Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 23 - Fight of Mini - Legends

Snorlax was drooling uncontrollably at the promise Jay made with him to the point that the large group of pokmemons even turned into fruits in his view, if this was known to the other pokemons they would puke out their blood at just how much of a glutton this fatty is. Seeing that Snorlax is still having a day dream ticked off a Rhydon as it charged and tackled into Snorlax but the poor pokemon instead sinked in snorlax's body before it rebounded back crashing into the ground yet Snorlax was still unresponsive, this thoroughly enraged Rhydon as it began [Rock Throw] to levitate a large amount of rocks.

Rhydon pushed his palms forward as the rocks shot towards Snorlax like soldiers who received orders from there general, most of the rocks bounced off snorlax body making him giggle as the rocks were ticklish but the moment a rock smashed into it's face and exploded the laughing stopped. It was eerily quiet as the dust settled revealing a snorlax leaking so much killing intent that a red aura was fluctuating around him, seeing this scared the pokemons to the point they wanted to run but the only way out was to jump in the sea and they could not swim properly.

Snorlax: "Whose the bastard that threw that rock!!!!"

All the pokemons moved away from Rhydon, seeing this Snorlax's eyes focused on this little fly who dare do such a thing. Snorlax was enjoying his dream of eating lots of fruits and was interrupted with tickles which he did not mind as it felt quite funny but that rock in the face was unneeded! He began walking towards Rhydon with each step heavier then the next, Rhydon wanted to run but it saw the [Hyper Beam] in Snorlax's hand so the moment he runs he will be dead so he took the gamble and waited till snorlax was before him looking at him like the insect he was, and he truly felt like a insect in front of this bloody monster who took on his [Rock Throw] head on and remained unscathed.

Snorlax: "You...."

Snorlax's hand was actually [Super Power] which he concentrated in one hand instead of his entire body so the pokemons mistook it for [Hyper Beam] instead, seeing that the fly in front of him did not dare to speak and he felt too lazy to argue with it so he simply gave it a slap in the face launching it into the sea.

Snorlax: "Such a pain"

The other pokemons seeing this was beyond terrified regardless of what happens today they are going down that cliff, since they could dive down themselves instead of getting beaten would raise their survivability so the rest of the pokemons ran away and jumped off the cliffs in droves leaving Snorlax flabbergasted at these idiots who were running as he did not even get ready to fight yet, little did this fatty know his one slap was enough to scare them off to rather take a chance with diving off the cliff than his slap..


Gyarados vs Moltress


High in the air was a flying fire bird and a red/silver flying serpent who were at each other for a moment before Moltress was the one who took the offense [Fire Blast] and launched a five pointed star flame at gyarados and to counter it [Hydro Pump] Gyarados spit out a highly pressured water to extinguished the flames and right after that it began to roar [Dragon Pulse] as a pulse of strong dragon energy was launched at Moltress.

Sensing the strong dragon energy that could be threatening to its life coming, Moltress flew higher while gyarados was already onto him. Embers would drop onto Gyarados from it's wings while gyarados was doing everything it could to dodge them, although these embers look harmless in fact they are the leaking excessive energy Moltress could not store so these little balls contain enough fire power for a [Fire Blast].

After a while of tag chasing Gyarados came to a stand still while Moltress only stopped a few meters away from it, the two once again glared at each other. But Gyarados had enough of this fire bird and decided to corner it, he roars up to the heavens calling for rain [Rain Dance] water energies were also let out together with the roar as it was launched Up to where dark clouds were already gathering. Noticing the changes of the weather and clouds gathering over it's Head Moltress kept flapping it's wings with a disinterest look on it's face.

When the first rain drop fell the rest soon followed after in swarms, gyarados was charging for another attack that Moltress was not suspecting since the rain dance was nothing more than a cover for the real attack. When Gyarados open it's mouth a yellowish energy particles shot out into the clouds and shortly after [Thunder] a true lighting struck the wings of Moltress make it caw in horror and pain as it did not sense any lightning within the clouds so this sudden thunder attack took of by surprised and injured his wings badly but not bad enough to stop it from flying.

It was afraid, this Moltress was really afraid of the Gyarados in front of him. Although they could currently not take each other out yet, in the future Moltress knows it won't be a match for it, it wanted to kill gyarados before it becomes mȧturė and reach it's full potential but it was stopped as his trainer was calling him to return. With a reluctant look Moltress glance one last time at Gyarados and flew away. The battle of legendaries came to a sudden stop but it will not be the last time they will meet.


Jay was already running towards where the girl was crying even louder than before, when he arrived next to her he could see the serious amount of damage Eevee had endured to protect it's trainer. Without asking for her permission he immediately touch eevee with his right hand and used his Healing Magic he developed himself which he called [Curaga], when the body of eevee bask in the white light of healing the visible injuries were swiftly healing till they were closed.

The girl seeing this was shocked, happy but then scared to the point she was trembling, Jay noticed this and did not know what to do. He could only take a few steps back and sit on the ground so he would be eye level with her.

Jay: "Sorry about that"

Jay misunderstood her scare for him moving inappropriately.

Girl: "No, it's not that. I should be thanking you but... Are.... Are you a god's representative?"

Jay's eyes began twitching with revelation as to why this girl was scared to begin with.

Jay: "Ah yes... I am currently the Hero God Representative"

The Girl breathe out a sigh of relief as a natural beautiful smile form on her face but when she saw the entranced face of Jay she immediately blushed and look away.

Freya: "I am the representative of the Goddess of Love, my name is Freya"

Jay: "Oh! Ah? My name is Jay Silver"

Freya: "I was tasked by the Goddess to find you and follow you on your journey, but the only information she gave me was Blaine, but when I arrived at the Mansion where Blaine resides in there were Team Rockets, after battling them Eevee got injured so I ran all the way up here... I ... Would never have thought you would save someone like me"

Jay's eyes twitch setting aside this girl talking so naturally and let down all her guard towards him as if she already met him, he could not help but ask.

Jay: "If you don't mind me asking but have me met before this?"

Freya: "Ah? Well honestly I never in my whole life the one I should follow would be the greatest savior of Earth, Jay."

Jay: "You know of my previous life?"

Freya: "I was one of the kids you saved back then but the people at the hospital were mostly after money so once you were killed by a disaster they stopped caring altogether about me and I could only wait for my inevitable death"

Jay: "*sigh*, although there is nothing I can do about it now but that world sure have a lot of scums..."

After spending a hour for eevee to sleep in her arms, Jay and Freya exchanged their past lives with one another and soon became friends. It was a complicated as the two fell in love with each other although in different times but they did not know how to express it, so they could only keep it within. The moment Eevee woke up Freya was crying again while hugging the confused Eevee who was resolved to die but it still let out a happy cry seeing Freya is still fine.

Jay: "We need to go back to that Mansion, I am sure my old man should be around there since I destroyed two bases of Team Rocket so far, I still haven't found where their new Head Quarters are"

Freya: "EH!? You have destroyed two bases of those strong villains!?"

Jay: "Strong? But they are only so-so for me though"

Freya: "No no no no no! They are strong, seriously strong that the League would not move even if spotted unless the innocents are in danger!"

Jay: "Oh, that explains a few things too so I have truly wronged that gym leader"

Freya who heard the story puffed up her cheeks pouting as she began to lecture Jay all of the sudden that his attitude towards people need to work, he needs to talk more to other people other than train all the time. Jay who is being scolded for the first time by a stranger plus it was his first love so he was completely bewildered and no idea what to do but to simply resign himself to be criticized

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