Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 25 - Where is mom!?

During the journey towards Pallet Town, Jay and Freya were standing on the left edge of the Ship leaning on the handrails. Jay and Freya did talk about his standpoint with his father but when he heard what truly happened he felt complicated, but he felt this was something he had no right to interfere in. It was something his mother will have to deal with but he will be sure to support her in whatever choice, he just hope his father will be able to find some courage to face his sins and apologize even if she does not forgive him just making the effort will do somehow.

Because there were no ports at Pallet Town the Ship went to Veridian City's Sea Port which was the closest port to get off for Jay and Freya, coming back to the city he once escaped from brought back some nostalgic memories to Jay that he just began to chuckle at the time he stole the things from Team Rocket and he wonder how Giovanni will face him for it, Freya was confused as to why Jay was laughing but when she heard the reason even she began to giggle at how naughty her Jay was in the past. Since it was still early Jay took out his Motorcycle and the two of them drove off to Pallet Town to be there a second sooner as Jay really missed his mother although he never says it.

But when they arrived they saw a large crowd moving up and down all over the town calling out for his mother and Professor Oak, when he heard this his heart was gripped with anxiety as he sped off faster to his home. Arriving in front he simply jumped off his motorcycle together with Freya entering his home. What was baffling was that the home was perfectly fine nothing out of the ordinary only that Mr Mine had fainted and Gardevoir had visible bruises and for some reason all his Eevee's (Evolved ones) were all in their pokeballs which is unnatural.

He immediately healed Gardevoir who was still sleeping from the mental exhaustion which he could not help with, as for Mr Mime seemed to have been knocked out with psychic energy. This gave him a clue that the attacker was a Psychic master, Jay told Freya to stay here and look after the two while he ran off to Professor Oak's Laboratory. When he arrived he could sense psychic energy within the surroundings so he immediately called out Mawile as he began to walk inside the Laboratory, in front of him was a sort of fat Professor Oak who was moving strangely but Jay knew it was not him and had Mawile shoot off a [hyper beam] beam of energy which destroyed the illusion within the place and in the place of the fake Oak was a Alakazam and behind him was Sabrina, the third Admin was her after all.

Sabrina: "I am quite surprised to see you broke this fast out of my illusion but that pokemon's growth is disturbing...."

Jay: "Where did you take my mom?"

Sabrina: "To the HQ of Team Rocket where else? Professor Oak did not want to obediently follow me but when I brought that woman together wi=="

Before she could finish her line Jay who already been boosted ten times during her talk grip her head and smashed it into the wall killing her instantly, his eyes were dark almost as he lost reason. When he turned to look at the alakazam who was scared at this Monster Human who killed his master so fast even he could not react. But Jay was already onto him and began to pummel Alakazam to the point it could no longer be recognized as one.

Dangerous Red aura began to leak out the body of Jay which made even Mawile scared but because he was her master she chose to run off to get Freya, it wasn't that long for Freya to arrive as she already sensed something was wrong with Jay and when she saw what he did she was shocked but she could hear within his voice as he roared the anxiety and fear that he would lose his mother once more. With no other choice but to reveal it, Freya used a Skill that the Goddess gave exclusively to her for situations such as this. The skill was called [Dragon's Song] but in fact it was only a skill that temporary calms down the dragon or Human with dragon trait like Jay enough to talk.

Jay who was suddenly brought back to his reasons could easily calmed down as he knew his mother is not dead yet he simply just lost to his emotions because of his anxiety and fear that it really might be that way. When he heard Freya's voice within his mind he turned around seeing her smiling at him with worrying look in her eyes, the violent aura around his body dispersed as he walked over to Freya and pulled her into an embrace. He did not want to confess or anything, he simply just needed to hold her to help him calm his anxiety and his fear, Freya did not mind this and hugged him back till he came back to normal.

Freya: "Stay Calm Jay, Mom will be fine"

Jay did not really pay attention to the last line and simply nodded but his face was beet red, after checking the information that his father sent him it means that Gary already went over to the site as well. Jay looked at Freya.

Jay: "I don't like dragging you into this but, I need you to come with me and look after my mom when we rescued her"

Freya: "Of course I would come even if you told me not to... But Jay I have one condition"

Jay: "What is it?"

Freya: "Don't lose control again okay? Otherwise the next time I will personally punish you"

Jay: "Yes Yes, No promises though"

Before leaving Jay and Freya along with Mawile went back to his home, when he arrived Gardevoir and Mime were awake, he calmed the two down and asked them to clean the house and he called out all his eevees from their balls and asked them all to guard the home while he is away. He recalled Mawile and called out Gallade who had been training his Teleporting skills for a situation such as this, in a instant Jay and Freya were teleported to the outskirts of Saffron City. Jay was a bit perplexed as he told Gallade to teleport in front of the Silph Co. Building but when he saw the transparent barrier around the city his body shivered for a moment. A pokemon with great power is needed to form such a strong barrier or it could be a weak pokemon who only focused on honing the barrier skill.

Gary: "So you arrived as well? Oh who is this?"

Jay: "Yeah, I accidentally killed the Admin who was at Professor Oak's lab before I could question her"

Freya: "My name is Freya, nice to meet you Gary"

Gary: "Oh nice to meet you too but Jay, you sure are ruthless huh? Well considering the fact we are in this mess it can't be helped, you got any ideas to pass this nuisance?"

Jay: "Well we will have to gamble whether or not the pokemon that is in charge of this barrier is psychically weak or simply outrageous strong, but my gut feeling says it's weak only strong with the barrier"

Gary: "How do we go about this then"

Jay: "Gallade, its time...."

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