Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 17 - Caledon City Gym Battle

When Jay entered the Gym where Erika is probably waiting for him, when he saw that no one is around he began looking around until he found a book with a title that said "Eevee Reconstruction". This kind of project is on the same level as that of Mewtwo, the sinister idea of changing a pokemon's gene fȯrċɨbŀƴ to allow it to change between it's three evolution forms will give it more power but doing so cuts off it's life span because of the pressure to hold this power places on that small body.

Jay could not help leaking dangerous killing intent, as he began to read the project notes.

Jay: "Eevee is a very rare pokemon possessing the ability to evolve into any of three highly distinct, advanced pokemon forms... If Eevee could be reconstructed so that"

Erika: "So that it can transform rapidly among all three of those forms.. Then it will serve as a powerful weapon"

Jay: "Is this something you people did?"

Erika: "You challenged me to a pokemon battle.. With this gym bade as the prize. You have proved your worthiness, I accept"

Jay: "Cut the lies, you had me look for a eevee you people experimented on"

Erika: "I am ready. Unless, of course you are afraid"

Jay summoned out Mawile and Erika summoned her Vileplume, Tangela, Bellsprout. Mawile did not give warning and immediately began shooting off [Shadow balls].

She could feel the rage within Jay was growing, she could even feel Jay feeling like a idiot he thought she was just a stuck up princess but never imagined she would do something similar to that of Team Rocket, the moment he found the Research note he immediately dialed Professor Oak and made him listen to the conversation so with this Oak should send over the League for back up.

Meanwhile Vileplume shot out stun spore, but Tangela was already knocked out by the shadow balls that mostly concentrated at it. Seeing how seriously Jay intends to kill her pokemons scared Erika, she was about to recall her pokemon but Mawile already launched a [Fire Punch] straight in the back of vileplume crashing it into a nearby wall. The amount of strength this pokemon was dealing was way beyond what she imagined. It was still a miracle her pokemons were still alive because Jay felt that he could not blame the pokemons for their master's sins so he simply made sure to knock them down so he could have a talk with her.

Erika: "STOP!!! PLEASE STOP!!!"

Jay: "So tell me what's going on Erika, if this is your sort of testing me to confirm rumors you might get your pokemons killed because I am well known for having a short fuse when the terms 'Pokemon Experiments' are being brought up. I hope you learnt your lesson with this."

Erika recalls her pokemons and when she looked at Jay a trace of fear was visible, not that he wanted to do this to the girl but he feel like such things are not meant to joke around with.

Erika: "You sure are ruthless enough to the point it shows how much you care for pokemons..."

Jay: "This is the basic requirements trainers will need for when they go to the other regions after all... So you going to talk before the League arrive?"

Erika: "The League already knows of my investigation against a certain organization was experimenting on this project called 'Eevee Reconstruction', when I heard the Eevee they were working on escaped I have been looking for it. Which is why I haven't been able to watch the town for a period of time"

Jay: "If you told me that, then I did not need to be so rough on your pokemons... I hope next time your test will not be subjects like this again, even as a joke I can't handle such topics"

Erika: "I will keep it in mind, since you have won the gym battle here is your prize, the Caledon city gym badge"

After that Jay spent some time talking to this little princess and the moment when her 'test' was over the expressionless face was replaced with a smiling face, and without Jay realizing the information of him circulated with a single line "Don't tease or joke with him about Pokemon Experiments" with a code red danger mark on it.

After saying good byes Jay went off to Route 17 where there are some public beaches he could take a rest at.

Route 17


After arriving at the beach Jay was sitting on the sands looking at the sun which is now setting, he replayed his behavior ever since seeing the new Mewtwo who looked in a far worse condition than he first met the other mewtwo. He who grown up for five years in a place where he witnessed the pains and cries of pokemons he could not immediately help because he was too small and his body could not exert a lot of strength at that time.

That powerless feeling he felt still haunted him to this day, and he thought maybe with Mewtwo saved and the money and resources stolen he would have enough time to grow strong enough to end Team Rocket in one fell swoop. He sure was naive, he grew complacent at his powers he gained from God that he forgot something so simple and fundamental... The fact that even a Hero can't always save everyone and everything.

Jay: "A hero is a man who refuses to live in an utterly passive manner. However, recognizing that virtue as 'heroic' depends on who benefits as a result of that refusal"

Thinking more in regards to his outburst of emotions he experienced once again he realized just how stupid he acted there, instead of wanting to save the pokemons he felt obligated to which in turn gave him unnecessary burdens to bear. He neglected the existence of the people surrounding him and kept his problems to himself, after attaining this realization he could feel something unlocked within his heart that even his dragon aura began to accumulate abundantly more than he used to have. Even his bones and skin grew far more tough and resilient than before but his skin was still soft to touch.

The relaxation feeling he felt within his body made him feel relieved as a single star blinked for a moment.

Jay: "I will simply do for this world what I can instead"


Jay parked around the corner near the Pokemon Centre to get a good night rest in bed

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