Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 19 - Trouble on the ship!

While standing near the edge in front of the ship having a view of the open Sea and the fresh air brushing his hair away from his face, Jay was enjoying the peaceful sight of the sea. Of course he is currently holding a rod so he is busy fishing out pokemons while he is going to Sea Foam Island, since it takes a few hours he thought fishing would do it and boy was he right.

He managed to catch more of the pre-evolve forms of water pokemons while avoiding the bigger ones since the captain of the ship warned him not to, the egg that was next to Jay was also giving off light that was growing brighter with each hour passing. He was a bit confused because according to some information the eggs will only hatch in 5,000 steps or a couple of days but this little guy was already showing shines of wanting to pop it's head out.

Well not that he cares, his existence in this world is already breaking the balance along with other balance breaking representatives, he feels that taking care of each region Representative will allow humanity to push back the pokemon enough to live in harmony like in the anime. But such a dream is far far in the future so for now he will enjoy his tutorial vacation before he starts heading off to other regions.

Suddenly something was nudging onto his rod for a while now, he began rolling up the line while pulling it hard on occasions. Roll Pull Roll Pull was the routine till he managed to pull out a pokemon but when he saw what it was and two of them he did not wait for answers and simply used his dragon aura fist to slam the two of them out before tapping the pokeballs onto their bodies catching them. Catching water pokemons like this has been his life, the two pokemons he caught were none other than a slowpoke and a slowbro.

Being slow was all well and good it gave Jay the time to punch them out and send them to one way to the pokeworld, with this the water pokemons are completed! With one of the sub quests for Kanto Completed Jay simply laid down on a bench with the incubator on his stomach while feeding the egg his dragon aura but something out of his expectation happened the egg was cracking and suddenly gave off a sharp light, Jay bȧrėly managed to pull it out of the incubator of this little guy might have had some problems.

What came out was a serpentine Pokémon with a Red body and a Silver underside. It has silver, three-pronged fins on the sides of its head and a Green/Blue bump on its forehead that looks like a yin yang symbol. Above its round, white snout are oval, Green and Blue eyes. It was a mutated Dratini, this little fellow was already curling around Jay's leg sailing up all the way to his shoulders nudging it's head against Jay's face.

Jay: "Could this guy be influenced by my sacred gears? Well the dragon aura does come from it after all"

Jay was quite shocked but excited at this new change brought between Sacred Gears and Pokemon, First it was Mawile who gained a Snake head and now his dratini looks like a mixture between two dragons. With these new things he could explore new ways to gain stronger strength to win this hunger game once and for all. So out of excitement he gave the little dragon a kiss on it's gem that was on the forehead and patted it's head which made the dratini close it's eyes feeling pleased until it fell asleep within his arms.

Considering the fact that there was still a lot of time before Seafoam island will be in sight Jay sent Dratini to the Pokeworld in hopes the energy will help this guy stabilize the energy within his body and grow into a strong powerful dragon. So with Dratini off to sleep inside his pokeworld Jay went off to a special training gym inside the cruiser ship, the place was quite outfitted for those who wishes to body build but for today Jay only wanted to do some body exercises. It consist of the usual 200 pushup, 200 set ups, 200 squads and two hours of jogging. Just as he was about to head off to take a nap the ship comes to an stop all of the sudden, this confused Jay for a moment as he thought maybe something happened so he silently went out after cleaning off his sweat and drying himself with magic for now.

Leader: "Have you secured the hostages?"

Assistant: "No there is still one person on the list who is not here"

Leader: "Send one of the goons to search, we have to start taking the properties of the people before the police arrive"

Assistant: "Yes sir!"

Seeing how it will be reckless to just charge in Jay began following some of the goons that were walking down the hallway, he pulls out a dagger from the Babylon gate and started making his move by covering the mouth of the goon and slice his neck open. When the goon became limped Jay simply threw him over the edge into the sea, the loud splashing sound attracted the other goons so he took cover between the crates in the shadow.

When one of the goons came in front of him looking over the edge Jay pounces onto the man stabbing the dagger into the back of the skull through his mouth, Jay could feel like vomiting at this close view sight of killing but pulled out the dagger and kicked the corpse into the sea. With two dead he began running silently inside the captain room there were two goons holding the captain and the sailor team hostage, he whistles softly attracting one goon to come out while the other said he will look after the hostages, when the goon closed the door Jay grab his mouth and began stabbing him rapidly until the life in his eyes were gone.

Captain: "Thank you young man but whose blood is that?"

Jay: "Best you do not know... I am going to take care of the last two of the pirates I need you ready to move when I took care of them"

Captain: "Very well"

The captain was quite composed since this kind of occurrence happens especially when the League sends their trainers to rescue there will be people killed in combat. So Jay went down to where the hall filled with hostages and the leader with his ȧssistant was at.

Leader: "Oi! Why aren't the goons answering their walkie talkie's?"

Assistant: "Perhaps they are sleeping on the job?"

Leader: "Sleep your head! Go take a look at what is going on out there!"

After receiving the leader's orders the Assistant came out through the doors but Jay did not make a move just yet, he let the Assistant walk even further away from the door until he threw his dagger impaling his throat from the back but before the body collapsed he caught it and laid it down. With this only the leader was left.

Inside the hallway the leader was playing with the dices on the gambling table while looking at the frightened people who were placing their money,accessories and valuable things inside a black bag. Seeing the amount of things accumulating within his bag made the leader of the robbers laugh with happiness that he did not notice the door behind him opening and closing, these new doors in the ship can open and close without making noise which was the perfect infiltration for jay to sneak up against the leader but this guy he could absolutely not kill because he has the information that the league would want.

So before the Leader could React he slammed the hilt of his dagger against the back of the leader's head with enough impact force to knock him out, seeing the leader has been taken down everyone cheered happily while looking at Jay who was clean without blood or the smell of blood since he removed it before he entered. After tying up the leader, he threw the leader and goon inside a room and locked them inside.

The captain even sponsored Jay to eat and drink all he wants as it is free of charge and that he will get a free ticket for a lifetime which he can use to ride the same company ships around the world free of charge. Jay was quite happy with this reward since this will cover his traveling cost across the long seas, although he got gyarados he still prefers riding the cruiser ship that has a bath and bed even if it takes longer to reach the destination!

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