Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 4 - Journey to Pewter City

Currently Jay is walking towards the Veridian Forest after he bought enough food and other things he might require during his journey as he forgot that part of the things he needed, the four eggs he received from Professor oak has been caught with the pokeballs and then sent into the 'PokeWorld' where they can purify the world and naturally be born with a connection towards him.


During the Trip he was walking together with Mawile, Flareon, Jolteon and Vapreon. At first they were vigilant to one another but when Jay tasked them to catch some prey to eat while he did something else and when they came back they were naturally bonded like sisters that it shocked Jay. Guess He once again reconfirmed that true friendship blooms amiss a battle where life could be lost anytime, he taught Mawile some fire, ice and Electric moves as he could not proficiently manipulate metal energy by using the earth element well enough yet so could not teach her that. For the Fairy Moves he placed her under a illusion and made her watch some cutscenes of fairy moves being used, whether or not she learnt some of them he was not sure since he thought of only scanning their stats again after the gym battle.

Anyway on the route 1 towards Veridian City Jay first had a battle with Flareon, but because Ratata was naturally weak to begin with a single ember shot was enough for Jay to capture it for the pokedex and sent it to the pokeworld where it will live unless jay considers calling it out for battle. Next was Jolteon! This one was quite crazy excited that before Jay could order her to hold back she shut a thunderbolt almost instant killing Pidgey, it was a miracle this pidgey held on so Jay healed it with healing magic and then captured her. Maybe in the future he will consider training her. There was also battles for Vaporeon and Mawile but Mawile was the only one who leveled up with all the battles we had up to Veridian city.

In the city there was pokemons for sale but out of the pokemons that Jay needed was Magikarp, Tentacool, poliwag, and goldeen. After having them registered in the pokedex he send them to a trip in Pokeworld where they can naturally train and grow stronger in peace without being disturbed. So after buying enough food to last for a long time he placed it all in his Babylon gate and went towards the forest.


Upon entering the forest he could feel his aura energy was resonating with the natural energies within the forest, since the fist gym battle will be Pewter City Jay decided to train his pokemon in this forest and see if he could catch some eevees to evolve into espeon and umbreon if he is lucky enough. So he and his team decided to go deep within the forest along the way he managed to get both the Female and Male Nidoran, a weedle and a caterpie. These were pokemons he caught for the sake of the pokedex but filling up his 'PokeWorld' would not be a bad idea as well.

The deeper they went the stronger the pokemons became, they came up to a mountain within the forest that was the resting place for Ground and Rock Type Pokemons which perfect training materials they could use to train. But Jolteon's ear has been twitching for a while now and when it could not take it anymore it jumped into a nearby bush and came out carrying a baby pichu, of course this pichu has just been born and somehow got lost from it's parents. Since it's up to me the first thing I did was capture the pokemon released it in my arms the moment I took out a bottle of Moomoo Milk feeding it.

It must have been during the time the baby pichu was crying a few Geodudes, Graveler and Golem approached us with the intention to surround us. Seeing this Jay Smiled as He ordered Flareon and Jolteon to take on the GeoDudes, Vaporeon will take on the Graveler and Mawile will take on the Golem. The reason is the three girls won't level up so easily anymore but Mawile will.


Flareon and Jolteon took their battle stances in front of the group of geodudes, the first few geodudes began executing [rollout] at both flareon and Jolteon. Jolteon used it's superior speed to [quick attack] dodge the incoming attack and used [Double Kick] at some of the geodudes at the back, because of the difference in level that one attack cut of more than 2 / 3 of their health. Then the others who were not attacked used [Sand Attack] To blind Jolteon who used [dig] but that was a mistake of this little excited dȯġġƴ as a group of geodudes used [Dig] as well and attacked Jolteon out of the ground.

Meanwhile Flareon took on the attacks of the rolling geodudes but hardening her tail [Iron Tail] and batted the rolling geodudes into the skies, the reason for this is that Flareon has surperior attack compared to Vaporeon and Jolteon so her attacks simply send them flying like base balls. But she could not enjoy the sight of flying balls as she saw Jolteon gotten ganged up, she sighed softly before charging at the group of Geodudes with [Fire charge] although the damage was not significant. Adding Jolteon's Double kick from before some geodudes began fainting one after the other Seeing the time to counter attack has arrived Jolteon immediately sprinted towards the rest of the geodudes [Quick Attack] and [Iron Tail] harden her tail smashing them into the ground. With this the battle came to an abrupt end.


Vaporeon looked at the big ball of turd roaring trying to intimidate her, although it was a level 33 Pokemon it's weakness was water after all so she was not that much concerned of her battle. She began manipulating her water energy how Jay taught her how to apply pressure on her water element before releasing it from her mouth [Modified: Hydro Pump], instead of a large blast of water it was a extremely thin water blade. With a swift slice strikes with this water the Graveler was killed instead of knocked out. Once it died it's body turned to dust as the pokemon was mostly made up of rocks.



Type- Rock / ground

Level - 49

Rank - Elite (On the verge of entering Pseudo Commander)


Rock head -Prevents Recoil Damage

Sturdy - Prevents 1 Hit KO's

Hidden Abilities:

Sand Veil : Increase evasions during sandstorm

Rollout, sand attack, Defense curl, ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...]

Seeing this Stats Jay immediately called out his Boosted gear and Dividing gear Since the pichu was sleeping he could send it back into the pokeworld, with free hands Jay sprinted towards the Golem. Seeing my movements Mawile Kicked up a [Fairy Wind] wind filled with fairy energy slamming it against the golem, with the golem distracted Jay touched the back of the golem with his white gauntlet and soon a resounding sound could be heard from the gem.

[Divide Divide Divide Divide!]

After dividing the stats of the Golem in half four times Jay dodge the ultra low speed attack and ran towards Mawile.

[Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!]

Deep inside he truly dėsɨrėd for his pokemon to win against this golem even if what he doing now is a bit cowardly, he intends to let this Golem become their stepping stone, The dėsɨrė within him brought forth a dragon aura that merged together with the Aura he was already cultivating and ultimately became Dragon Aura in the end, a resounding sound could be heard from both gauntlet's gems

[Second Liberation!]

He touched Mawile for a moment and Dragon Aura filled her body with so much energy she felt she could fight against anyone.


With strong energy within her body she blasted off towards the Golem and slammed her fist covered in ice energies [Ice Punch] but because of the Sturdy trait of the Golem it was still standing albeit close to death and Mawile was already charging a [Hyper Beam] within her back jaw, with the punch strike failing it's attack Mawile does a back flip pointing her purple jaw that had a ready charged hyper beam ready and blasted it at the golem causing a explosion and a smoke rising up in the skies like a mushroom. When the smoke settled the golem was no where to be see anymore. Since the battle was over Jay went over to some of the Geodudes and caught one that had the most potential for his world and pokedex.

Although the battles were easy but it soon became tough when they had to deal with two onixes afterwards, the battle took them a few hours to complete since these two onix were Elite four level pokemons. Thanks to Jay's Divide and Boost the battle was slightly easier. After enjoying their stay in the forest Jay managed to capture his two extra Eevees as he wanted but their training took a while and did not show any signs of evolving soon so they left the forest together and finally arrived at Pewter City Gym.

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