Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 24 - Blaine's Deepest Regret and Wish

After the long lecture that felt like a lifetime for Jay, he and Freya went off back to the hidden mansion where his father should be at. It was pretty well hidden so the fact that Team Rocket managed to find it shows how strong their information gathering skills are, so when they entered they saw how badly the mansion was ransacked with couches even shredded to pieces and book cases destroyed as if they were even looking within these things to find something but Jay was more concerned over something else.

If he could remember correctly his father has a secret laboratory within the mansion that requires you to step on a specific wood plank on the floor to open the secret door to the stairs that will take him down to where he wants to go. After looking around for a good long while he found a peculiar wood under the stove in the kitchen, the only way to step on it will be to press the tip of your toes and press down. Luckily the buŧŧon was not hard to press at all so Jay easily pressed it down and suddenly the Stove began moving backwards when the wall moved upwards revealing a small space for the stove to move into and revealed the stairs in the place where the stove originally was.

Freya: "Wow! Your father surely is a genius like you"

Jay's eyes twitched at the word 'father' as he remembered the wrong one when Freya saw that subtle change she immediately explained that she was talking about Blaine of course Jay knew this and could only pat her head to calm her down as to say he knew he just remembered the other old man by chance. Feeling the warm headpat Freya turned her face away blushing, Jay of course did not pursue this and went down the stairs with Freya following behind him.

What appeared in front of their eyes was a large open laboratory with varies sizes of Incubator machines and computers, not to mention the other stuff was just too many to mention but in between all of this was a sleeping bald head old man with sunglasses on and a white robe on the ground. It was Blaine his father probably pulled a all nighter without any regards to the Goons who destroyed his home as his real home is this laboratory, without any care for this old ma Jay went over and kicked him awake.

Blaine: "Ouch! WHo dares kick a senior citizen such a me! Huh? Jay why are you here and who is that?"

Jay: "You do realize that Team Rocket just destroyed your home upstairs but considering you still sleeping you probably did not care... Anyway I am here because during my travels I met up with Team Rocket and they captured the three Legendary Birds so I need to know what you know"

Freya: "You did not even introduce me idiot Jay! Hello I am sorry for my inappropriate display but my name is Frey I am a traveling companion of Jay"

Blaine: "OH! So Jay finally got himself a girlfriend!?"

Jay: "What the hell Old Man I just met her today!?"

Freya blushes deep red but looked at jay with a fierce glare that even him flinched, but she soon regained her composure.

Freya: "I am currently only Jay's friend"

Blaine:"Hoho, make sure to look after him... I can't teach him much as I am the worst example to follow as both father and a man"

Freya could more or less guess something happened between the father and mother but did not ask anything and simply smiled.

Freya: "I will surely look after him"

Jay: "OI! Why am I not included here!?"

Freya: "Jay, you should treat your father with respect regardless of what the past was. What matters is the present"

Jay: "Hmpf! Old man be sure to send me the information you have of Team Rocket, they actions these days has become troubling for me"

Jay walks back on the stairs and left Freya with his father, it's not that he hates his father but more mad at this man for being so stupid and not even coming to apologize to his mother at least. So in order not to make it more awkward he could only leave instead.

Blaine: "Don't blame Jay for his actions because he has more right to be mad at me especially his mother... That's why Freya if possible really look after him, the boy has a strong sense of Justice, when things happens he tends to keep it to himself and did not have anyone who could tell him where he is wrong or right because his mother loved too much she probably could find it in herself to punish him... Because after all, I am the one who almost killed him before he was even borned..."

Freya: "What do you mean?"

Blaine: "Back in the days when I was young I was in love with his mother and I became a Gym Leader in hopes to provide a better live for our future family, I was also a professor in my free time who enjoyed looking at genetic data of all pokemons and see just how they all link up together to see just what created the Creation Trio itself. Because I firmly believe something is needed to create something, and because of this pursuit Team Rocket came in contact with me and gave me data of Mew"

Blaine sighs as he looks at the roof.

Blaine: "The foolish me back then was swallowing their false promises and benefits like a starved dog and helped them create the Mewtwo Project, it was a project of creating the strongest Legendary Pokemon by using Mew as the foundation and adding other pokemon genes to strengthen it even further. But the results of this project was not giving satisfactory outcomes, driven by my dėsɨrė to see the limits this genes can go I asked my wife who was pregnant with Jay if I could inject the cells of Mew, Riolu and Gengar into the fetus..."

Blaine chuckles as if he was trying to mock himself for being a idiot"

Blaine: "My wife argued with me saying that such a thing will be more harmful and what if we create a monster instead of a child, she will not be able to handle such a outcome and blatantly refused. I of course accepted this but later those thoughts kept coming and coming till the day I gave into my curiosity I released sleeping gas making my wife fall asleep and I injected the genes into the fetus without telling her. Everything was fine and the genes did not show any changes or reactions so I gave up but the day when Jay was borned, what came out was a dead baby instead..."

Blaine: "My wife seeing this began screaming at me as she began to realize that I must have done something as she knew she was following the guidelines for a healthy birth, but afterwards a miracle happened as the baby just gotten life and began crying. I am not even sure how this happened to begin with, but suddenly Team Rocket was already walking down the passageway of the hospital and there was no time to hide, so I made my wife fall into a deep sleep coma that is similar to that of a death like state and went with Jay along with Team Rocket.... *sigh* I had to contact a few friends to awaken my wife only to find her son is gone along with me... I have no rights to be forgiven nor any rights to ask to be forgiven that;s why I could only ask you to be by his side.... I have sinned too great to say or do anything for him"

Freya: "I have no right to judge you nor do I want to... But I promise I will look after Jay till the end of my life"

Blaine: "Hoho, so I was right that you liked him"

Freya: "Uh.... Ah... Yeah... I do BUT don't tell him!!!"

Blaine: "Hehe, I won't... Thank you for listening to this old man's story, tell Jay I will send him the information I managed to uncover from Team Rocket to his database, and also give him this Gym Badge. Doubt he will be in the mood to battle but I know he is stronger than me"

Freya: "I will be sure to tell him and give him this badge. Try to live a healthier life though"

Blaine: "Hoho I will keep that in mind"


Jay was sitting on a bench in the garden looking at the skies with no particular thoughts in mind, he was simply just looking at the clouds and blue skies at a whim. When he heard footsteps coming from the Mansion he knew it was Freya who came but he did not turn around and waited, Freya took her seat next to him and handed the Badge without saying anything to him. Jay getting the badge this way could understand that his father recognize his strength just from a glance, heh that's a gym leader for you.

Freya: "Where we off to?"

Jay: "Pallet Town, my mom is already demanding me to return when I just finished my phone call with her"

Freya: "I see"

Jay could only appreciate Freya's message she was conveying with the way she was acting, he knew she is waiting for when he is ready to talk. But honestly he does not know what to feel because he wasn't there when everything happened and only hoped that his father could at least just get some balls and apologize instead of hiding because he could see his mother despite being happy with him returning home, she was angry very angry with Blaine but he knew deep within her heart she still loves him and hopes he changes yet does not know he already changed to begin with.

So with the issues calmed down in Cinnabar Island Jay along with Freya went to the Sea Port and took the next Ferry towards a sea Port near pallet Town.

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