Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 21 - Sea Foam Island: Gyarados Hordes attack!


Back to Jay


Jay who is currently rushing towards the sea port was busy dodging not only incoming trees which are in the way, but also attacks from random pokemons who got frightened by his threatening fas approach but the moment he pass by them, they stop attacking because he already left their territory. From a occasional jump over the rocks and a swing with a vine, Jay finally reached the outskirts of the Sea Port seeing people swarming out of the town in droves.

Seeing the destruction taking place in front of him Jay called out his Steelix and ordered it to [Dig] move towards the town and save people who are trapped in buildings, he also called out his Snorlax to help Steelix with this as Jay went off towards the direction where multiple heads of Gyarados were standing tall from the sea. Once he came to the sea Port he noticed a single man was standing on top of the head of the Gyarados, judging from his uniform he was a Team Rocket Goon but also a leader of a team but not yet a Admin.

TR Leader: "BWahahaha you are too late! You cannot stop my gyarados hordes that I Jack who will rise up to become a Admin of Team Rocket has released!"

Jay: "Ptui! That's if the person your up against wasn't me, Come out Gyarados!"

Jay's shiny red gyarados came out and released a earth shattering roar that made even some of the opposing gyarados keep quiet at the strength behind this big fellow who was the same as them but different color like a black sheep amongst white sheep.

Jay: "I can't hold back and risk the safety of the people, So Gyarados we are going full power!"

Jay: "Lets show them our true power!"

This phenomenon was similar to that of the mega evolution, the red energies of both Jay and Gyarados connected with tentacle like strings. Suddenly Gyarados's body glowed bright red and started to become bulkier. The fins on its cheeks become longer and gain a Silver tint. Its crest is larger and black, and its barbells also gain considerable length. A large spike extends downward underneath its chin, and it now has a black underside with a red stripe around the edges. The yellow spots along its body are replaced by raised Silver scales, which propel through the water. Two large Silver fins with blue spines appear on its back. Most of the other fins along its back disappear, replaced by two rows of Red spikes. There are now four silver, spiky fins near is tail: two on its back and two on its underside.

Jack: "What the hell is that!?"

Jay did not answer Jack at all and got Gyarados to combine use both [Rain Dance] & [Hurricane] under the fierce water cyclone most of the gyarados were sent flying back into the sea which was enough to scare them off running away even from their trainers, the remaining Gyarados were still holding on with their pure strength which made Jay admire their tenacious nature to not bow down. So to show his respect he got his Gyarados to shoot off a [Hyper beam] energy powered beam that had enough destructive force to decimate a town and killed them off instead of having a hassle fit wit them.

The only gyarados that was remaining was the one the leader was pronging on his stomach holding the scales as hard as he can not to fly off like the other gyarados's, his face distorted at the fact that Lt Surge never told him about a trainer that held this much power it was only now he realized that he was nothing more than a disposable piece. He could only curse his own immaturity for not realizing this sooner. Since he was no match for this child he ordered his gyarados to [dive] go under water and escape as fast as he could.

Of course Jay did not bother chasing him because he knew this guy was a decoy to lure him away from Articuno but he could not let the people be at risk so he recalled his gyarados before people could see what happened since they were busy evacuating, Jay went off to help Snorlax and Steelix who were saving people from their wrecked homes. Mawile and Glaceon also came back from their battles so Jay recalled them instead to have a rest.

It took the people half a day to rescue most of the people, there were unfortunate ones who died during this disaster but the people still thanked Jay for selflessly running headfirst into danger to save them. Jay still felt a bit guilty that he could not have done more but the feeling did not feel as heavy as before anymore since he already said that he will do what he can in his immediate vicinity. He placed his palms together and gave a moment of silent respect to those who passed away and went off back into the mountains.


When Jay arrived at the place where he met team rocket before he noticed peculiar changes in the surroundings, the ice was melting which should be impossible if Articuno lives on this island then the ice would not melt this fast to begin with. Feeling uneasy over this discovery Jay went further ahead over the edge where he saw charred rocks and sharp icicles around the area indicating a touch battle took place, there were also some pokeballs scattered but mostly broken pieces.

When he picked up a piece he could not help but narrow his eyes, he was very familiar wit this peculiar balls even he uses them when he would face something he could not face yet. Yes it was the purple blue M marked Master Ball, seems like Team Rocket really came with the intentions to catch Articuno and his arrival along with the Gyarados attack on the sea port provoked Articuno to leave it's sealed state which would have protected it from these balls.

Jay: "I have to find out where the main head quarters are from my father soon"

With nothing else to do Jay instead entered the cave where he can train his pokemons against tougher opponents till the time comes for him to set sail to Cinnabar Island, considering that the town needed to be rebuild Jay can take his time to train his pokemon.

During the first days he made his pokemons battle other wild pokemons while holding back their strength, the first phase of the training now is to use just enough force to simply knock out pokemons without inflicting heavy damages on it. Jay intends to have his pokemon for the duration of the Kanto Region battle under the same restrictions as the Gym Leaders or else the battles he will face in the future will be too predictable, because his pokemon were focused mainly on Pure Power and now he intends to teach them to control that destructive amount of power.

Of course he did teach them control over their elemental energy but he never had them control the destructive force when they use their moves, it is only on mere luck that some moves came out softer than the rest. For his future battles in the new region his pokemon will need to be able to efficiently use their energy for in case of long lasting battles.

There was only one pokemon no matter how hard Jay tried to teach him how to control that dangerous power of his, he simply can't or more like his lazy nature made it almost impossible for him to hold back. So Jay chose him to simply be his trump card against powerful pokemons, yes it was his Snorlax. This glutton grew up a bit more ever since he joined the party, seems the energy in the pokeworld allows his pokemon to grow a bit larger than normal and also his dratini was now two meter in length. Jay has been feeding him his dragon aura on a daily basis as Dratini did not like the energy in the pokeworld than the energy he gains from Jay.


Few Days later


Deep within the cave resounding explosions could be heard coming from inside and from the loudness of the explosion it would make people think there is a large pokemon battle between Lord Class Pokemons, currently the one who is fighting is Dragonair. Jay is also trying to make heads and tail of this situation as well because of this situation was the thing that provoked Dratini to evolve the moment it broke through Pseudo Elite Rank.

After evolving Dragonair was a tier above Onix in ranks so Jay gripped dragonair's tail which calmed the boy down and told him to fight Onix but only to knock him out, for a newly evolved pokemon this is a task too difficult to complete.




He was looking at the Rock lizard in front of him feeling enraged when he was swatted like that, his dragon pride provoked his anger to the max so he could not suppress the inner dragon force within his body which exploded and released a vast amount of power that fuelled his emotions. If it wasn't for Jay who touched his tail at the right moment he would have lost himself in his rage there, after taking a deep breathe he releases [Dragon Breath] a wide spread of dragon energy like a flamethrower as a decoy.

While Onix was raising rocks [Rock Tomb] to block off the incoming breath attack, but Dragonair was already onto him from behind and wrapped around the body of Onix and began strangling this rock pokemon. Because it's body was made of rocks it was tough to knock it out so out of a fit of Rage Dragonair [Headbutt] beat it's head into Onix's head finally knocking it out.

Jay gave Dragonair a passing score for a first time holding back battle but still has a long way to go since the head of the onix was cracked so Jay healed it before leaving, it was finally time to hit the seas off to Cinnabar Island!

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