Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 18 - Safari to Poisons!

Announcer: [Welcome to Fuchsia City's Safari Zone!]

Jay entered the security check gate and because he leave his pokeballs and all of his personal belonging in his Babylon Gate they did not find anything so they let him through.

PidgeBot 1: [During the tour we will retain your personal pokemons for safekeeping]

PidgeBot 2: [And we PidgeBot 1 and PidgeBot 2 will be your guides]

When Jay went down the stairs after paying 1,000 pokedollars for 50 Safari Balls, what awaited him was a floating raft in the lake with only one side having hand rails and the so called PidgeBots were on either side of the raft. When Jay climbed onto the Raft the gates that were holding the water current to a standstill opened and the raft was pulled along the flow.

PidgeBot 1: [And off we go!]

What appeared in front of Jay was a jungle almost as if it was sketch out of the story called Jungle Book, the manner how these workers created this safari were amazing. Suddenly water splash and a Dragonair fly dives over the raft back into the water, and behind the bushes were the Egg pokemon Execute and also a Parasect. Jay of course threw balls at the two and miraculously caught them, maybe for today Ash's dumb luck was starting to hold onto Jay today. Suddenly a large crashing sound followed by a mini quake occurred a bit of a distance away.

PidgeBot 1: [Today is your lucky day Sir]

What appeared in Jay's view when the bushes no longer obstructed it was two large Nidokings fiercely fighting while there is a Nidoqueen standing distance away looking at the two fighting.

PidgeBot 1: [As always they are fighting over a NidoQueen!]

Jay took out a pokeball to see if he can catch a nidoking, when he threw it the ball miss it's intended target and instead fallen on a nidoqueen. When the pokeball with the nidoqueen rolled between the NIdokings they both look down and when they saw the target of their affection is caught in the ball they turned their view fiercely glaring at Jay even the PidgeBot was freezing unable to calculate just how this boy gone and provoke two strong pokemons like this.

The Nidoking came with a charge slamming his fist towards the Raft but missed Jay as he already jumped into the lake, Jay knew he best not call out his pokemons or it will be trouble and those little Bot birds have recording functions so fighting against a NidoKing will disturb his off day. So while Jay was swimming away in the lake with a carefree attitude, the staff of the safari went into an uproar because if they did no save the client they could face some serious consequences and the worst part was that the boy was near the edge of the Safari Zone so it will take about a day or two to reach him.

Mean while when Jay climbed out of the Lake he began looking at his surrounding only to notice that they have not yet developed this area much yet as there were not any Cameras here, so he dried himself up with Air Magic before walking towards what seems to be a large circular lake that is probably connected with an underground lake. When he reached the lake he could see that it was crystal clear and inside the lake at the bottom near the centre of the lake was a pokemon egg, this confused Jay as there was no parents nearby, could it be that Pervert God sent him another kid to take care of?

Since he wasn't sure which was which and he could not really leave a egg alone like this as another pokemon might come and eat it, Jay felt like he was in a dilemma for a few moments before simply taking the egg and think about the other stuff later.

Jay: "And I just dried myself too"

Jay jumped into this lake but something was attracting him, he did feel it when he was on the ground but now when he is in the water he could feel something from his soul is being called to this pokemon egg. The closer he got the more this attraction called him that it made him feel this egg was creepy, but he did not sense any danger to his life so he went over till he touched the egg. Nothing happened other than the egg was greedily suċkɨnġ his dragon aura for itself. Since he had a lot of Dragon Aura and the amount it suċkėd away was not much Jay Held onto this little egg closely before climbing out of the lake.

Jay: "Phua! Man, I wonder what this little guy is to suck my aura like that"

Jay was gently ċȧrėssing the egg before taking out a incubator for it to stay in, unlike the other pokemon Eggs Jay decided to keep this little guy. Since he picked up this egg he will take responsibility and look after it, and since he has a egg and nothing else interested him in this safari anymore since he already caught all the land and flying pokemons of Kanto he only need to catch the water ones so there was nothing else left for him to do.


So after a day worth of walking Jay met up with the safari team, when they saw he found a egg they did not stop him from taking it with him as it is a compensation for not taking considerable plans to avoid accidents like his. With the Pokemon Egg in his arms Jay walked off to Fuchsia City Gym! When he arrived he was welcomed and led to the battling arena where a ninja girl stood with a serious face, Jay did not have that much impression of her other than her pokemons will be her best team since he has five badges now, he has to battle against the gym leader's strongest team.

Referee: "This is a official gym battle for the Fuchsia City Gym Badge between the Gym Leader and Jay Silver! It is a six on six match with only the trainer allowed to substitute! Please present your pokemons!"

Janine: "Come out! Crobat!"

What came out was a Commander Rank Level 55 Crobat the final evolve form of zubat.

Jay: 'I should consider getting a flying type, I don't have one' "Come out Flareon!"

Janine: "a Fine choice instead but if you think you can beat me with just this then your dead wrong"

Jay: 'no no no Girl don't get excited otherwise you will screw up!'

Referee: "Both pokemons present! Let the match begin!"

Jay: "Flareon captivate"

Flareon activates it's charm winking at Crobat causing it to be captivated and unresponsive

Janine: "Crobat come back to your senses!"

Jay: "No you don't Flareon use Fire Blast"

Accumulating a large amount of fire energy into it's lungs, when it reach the peak flareon blew it out from it's mouth and the flame formed a five pointed star exploding in Crobat's face.

Referee: "Crobat is unable to battle, Flareon Wins"

Janine: "Crobat return!"

Jay: "Flareon return as well"

Janine: "Huh? Why you recalled as well?"

Jay: "AH I have other girls that want to see the fruit of their hard work of course"

Janine: "Very well! Come out Meganium!"

Jay: 'Hmmm... a Pseudo Marshal? This will be a tough one... Think I can use her who also enter that stage recently' "Come out Leafeon!"

Meganium and Leafeon glared at one another.

Janine: "Meganium use Razor leaf!"

Meganium swing it's body before tilting it forward as several sharp leaves were shot from it's flower,

Jay: "Leafeon use Quick attack followed by Giga drain!"

Leafeon's body was covered with a white aura as she began sprinting left and right dodging the incoming razor leaves, Jay finally figured out why this region was called the beginner village. Because the gym leaders are forced to hold back their attacks the trainers have a easier time winning and only from the fifth bade the battles get serious but... For my pokemon who train in the Pokeworld?

Leafeon appeared in front of Meganium slamming her body into meganium's face making it slight dizzy before beginning to drain a large chunk of it's grass type energy from it's body making it more slugish.

Jay: "Leaf blade!"

Leafeon's leaf that stood on top of its head hardened with grass energy as she slammed it on top of the head of Meganium causing it to faint.

Referee: "Meganium is unable to battle, Leafeon wins"

Jay: "Two down, four to go"

Janine: "Meganium return, you did great. It appears I really did underestimated you more than I originally thought... I will not back down just yet! Go Muk!"

A huge pile of purple slime appeared on the ground slowly rising up revealing white eyes and a mouth that looks like it has the void inside it, seeing this Jay Recalled Leafeon back. This pokemon he would rather finish it fast, since he really isn't much of a fan of Grimers and Muks, he called out Espeon. Janine gave Muk the order to use [Toxic], Jay however made Espeon use [psywave] which interrupted Muk's move and caused it to become confused, using this opening without giving Janine the chance to change the outcome Jay made Espeon use [psychic] to knock out Muk.

Referee: "Muk is un able to battle, Espeon wins"

Janine recalls Muk while Jay recalled Espeon, this move although she already gotten from Jay kind of ticked her off as if he was walking in a park. But if she were to know that currently Jay's pokemon was still battling under gravity restriction which Jay even forgot about then she would probably puke out blood at this shameless bastard.

The next pokemon Janine called out was a Roserade and for this pokemon Jay called out his Mawile, because of the [intimidation] Roserade flinched and lost some of it's attack strength which made Janine Frustrated that she was up against such a monster trainer. When the go was giving Mawile sprinted towards Roserade without needing Jay's command and began punching at Roserade using the martial arts she learned from Jay, there were some punches that managed to connect but most were avoided.

Janine commanded Roserade to use [leaf storm], roserade jumped backwards to create space as it conjure up a vortex filled with Leaves towards Mawile. Mawile also send off her [fairy wind] with the two vortex crashing into one another it was both cancelled out but Mawile was faster as she began throwing several [Shadow Balls] as a Decoy while she ran towards Roserade who was concentrated on blocking the attacks from above, when she got close enough she used [Fire Punch] into it's gut launching it a few meters away from Mawile knocked out.

Referee: "Roserade is unable to battle! Mawile wins!"

Janine recalled her Roserade and immediately summoned out Nidoqueen, Jay recalled Mawile and brought out Glaceon. Seeing that it is another disadvantage battle Janine wanted to go up and beat this shameless punk who dared to used such shameless tactics against her who is suppose to do it but she was restricted to the Pokemon Gym type so there wasn't much she could do other than screaming injustice inside here heart.

When the start was given she immediately called out to Nidoqueen to use [sludgewave], Nidoqueen gathered it's energy quite fast for its big body before stamping it's foot in the ground and from the stomp a wave of mud water was approaching Glaceon. Jay ordered his Glaceon to use [Water Pulse] to weaken the momentum and follow up with [Ice Beam] to freeze the remaining of the wave.

Seeing this Janine ordered her Nidoqueen to launch a [Ice beam] from it's mouth at Glaceon who suddenly began to multiply using [Double Team], with no idea which one to target Nidoqueen began using [Ice Beam] on all of the Glaceons it see but it never realized that Glaceon was right in front of it hiding underground using [dig] during the time it made the afterimages. So when it bursted out of the ground Glaceon iced a moderately powered [Ice Fang] on the neck of Nidoqueen, at first it was struggling to get loose but soon began to loose it's strength and fainted.

Referee: "Nidoqueen is unable to battle! Glaceon Wins!"

Janine recalled her Nidoqueen and finally brought out her main partner Ariados, Jay who gotten a bit tired of this battle not because of her weakness but more like the gym restrictions was causing her weakness to be more evident and not only that she only recently took over the gym when her father was discovered being one of Team Rocket's Admin so it's only natural she is still in the learning phase of being a gym leader so Jay did not criticize her for it either.

Since this was the final battle Jay called out Gallade, this mr Diligent was more excited once again because the opponent he is facing is much stronger than the other one he did back then. After getting the go ahead from the referee Janine ordered her Ariados to use [Spider Web], Jay felt a bit sorry that this girl was not much familiar with psychic type of pokemons so he had Gallade [Teleport] behind her ariados and [Fire Punch] it's head into the ground, with the double impact enough to knock it out.

The battle for the gym badge finally came to an end, the Referee announced Jay's victory and the girl was not happy about it but did not say a thing to reveal those feelings instead just turned and walked away. Since there was still time left for Jay to have some fun he picked up the Incubator that was on the ground next to him he gave it another wave of dragon aura to feed on while he went off to a Restaurant to have his lunch, today he decided to give the hamburgers this restaurants are famous for a try and it was incredibly delicious! Even the sauce gave a unique kind of flavor he could not describe according to the sauces he tasted in his previous world.

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