Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 16 - Caledon City!

When Jay was passing through a park he came across Team Rocket Goons walking in broad daylight wearing their uniform, after thinking that he was in need of a disguise clothes he immediately followed the goons till they split up as if looking for someone or something. When the goon went into a area where other people rarely goes to Jay immediately pinned the goon down while twisting his arm.

Goon: "Ouch! Do you know who you are dealing with brat?"

Jay smiles with a smile that sent shiver down the goon's spine thinking he finally met up with a lunatic, he started to tremble from fear this brat might just snap his neck for the blast of it

Jay: "What is team rocket doing in this town and where is the hideout"

Jay knew this goon was unimportant to Team Rocket and even the good knew it, he was only staying for the money he could gain while working so the loyalty was incredibly low.

Goon: "ouch! I will tell you! I will talk! We are currently looking for a girl who stole the data containing information about Mew and the Hideout is at the game centre"

Jay: "Mew? Didn't they forego the Mewtwo project!?"

Jay's body shivered at the thought of another Mewtwo being created, he had to stop this madness as Mewtwo is not a pokemon you can control with technology and angering one could put an entire city in danger. So he immediately punched the goon out and took his clothes, using his magic he cleaned it out and used modification magic to shrink the size of the clothes to his size as he prepares to infiltrate the game centre.


Game Centre

Leader: "Still no sign!?"

Goon #1: W-We're on her tail , but she-"

Leader: "No Excuses!"

The Leader slams his open palm on a picture that looked very familiar at first to Jay who was standing between the goons, when he focused on the picture he realized that it was the girl who was selling those sham items back when he arrived here.

Leader: "I want this girl now! A Unit cover Point 16! Unit B patrol point 21 West! As for Unit C follow me into the laboratory"

Since that is where Jay wants to go in so he followed the group that was led by the leader, when they came to a plan wall the leader pressed a peculiar spot and a block of the wall sinks in revealing a door that was sliding down and behind it were stairs leading down underground. When they came to the lab Jay saw numerous Incubators with Pokemons sleeping inside filled with liquid, but what caught his interest was the Transporter Machine at the far end, the same kind Bill was working on to transport pokemons but when Jay looked what was inside the Transporter his heart froze at the sight of the pokemon that was already dispersing into particles to transport to who knows where.

It was the Mewtwo, these blasted Team Rocket went and done it again by creating another Mewtwo! Jay gritted his teeth but kept his anger in check as he followed the team in hopes to learn if he could find the reason behind how team rocket was able to create another Mewtwo so fast.

Leader: "As you can see Mewtwo has been transported to the boss to start the phase two of the plans, but it appears this mewtwo has not been perfected... Why is that?"

(Blaine) Professor: "Unfortunately that single cell lacks enough genetic data to create a complete body"

Jay looks at this old man of his, seems he already infiltrated Team Rocket again under a new identity. If he consider the reasons his old man was taking a risk like this must mean he just also learnt recently about this Mewtwo's existence. Could it be Team Rocket was working on two Mewtwo projects at the same time at different places?

Leader: "But what if we capture the original Mew?"

(Blaine) Professor: "Is that even possible?"

The leader slams the table out of a fit of rage, thinking about the girl who stole that data.

Leader: "That's why we want that girl! Our only hope in capturing Mew lies in that Data Disk that is in her possession!"

Jay: 'Seems that shameless girl did something good which is quite shocking for me to handle'

Alarm: [Attention All Units! Attention All Units! All members ȧssemble at Point 16! The Thief has been sighted! I repeat All members ȧssemble at Point 16! The Thief has been sighted!]

Jay followed the goons running towards the so called Point 16 where the other goons surrounded the very same girl he first saw and she had a Wartortle at her side, since it was not time to act just yet and he needed more information Jay stood still.

Girl: "All this fuss to catch one little girl? You boys must have run out of evil deeds to do!"

Leader: "Save the talks, you know what we want"

Girl: "You mean this silly little thing? Guess I could give it to you but---"

Wartortle bit onto the disk without breaking it, this action caused the entire team rocket team to shiver at the possibility if that were to broke, not even their leader could safe them from getting killed by their boss. Feeling Anxious the Leader began to stutter.

Leader: "Y--- You'll damage that disk!

Girl: "Uh oh? You going to hit me?"

Leader: "You little! Go Machamp!"

The Machamp sprinted towards the wartortle and began hitting the wartorlte but each hit was missing, Jay could no longer take it anymore as he realized that staying like this won't get him anymore information he pressed a buŧŧon that exploded a storage room of the laboratory at the back causing the goons and leader to look at the rising mushroom smoke rising from the direction their Branch is at. With this the Police will investigate and shut down the lab, his old man have to get out of there on his own.

With that done he recalled geodude and ripped off his team rocket clothes which shock the goons and leader once more as they never imagined they would have a infiltrator amongst their ranks especially a branch, Jay called out Mawile who released a intimidating aura making the surrounding pokemons shiver from fear and those who were mentally stronger only flinched at the sight of this little monster.

Jay: "Mawile, since these goons are Team rocket. Be kind and help them honor their organization name and send these little clowns off with a blast"

Mawile began materializing several [Shadow Balls] floating around her like balloons while the snake behind her head was already charging a hyper beam into the mean time, these shadow balls impact powers were considerably reduced to act as decoy so she began tossing the shadow balls that only made a large noise but little pain. This made the Goons laugh at this boy whose pokemon could not even knock out their weakest but their laughter stop the moment the snake moved from behind Mawile's head making them having a cold sweat at their back from the predatory look the snake was giving them as if they were preys about to be eaten.

The snake opened it's mouth and launched the hyper beam in a arc causing a explosion that caused almost more than half the goons to fly off who knows where and even the leader was not spared, with the leader gone the surviving goons recalled their pokemons and made a run for it. The girl who was watching all over this was quite shocked as she was prepared to throw this fake disk to them and run for it but this boy in front of her simply sent them off as if it was natural that team rocket members can fly.

Girl: "Why did you help me?"

Jay: "I did not really help you as I am currently trying to put a stop to a project that is linked to that disk you are carrying"

Girl: "To mew?"

Jay: "Yeah... These bastards enjoy toying with pokemons, I could understand killing to survive and to learn of the pokemons but to experiment in sinister research is something I hate"

Jay did not bother with the girl any further and began walking to the Gym to see what this Gym Leader is up to, Team Rocket was running amok in her territory and she hasn't made a move yet!. After reaching the gym which looked like a Large Gloom head, Jay notice a line of people walking while carrying a palanquin, seeing Jay's approach the men stood forward.

Man A: "Halt! Not a step closer you!"

Man B: "That's Lady Erika there"

Jay: "What you mean the Gym Leader has the gall to have a Parade while Team Rocket is running amok her territory!?"

Erika: "I am at fault indeed, I apologize young man"

Man C: "BOW! If your apologized by the daughter of the richest family and Gym Leader in Caldeon City, Boy"

Jay: "Screw you old man"

Jay push the middle age man away from him fiercely glaring at Erika but Erika was looking calmly at him.

Jay: "You not only failed to follow your duty as Gym Leader but you also think a simple sorry will fix it all and everything is fine? Stop acting like a spoiled little princess, because of you not only people but pokemon got injured!"

Erika who listens to Jay's complains kept quiet and simply looked at him.

Jay: "Since your the gym leader, I challenge you to a Gym battle with the condition along with the badge if you don't fix your territory you will step down as Gym Leader and give it to someone who will do the job properly"

Erika: "You challenge me?"

Man A: "How dare you challenge Lady Erika!"

Man B: "Lady Erika is weary from her journey"

Erika: "Stop! I accept your challenge but-.... I will not sully myself battling trainers with no ability"

This ticked Jay off completely, not only did this girl not do her job properly. Pokemons like Mewtwo got created again in her territory, people got threaten by Team Rocket and now she acts like a damn snob on top of it as well!?

Eirka: "To prove yourself as a foe worthy of me, You must capture a pokemon of my choosing to challenge me"

Jay: "Just finish your line and be done with it already..."

He felt his mood will grow even worse dealing with this woman any longer.

Erika: "Eevee"


Route 16


It's been a while since Jay had a talk with that girl and realized he unnecessary lashed out at her which he was in no position to do so in the first place even if she was wrong to begin with, Walking through the forest looking for a eevee which Jay found was quite something how Fate keep taking his hand towards Eevee's. It didn't take long for Jay to find a eevee but something was different from this eevee, it had a chip attached to it's ears which had a small 'R' sign on it.

This made feel disgusted just how far some scums would go doing such things on pokemons and this eevee was already injured so capturing it did not take much effort, so when he called out the eevee he first gently took off the chip which was extremely painful for eevee as it was attached to it's ear. After removing it he began casting a healing magic on Eevee healing her ear, he recalled her into the pokeball.

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