Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 3 - 10 year Skip and the first pokemon 'Choice'

It has been 1 year since start living with his mother, Jay Silver is now 6 years old. Despite being a slight bit shorter than your average children his body texture is more detailed and no a ounce of useless fat could be spotted. He still keep training his body alongside his pokemons, he trained his three eevee's within the forest after keeping this a secret from his mother. After battling a few pokemons the three girls managed to hit level 20, of course the moment they reached the efficient level he placed the evolution stones on the ground and let the three of the decide on their own which route they wish to take because he noticed that the three of them suppressed their natural evolutions which would have led to Umbreon or Espeon. Seems these girls wanted to be of these three because the moment the evolution stones were placed they immediately scrambled for the one they wanted.

(AN: PS the MC is not buff, his muscles are leaned so don't go picture a bodybuilding boy, I just google searched it and it did not fit the description I have in mind. Just think of the boy being strong muscles)

Thanks to the materials and stuff he robbed off Team Rocket he managed to create a Mini scouter watch that displays the level, type, abilities, attribute points, And Move each pokemons know. He already registered with Professor Oak to have a pokedex ready on the day he will become 10 years old but because the three start pokemons were reserved already Professor oak prepared a different pokemon for him instead to which Jay was more than happy to since he could simply catch a bulbasaur, charmander or squirtle if you wants one in the wilds. He of course show Professor oak the evolved forms of his eevee's and Professor oak misunderstood that Jay was a Eevee specialist.

Since the girls were Level 20 and his mother caught him going to the forest, he had nothing else to do but train his body alongside the pokemons. Thanks to his Mana core he could now cast beginner level spells and helped the three girls manipulate their elemental core within their bodies more efficiently by expending less energy for a stronger attack. Of course this process will take a few years before they can reach perfection, unfortunately Jay could not get in touch with his Sacred gears yet for some reason but left it up to fate and hope he would get it when he needs it the most.


9 Years later


It's been nine years now, Jay Silver is finally 15 years old and already packing his bag for the incoming journey that will start in a few hours.


What surprised him the most during these ten years was the fact his Mother's neighbor and Close friend was Ash's Mom! It was quite asmusing having Ash as a friend to make the time go away since the entertainment in Pallet Town is a bit less compared to the cities, the weird thing is he could sense a natural gift to befriend pokemon within Ash as well but it makes him only being perceive as someone not hostile to other pokemons which is different to Jay whose gift makes them obedient when he capture them.

As for his pokemons? Well Mewtwo is still recuperating the merging caused by Jay's blood which made it turn into a sort of variant evolution so he did not call him out, as for the other three girls their energy manipulation could be said to enter the Beginner phase and almost touching the Intermediate level. Thanks to his magic talent and core he could teach them the moves he remember from the pokemon shows and games, since most of these moves can be reproduced with beginner magic it was quite amazing to see them training to achieve the same move he showed them and they did not let him down. However there are some big moves they learnt that they can only use once at the moment as a final attack.

As for Jay himself, he managed to enter the starting line as a Intermediate Mage, he also discovered he had psychic energy from the Mew genes and inadvertently got in touch with Aura which he could cultivate to make his body much stronger along with the Progenitor Virus. So at the moment he can take on level 20-25 pokemons on one on one with his body alone, also he managed to activate his Sacred gear which is a red and white gauntlet and the abilities they gave him was respectively Boost and Divide. With this he can do variety of styles alongside his pokemons.

Next up is the current state of his pokemons!:


Level - 20

Rank: Intermediate


Flash Fire: Powers up if hit by fire.

Hidden Abilities:

Guts: Boosts Attack if there is a status problem.


Growl, Tackle, Quick Attack, Flamethrower, brickbreak, double kick, Sand Attack, Fire spin, tail whip, smog, Flare Blitz, Dig, Reflect, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball, Hyper beam, Lava Plume, Fire Fang, Sunny Day]


Level - 20

Rank - Intermediate


Water Absorb: Turns water into HP.

Hidden Abilities:

Hydration: Heals status conditions if it's raining.


Growl, Tackle, Quick Attack, watergun, yawn, double kick, Sand Attack, Ice beam, tail whip, acid armor, Hydro Pump, Dig, Reflect, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball, Hyper beam, Blizzard, water pulse, Rain Dance]


Level - 20

Rank - Intermediate


Volt Absorb: Turns electricity into HP.

Hidden Abilities:

Quick Feet: Boosts Speed if there is a status problem.


Growl, Tackle, Quick Attack, double kick, Double Team, Sand Attack, tail whip, Dig, Reflect, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball, Pin Missiles, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Volt Tackle, Thunder Fang, Electric Terrain, Volt Switch]

The ten years of training his pokemons consolidate their moves and elemental energy, although they could not increase their base level but with the elemental energy within them they can enter a Burst state for 2 minutes that doubles the stats at a cost that the pokemon will faint once the state is over. This was something that Flareon by accident discovered when she got angered to the point of going mad because she could not control her fire power proficiently like Vaporeon and Jolteon and just bursted the energy within her body like a drug intake.

Jay who discovered this had Vaporen and Jolteon learn this move as well since it won't harm their psychical bodies in any way other than simple fainting for an entire day. As for his reality marble he realized the only way to activate this peculiar artifact is to have a strong dėsɨrė, resolve and path before it will activate with a chant given to him by the god so in the mean time he managed to train his swordsmanship to the level where he can execute moves he remember from his previous world added with the magic he could add elemental attacks along with it.


With the bag packed and the clothes his mother got for him which was Black sneakers, white pants, Blue shirt and a Silver Jacket with a twin dragon on the back and a silver cap. Jay would have never wore these clothes if he did not have magic because the color could easily stain and if he appears in towns in such a manner it will be embarrassing, With everything packed in his Babylon gate and wearing his back pack as a decoy he went down the stairs, His mom was busy making breakfast with her pokemon Gardevoir.

(Gardevoir, humanoid Pokémon whose body resembles a flowing gown. Most of its body is white, but its hair, arms, and the underside of its gown are green. Its hair curls over its face and down the sides of its head. Behind its red eyes are short spikes, resembling a masquerade mask. It has long arms with three fingers on each hand and slender white legs. A red, fin-like horn extends from its ċhėst, and a shorter, more rounded horn extends from the back. A band of green on its ċhėst extends to the center of the front horn and connects to its sleeve-like arms.)

Mom: "Jay breakfast is ready! No need to rush off so soon, you hate being with mom?"

Jay's mom began showing a teary eye face, he faced this kind of face a lot of times and never managed to score a win. He immediately hugged his mom since this is what the hidden request behind that face was and a big smile bloom on her face while she was stroking his silver hair. Afterwards they had their breakfast together, even Gardevoir was secretly trained by Jay thanks to his psychic energies, he could learn from her and he gave her ideas of new moves including a way to increase her psychic energy capacity through meditation. With this is increased the security around his mother, he honestly did not want to lose her a second time.

After breakfast Jay went together towards Professor Oak's Laboratory which Jay visited numerous times, he ȧssisted Oak with his pokedex research and managed to upgrade the previous version. Jay is changed his watch scouter into sunglasses since if he summons his sacred gears the watch will be in the way so now he kept the sunglasses on his cap. There was a crowd of people cheering for a braggart who seems to be standing in front of the gates, his name was Gary and he just came to get his Squirtle and Ash was arguing with him for a while before heading inside.

Of course Jay did not talk with Gary as the arrogant kid learnt a hard lesson in the 4 years not to pick on the wrong people so he vowed to keep his distance from Jay as far as possible, so Jay and his mom went into the mansion after being welcomed by Daisy who was all smiles seeing Jay arriving. She took Jay as her little brother since Gary was a bit too arrogant and did not let her spoil him so Jay became a mascot because he was shorter than average and looked quite cute although she will never tell him that because he hates being seen as cute. Well Any man would feel embarrassed, they rather be handsome than cute, cute is for lovely girls.

So after being led to the laboratory with Daisy, Jay could see Ash having troubles with Pikachu but did nothing to change it. Because he could see it clearly the pikachu liked Ash just that it was a hardcore Tsuntsun so Ash will be having trouble dealing with Pikachu for a while. Once Ash left Professor was having a troubled face when he saw me, but then he took out four incubator with eggs inside of them, one had a strong Psychic energy, the the other had respective Fire, Ice and Lightning energy you could feel from them much more than regular pokemon eggs.

Professor Oak: "These 4 eggs are addressed to you for when you start your journey as a trainer, apparently the professor or who ever sent this to you, wants you to get them to hatch and train them.... Its a bit suspicious as there is no name here and only a title but take good care of these little guys alright?"

Mom: "Professor is it alright for Jay to take these pokemon eggs?"

Professor Oak: "I don't know who sent him these eggs but he holds quite the authority within the Pokemon League so you can be relieve, because I also believe that leaving these guys in his hands will be the best thing to do"

Mom: "Alright"

Jay's Mom reluctantly accepted this but was still bothered with the idea of Jay having to look after not one egg by four of them, but Jay knew that the pokemons inside those eggs are for the purpose of purifying the current energy within his pokeworld for his pokemon to train easier. So once Jay finished placing the eggs inside he turned towards the only pokeball left which is in Professor Oak's hand.

Professor Oak: "I had a hard time choosing which pokemon to give you and I could not get my hands on a eevee which is extremely rare, I have instead got for you a Mawile"

Jay: "It's perfect professor, Thank you so much for all the help you gave me and my mom these last 5 years, I look forward to helping you complete your pokemon index"

Professor Oak: "Oh please do, I can more or less know that Gary will do so too but his arrogant attitude will make it a bit hard and you know Ash So I can only turn to you"

Jay: "Don't worry professor I will fill up the PokeDex with all the info you need including Legendaries"

Professor's "Hohoho, good resolve but stay safe above all"

Jay: "Of course, because I have my mom"

Jay's mom teared up and hugged him from behind, a smile form on Jay's face as he calls out mawile. But his mawile was a Shiny one, instead of Black ears and black jaws it had purple ears and purple jaws at the back. Feeling excited he immediately put on his sunglasses to check it's stats

(Mawile is a short, bipedal Pokémon with a pale yellow body and black arms and feet. Its legs have a thick, fur-like covering resembling hakama or a skirt. Its most notable feature is a pair of large black jaws emerging from the back of its head. These jaws have an oval yellow spot on their top surface and contain ten pointed teeth - six on the top row and four on the bottom. While the jaws are said to actually be transformed steel horns, Mawile can articulate them at will, using them to bite enemies and chew through iron beams. These jaws are also incapable of tasting, and can be used by Mawile to eat food it does not like. It has red eyes and two black ear-like extensions on either side of its head. )

[Mawile - *Shiny*

Type - Steel / Fairy

Level - 10

Rank - Apprentice


Hyper Cutter - Prevents ATTACK reduction.

Intimidate - Lowers the foe's ATTACK.

Hidden Abilities:

Sheer Force - Sheer Force increases the power of moves that have beneficial secondary effects by 30%, but removes those additional effects. (AN: Need info? Google it)


Tackle, Fairy Wind, Growl, Iron Head, Taunt, Bite, Play Rough, Vice Grip, Crunch, Iron Defense]

Jay: "Shiny Mawile..."

Professor Oak: "Huh shiny? Isn't it a variant type?"

Jay: "Ah no it's not, you could contact the Johto Region Research team they will be able to explain to you the term 'Shiny'"

(AN: Added my own stuff that Johto was the first ones to discover the existence of shiny pokemons)

Professor Oak: "How marvelous! I already know a lot of pokemon but I still keep learning new things even now! Thanks for the info Jay. So with this you are registered, here is your pokedex"

Professor handed Jay the standard Red Pokedex he gave to three other trainers who already went off to their separate journeys and now it is time for Jay to take his step into the world.

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