Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 27 - Facing Surge

Lt Surge was standing firm despite being scared of this boy in front of him he could be thankful to his experience in the dangerous life in other regions which is also reason he came to Kanto as it was simply too horrifying for him to stay there so he joined Team Rocket and Illegally came to Kanto and thanks to Giovanni being one of the strongest Gym Leaders in the Region he could become a Gym Leader of Vermillion CIty himself.

But facing this boy for a second time he was reminded of the time he spent in Johto Region which looked like apocalypse has descended down that Region as the Wrath of Lugia and Ho-Oh is still not quenched and the three legendary pokemon under them Suicine, Raikou and Entei were wrecking havoc around towns and he, LT Surge experienced a Pokemon Tide that was commanded by Entei itself. Just surviving was a Miracle as the town was destroyed and here he is, a admin of a criminal Syndicate just to escape the Deserter status.

Deserter status is frowned upon in both the league and criminal syndicates as such people were useless because you never know when they might turn and run, so there are rare cases like Surge who earned the sympathy of Giovanni to escape from gaining such title.

Jay: "Now then... I suppose the only way through is your body huh?"

Lt Surge: "Ptui! Bring it on brat if you can defeat all my pokemons then I will let you through"

Jay: "Very well, Dragonair, you heard him. Please eliminate the Raichu which appears to be in quite a bit of pain.... You injected something into him didn't you"

Lt Surge: "It's the special serum Team Rocket developed which helps Pokemon evolve without the need of long waiting, since I knew I would face you again I injected it into Raichu to help it gain another boost in strength"

Jay: "But by doing this, you simply signed it's death warrant. From the looks of it, Raichu won't last another two hours, Dragonair do it"

Dragonair's rage was at it's peak since he could feel the sadness of his master now at the same time his rage, a fellow pokemon was being experimented and made to endure such pain. When Dragonair was about to use [Dragon Breath] the Raichu immediately countered with a [Thunderbolt], still remaining loyal to it's master earned Dragonair's Respect for this pokemon but also Sadness so without holding back Dragonair infused Dragon aura within it's body [Dragon Rage] and released it's rage with a tight control like Jay taught it so it won't rampage it moved as if it teleported right in front of Raichu slamming the pokemon into the ground.

Freya: "Is it the only way?"

Jay was gritting his teeth as he did not want to lose his composure like last time when he came across a situation like this, he knew it no matter what the pokemon was dying and the healing magic he had could not save it even if he uses all his man onto it. But what made him hold back his rage was the pure trust and loyalty this pokemon gave it's trainer despite it was being used like a tool by him, Jay could only give Dragonair an order to use [Iron Tail] with the sharp point of it's tail.

Jay: "Yes... There is nothing I can do to save it, so to show it the respect it deserves I can only end it"

Dragonair nodded at Jay's order with Raichu still down on the ground trying to stand up Dragonair Hardened it's tail with Metal Energy [Iron Tail] and directly impaled Raichu through it's heart killing it instantly, dragonair's heart was bleeding from sorrow that it had to kill a pokemon who had the similar belief as he had. He would give up anything for the sake of Jay's happiness, so to show his respect for the dead pokemon he roared up to the skies and suddenly his body began to glow. His tail shrinking while his body was growing wider, legs and arms formed while the neck shrink, when the light dispersed it revealed his Dragonair who evolved into Dragonite

It had crimson red skin. It has large, blue & green eyes and a round snout with small nostrils. A pair of long, thin antennae sprout from the top of its head with a small horn set between them. Its striated underbelly is silver colored and extends from its neck to the tip of its long, tapering tail. It has thick arms and legs ending in three claws each. The leg joints are well defined, while its arms have a smooth, rounded appearance. Dragonite's wings are small relative to its body with silver wing membranes.

Jay: "I understand, lets give this pokemon a proper burial at the Pokemon Tower once this is over okay?"


Dragonite picked up the dead Raichu and brought him towards Jay, Jay wrapped Raichu in a white cloth completely ignoring the angered Lt Surge who was angry about his partner being killed and now this hypocrite wants to bury his pokemon!?

Lt Surge: "DON'T FUCK WITH ME!!!! Come out Electrodes!!!"

Several large ball pokemons appeared in front of Jay and Dragonite, the ball was divided with two colors with White being the top and red on the bottom almost like a pokeball. Jay did not order Dragonite but his Dragon was quite angry at this Master who yelled like that and he was also in need of something to take his anger out on with and these little orbs just happened to be what he wanted.

Dragonite flapped it's wings and flew towards the Orbs with his fist covered in fire [Fire Punch], seeing this Lt Surge Ordered his One orb to jump into Dragonite and use [Explosion] which Dragonite Countered by blasting the incoming Electrode with a [Dragon Breath into Lt Surge's Direction. Seeing their master was in danger one of the orbs jumped in front of the orb that was about to explode and the two orbs perished together.

But Dragonite did not stop and smashed one of the Electrode Orbs into the wall with his [Fire Punch} and Punched the other Electrode with [Ice Punch], ignoring the element but the force of the punch was enough to crack both orbs causing them to faint from pure agony. Seeing his prized pokemons eliminated like bugs Lt Surge was sure of it that the trainer in front of him was similar to those Monster Talented Trainers who would continue to grow and developed in those wild areas.

Jay: "Dragonite stop"

Dragonite stood still but still growled and directed it's killing intent towards Lt Surge, but Dragonite being loyal to Jay did not do anything and simply snorted at this scum and then returned to Jay's Side. With the body in his Babylon Gate for later to bury Jay walked over and without any resistance from Lt Surge he cuffed him up and made him open the door, Freya who thought Jay would kill this man was relieved that Jay managed to keep his anger in and think rationally so she simply touched Jay's back which made him shiver for an instant not of fear but at how warm that touch felt for his heart.

Without any words the three and one pokemon left the room and went towards the Command room of the building as Jay intends to get the League to handle the Admins he will be handing over and arrange a nice trap for Giovanni to drop in. Otherwise if Jay does not do it properly this kind of thing will keep repeating and repeating.

Jay: "Once we got the rooms where mom is being held can I leave it to you to handle Freya?"

Freya: "Of course! You can trust me with that"

Lt Surge: "...."

Jay: "As for you, I will leave it up to the league. Otherwise I might slip, lose my cool and end up killing you in the process"

When Jay arrived at the command center the first thing he did was confirm the location of his mother and saw she was in a room together with Professor Oak who was bruised, Freya seeing the map instantly ran out without waiting for Jay to say something. Jay then started to hack the firewall of the system and sent a message to the League which caused a massive Mayhem as he sent it not to the normal contact person but the President of the League himself.

With the league on the way, Jay still have to Face the three Legendary Birds whose presences he just felt on the top level. And Gary was in a life and Death Battle again Koga... How will this battle turn out? Jay's first legend battle before he even stepped out of Kanto

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