Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 20 - Sea Foam Island: Pokemon Battle!

Finally Jay has arrived at Sea Foam Island at the port, Jay was took together with some of the witnesses to the police station together with the Leader and goon. Jay came out scoff free only because the incident took place on the sea and there was no police patrol force nearby so the killing of a few goons were classified as Self Defense but Jay was strictly warned not to let this happen again and should try to immobolize them instead.

Of course they only said this on the surface to keep the order and law of Kanto Region which is currently peaceful but the fact this boy was ruthless to evil doers and saving the innocents made the police expectant to see how this boy will grow when he start exploring the other regions where Strength rules above all else, so when they finished the formalities Jay set off towards the mountains where Articuno lives. It is only because Articuno prefers to live deep within the cave that this island haven't been frozen solid yet, but the closer Jay got to the cave the colder it began to get.

And because of his dragon trait despite still being human he felt the cold to be more unbearable than normal so he dressed himself up warmly enough to continue venturing deeper, he has called out Glaceon who would form time to time fire off a [Ice Beam] to scare off the weaker kind of pokemons. When the monsters started to increase Jay called out Mawile and with her intimidating aura it made even the slightly stronger pokemons flee. But then explosions could be heard up ahead followed by an extreme cold breeze,

Before Jay could realize it a Muk came pouncing at him from behind but luckily Mawile was on guard and launched a [shadow ball] blasting off muk a few meters away, Jay then ordered Glaceon to use [ice beam] which frozen muk solid and it died when mawile smashed it with her fist. When Jay ran up ahead he saw Articuno Frozen itself into some sort of Statue but in front of it were numerous Team Rocket Goons.

TR Leader: "This is OUR Articuno"

Jay: "Team Rocket!?"

TR Leader: "Articuno Dislikes confrontation and when it senses the presence of an enemy, it seals itself in ice"

TR Goon: "Go Muk"

The Goon's muk stretch out its hand and wrapped it around the statue of Articuno, but suddenly articuno breaks free of its seal and frozen the muk in ice instead. Before Team Rocket Grunts could send more pokemons to fight it, Articuno opted to fly off to the distance with a more than half the group of goons and it's leader running off to follow it but the leader made sure to leave enough members to face off against Jay. But what Jay did not expected was a large number of Gyarados Roars could be heard from even here and explosions at the Sea Port, stuck in the dilemma of choosing between facing off against Team Rocket and Save Articuno or go back down and save the town against a horde of Gyarados.

Jay: "Shit, Mawile I will leave you and Glaceon to deal with these grunts, I will head off to the town and stop the Gyarados attacks"

Mawile nods at Jay's command and watch Jay disappear in the forest running with all his strength to the sea port.


Pokemon PoV


Mawile: "Sheesh, why are these grunts keep appearing when master arrives at a new location"

Glaceon: "More like master is a natural magnet, if something does not happen it is a off day"

Mawile turned to face off against the grunts who called out more Muks, NidoKings, Rhydons and Hitmonlees. After confirming the number of beasts it was agreed that Glaceon will face off against the Muks and NidoKings while Mawile will face against the Rhydons and Hitmonlees.


Mawile vs. (3x) Hitmonlee & (1x) Rhydon


Without even the grunts orders they could see the anger of their pokemons who began splitting up to face off against their opponents, the grunts tried to order their pokemons to follow their orders but failed so instead they also split up instead and followed in fear they might loose their pokemons instead.

Mawile showed a ċȯċky grin at the Hitmonlees and waved her hand for them to come at her, despite not being a fighting type and just by practicing close combat with Jay managed to raise her combat senses enough even without fighting moves she could learn she could instead incorporate the moves she has in close combat, For example when the first hitmonlee came flying with a [kick] at her she gently tap the ankle of it's feet redirecting the kick into another direction and it was close enough she [Iron Head] slammed her head into it's face sending it flying back to where it came from.

When the second Hitmonlee came it was more cautious so it chose to enter close combat from the ground and used [low kick] a kick at Mawile's feet but mawile jumped into it's direction and [Fire Punch} smashed a fist covered in flames into its face. While in mid air she used the snake behind her head to blow off a strong [Fairy wind] wind to propel her into the next Hitmonlee with a [Ice Punch] fist covered in ice energy she launched the now frozen hitmonlee as well.

With the three hitmonlees out of the way the one and only Rhydon was standing in front of her. This big big pokemon looked down on her with disdain how she only knows petty tricks that won't be able to beat him with it, with a roar he stomped his feet [earthquake] to shake the foundation of the surroundings but Mawile managed to just escaped this by [Fairy Wind] conjuring up a wind to temporary suspend her mid-air while her snake was charging some sort of beam attack [Hyper Beam].

Seeing that his pre-emptive strike did not work Rhydon came charging at Mawile who just landed on the ground. Mawile point her palm shooting out a weak dark energy [Dark Pulse] to distract the charge enough for her to slip away to the back of the Rhydon, shaking his head Rhydon was looking around wondering where his little prey ran off to but felt a light tap at the back of it's leg. When Rhydon turned to look at what was seeking his attention, what appeared in his view was a opened snake head with a glowing light down it's throat and the last thing it will remember in it's life was a blinding light.

Half the body of Rhydon was blown away into nothingness through that point blank blast, the trainers of these pokemons already ran away half way through the battle abandoning their pokemons for the sake of their lives.


Glaceon vs. (2x) Muk & (1x) Nidoking


Glaceon glanced at the Nidoking who stood same as Rhydon away from the battle that was about to take place, this ticked her off quite a bit how these weak pokemons are looking down on her. She has quite the amount of pride about the fact her Master trained her personally in using her ice energy, and to be looked down upon like this means this little bastard was looking down on her master.

The two muk's started off [Sludge Bombs] shooting balls made out of gross sludge at her, she could more or less feel the concentrated energy within the fragile vessel meaning it will explode upon impact so she used [Ice Beam] her ice energy to create several layers of Walls that began to fend off against the exploding sludges.

Using her ice energy to create a ice mirage of herself while using [Quick Attack] to sprint off around to the the back for the two muk's she began conjure up a storm [Blizzard] which began freezing the surroundings making the Muk's movements growing sluggish and slow that you could even see a thin layer of ice forming on their liquid bodies.

One of the Muk's turned around while using it's poison within it's body [Toxic] to send out poisonous breathe in it's surroundings, since the other Muk and Nidoking were resistant to poison it could shoot out this poison without care. Seeing the Dangerous situation Glaceon immediately began performing a hopping dance [Rain Dance] in a circle before landing in the middle howling as if calling for something. Soon Dark Clouds began to gather around, it wasn't long till rain began to fall. Although she could not stop the poison that was already in the ground but she managed to stop the Muk from spreading it even further. With the [Blizzard still blowing and Rain slowly combining the rain drops soon turned into Icicle drops that began impaling the Muks and soon killed them both off.

Meanwhile the Nidoking already was standing a distance away when Glaceon performed Rain Dance as it could feel a sense of dread from those two moves if combined could be so destructive. Glaceon began approaching the NidoKing who narrowed it's eyes taking the pokemon in front of him seriously as it was far stronger than it realized. Since Glaceon was no longer supplying energy for the [Rain Dance] and [Blizzard] the rain stopped falling and the blizzard died down, Nidoking was having trouble because this Pokemon was strong plus the opposing element of his.

Since NidoKing did not want to make it's move Glaceon covered her body with a whitetish aura [Quick attacked but this time she charged straight to the Nidoking hardening her tail with steel elemental energies [Iron Tail], before the nidoking could snap out of it's dilemma pondering he was welcomed back to the world by a slap in the face by Glaceon's hardened tail making it glide crash into the ground. The stinging pain angered him as he stood up roaring at Glaceon.

Glaceon: "Ptui! Stop throwing tantrums, you were simply asking for a beating while day dreaming in the middle of a battle"

But Nidoking did not know that Rhydon was already dead and Mawile was approaching him from behind, with a punch [Ice Punch] against his back from Mawile, Nidoking was pushed towards Glaceon who was already conjuring Ice needles with her ice energy and shot it off. Some needles could not penetrate the hard body of Nidoking but one of the needles managed to penetrate it's eye into the brain killing it instantly.

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