is the winner!"

Jay: "You exceeded my expectations my little sparkling, take a good rest as after this we will continue our training to make sure something like this won't happen to you again"

Flint: "Seems you realized what you lack, you truly are remarkable trainer. Not only do you look after them real well it feels like I'm battling only one pokemon, as if you and your pokemon became one."

Jay: "Yeah I will take this lesson and remember it well. Thanks, so lets do this go Eevee!"

Eevee looks up at Onix with a slight anger apparent in its eyes, this eevee is quite attached to my other pokemon because their her first real friends she made.

Flint: "Eevee huh? Very well Onix use dig!"

Onix began digging its way into the ground leaving a hole where it digged.

Jay: "Eevee jump on one of the rocks and use double team on the rest of them"

It was a gamble but for now it's what Jay can do with one of his Eevee, since its her first match He is hoping that with this battle the push will be enough for her to evolve. The ground began to shake but quieted down for a moment before one of the rocks eevee stood on broke apart revealing Onix bursting out.

Jay: "Eevee now se Quick attack to climb up its body"

Eevee's doubles began disappearing revealing a running eevee covered with a faint white energy aura climbing on Onix's body to its head.

Jay: "Now use Iron Tail to slam it down followed by a Shadow Ball!"

Following Jay's command her tail began to harden as she ran, just a small distance away from the head she jumped into the air before performing a front somersault slamming her tail square on it's face. Without waiting for a moment she opened her mouth mid-air launching a shadow ball inside Onix's mouth causing inside injuries instead of outside because Eevee wasn't strong enough to take on it's outer body so could only target the inside then.

Referee: "Onix is unable to battle, the winner of this Gym Battle is the Challenger!"

Flint: "Good work out there my old friend, you take a good rest. That was a excellent battle there using disadvantage types against my pokemon to sharpen them huh? So was my whetstone good enough?"

Jay: "Yes you were truly excellent, no wonder your son was able to become a good Gym Leader after you. I learnt a lot from this battle and as a thank you for this match."

Flint: "Bwahahahaha, well as long as I performed my task as a Gym Leader well enough that's good enough for me. Well here is the boulder Badge, hope to see how you will perform your battle in the Indigo league!"

Jay's smile was wide when he was looking at the badge for a while, once he confirmed he really won he placed the Badge into it's Badge case but before he could make another move Eevee was enveloped in light. Her body was growing larger and larger until the light dispersed. Revealing a Espeon.

(Espeon is a quadruped, mammalian Pokémon with slender legs and dainty paws. It is covered in fine, lilac fur. This velvety fur is sėnsɨtɨvė for Espeon to sense minute shifts in the air, thus allowing it to predict the weather. Its ears are large, and it has purple eyes with white pupils. There are tufts of fur near its eyes, and a small, red gem embedded in its forehead.)

Flint: "Oh! So this is also what you were after huh? Amazing"

Jay: "It is all thanks to you!"

Flint: "Oh wait from what I can tell your a Eevee trainer aren't you?"

Jay: "Ah yes, I intend to use only a team of eevee and it's evolution forms for the league, why?"

Flint: "Hmm... Hold on for a moment, hey you get those two pokemons for me"

Trainer: "Yes"

Flint: "Well you see, a few days ago in Veridian Forest I was training while hiding from my Son, I was ashamed and could not face him at that time. I saw a Stranger wearing some sort of Ninja outfit but his entire face was covered by a white bird mask threw two injured pokemons shouting how useless they are, and he abused them. He must have sensed me approaching and simply ran off leaving the two pokemons alone. I bȧrėly managed to keep the two intact with revive and potion till I reached the pokemon center but since then it refused to talk with anyone even pokemons, after watching your battle I can see your pokemons love you and you love them, maybe with you can you open them up once more. So can I request to look after them?"

Jay: "You don't need to even make that request, I swear upon my name Jay Silver that I will look after them like my own family" 'This information.... Could be my first elimination target...'

Trainer: "Ah here it is"

What the trainer arrived with was two pokeballs which held Leafeon and glaceon, he kind of felt it was ironic for him to specialize in Eevee forms but he knew it will only be for his Kanto League and afterwards. But the Information of a Ninja with a white mask was something he had to keep in mind for when he meets this guy because it might turn into a life and death battle, Jay was quite lucky that his outfit and looks is more integrated in the community. After saying farewell Jay left the gym and booked a night at the hotel

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