Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 28 - Facing the Legendaries - Part One

There was disturbing news that Jay found amongst the information he gathered from the Team Rocket research database about the reason why Trainers are forced to complete the eight gym battle, compete in the Pokemon League and fight against the Elite Four. The badges are crafted from Mysterious stones that fell onto this world from the space that had powers to make your pokemon have higher defense, attack, etc.

This kind of set up was extremely similar to the Pokemon Game but what came next was the Cup you win at the pokemon league will enchant your body to allow it to survive the atmosphere outside Kanto Region as it seems the Three Legendary Birds that are protectors of Kanto not only balance the three elements but also maintain a special Barrier that prevents the atmosphere of the other region to enter Kanto which is why Kanto Region rarely have Pokemon Tides or Pokemons going Berserk before.

After winning against the Elite Four you will then be given four more badges as proof that you may leave the Kanto Region up to Sinnoh Region but further Regions you have to complete two more Leagues. Meaning that Jay will have to face the Horrors of Johto but he decided to face it for last to build up a strong team as that warning from the God was not a joke even if he is a pervert, the badges of the Elite Four enchants your pokemon permanently with anti-bodies so they can resist the miasma that drives pokemon insane.

This also explains why in the other region when you capture a pokemon before you can use it you have to take it to a pokemon centre to have it purified first before you can use it, it was even made into a Law but the Criminal Syndicates of course don't follow it as the pokemon under the influence of the Miasma displays power greater than a pokemon not under the influence. Just from this you can imagine what happens if a Legendary Pokemon comes under the influence of this mysterious miasma that struck the world more than a 100 years ago.

But what team rocket's research displayed was using the power of the Badges to merge Moltress, Zapdos and Articuno into a single entity, the idea is truly ingenious in Jay's view but if it were to be implemented it would be trouble. Could that be the reason why his mother and Gary's grandfather was targeted in the first place? As only the two of them were going on a trip because according to Professor oak a few years ago that the next batch of trainers would only arrive two years after him and Gary, this could be the only explanation as Sabrina was not sure that the woman was his mother to begin with they were only sure that he had years of contact with her.

Jay: "Dragonite, you ready to face your first legend battle?"

Dragonite: "Roar ROAR!" {Hell Yeah!}

The two of them went up the stairs when they left the security room, Jay did not bother with Gary's near death battle as he already saw Gary's plan so he should be fine and the League just entered the city and started capturing the Goons so Jay could focus on battling the Legendary birds. When Jay arrive at the top of the Build Roof he saw the very same Team Leader he met back at the SeaFoam Island who led the team to capture Articuno, the man smirked when he saw Jay Arriving as it was all natural.

Sam: "You came at last Jay Silver... I am sure I never told you but my name is Sam! I have finally became the Fourth Admin thanks to Capturing Articuno but I was waiting for you to arrive all this time, even if you prevented the Merge Plan for now. I can simply defeat you with the pokemons themselves and take it from your Corpse"

Jay: "You do realize that when those Legendaries pokemon Merge the Barrier that is keeping even you safe will disappear and you will die"

Sam: "Why should I care!? The person who robbed me off my family, killed my father, rȧpėd my mother and even rȧpėd my sister will die then! If I have to die for that man to die as well why should I care!? I will simply join my family once I completed my mission"

Jay's heart shook for a moment, it was only now he realized there are people in the criminal syndicates who are enacting their revenge for the injustice they suffered, these kinds of people are the most dangerous kind as they don't care what happens to the others but only want to have their revenge, what shook Jay the most is that if something were to happen to Freya and his mother he too would probably end up like this. So he had no right to criticize this man in front of him, the best he could do was....

Jay: "Since the battle will soon start, let me ask you who is the man who done it to your family?"

Sam: "Why? You want to protect him!?"

Jay: "No, it's so that when the battle is over the way how that man is dealt with will be determined. If you win you get the badges but if I win you will allow yourself to be caught by the League and I will deal with the man myself in your place"


Jay: "Sigh... Because if I was in your place I would end up just like you as well, I understand this pain far more than you can imagine. So tell me who is this man?"

This time Sam shivered from the intensity Jay was talking towards him, he could feel it within his heart this boy in front of him was serious, dead serious that he will do something about it.

Sam: "Hah! It's not like you will win but for your Death Wish I will tell you! It's the Vice President Francis Reinhardt, he is also the owner of the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island"

Jay: "I see, thank you... So how about we start?"

Sam: "You want to die so badly? Very well come out Moltress!"

A large avian Pokémon with golden plumage appeared in front of Jay and Dragonite, It has a long, flowing head crest and a billowing tail, both made of reddish-orange and yellow flames. Additionally, its wings are also shrouded in fiery plumage. It has a long, thin neck, a pointed, brown beak, and small, triangular eyes. Its thin, brown legs have feet that have three forward facing toes and one backward facing toe. What appeared in front of them was the same Moltress that Gyarados once Repelled.

Jay: "Dragonite go behind me and rest up. Come out Gyarados!"

What appeared in front of Jay was the Red/Silver Shiny Gyarados which was also influenced by his dragon aura like Dragonite, seeing this familiar pokemon that fought it head on made Moltress flinch for a moment. Without wasting time Jay sent out his dragon Aura to form a link with Gyarados's, with a soft mutter [Mega Evolve] Gyarados shined brightly growing larger like he did before and when Moltress saw this it became even more serious to the point that Sam flinched because he could not understand why a legendary pokemon had turned so serious.

Jay: "Gyarados became much stronger than before... I Hope you won't fall too easily Moltress"

To back up the words Jay said a light dispersing around Gyarados as it began to Roar, seeing this unique change made even Sam become bewildered well of course he would as Kanto was not yet introduced to Mega Evolution just yet and since there were not a lot of people who can see this battle Jay could go all out. Gyarados immediately launched a high pressure water blast [Hydro Pump] Towards Moltress who breathed out a large star shape fire ball at the water [Fire Blast] but it was extinguished upon impact, seeing this it immediately took flight [Fly] to dodge the incoming attack and Gyarados took off after Moltress while roaring to the heavens as clouds began to gather to cover the entire city [Rain Dance] Soon rain began to pour down the entire city and Moltress could feel it's own power was weakening.

To Counter Moltress was about to radiate it's aura [Sunny Day] to call out the sun to breach the clouds but was met with a point blank [Hydro Pump] High pressure water blast when it was busy performing it's move, when Moltress was knocked out Gyarados caught the falling bird and placed it behind Jay. It did not surprise Jay at all that Gyarados became a monster of it's kind since he was being enchanted by the very same aura Jay was cultivating every night before he goes to bed. Jay felt that using his Boost and Divide ability here will not help his pokemon in their training for what is about to come.

Sam was about to recall Moltress but Gyarados immediately let out a Thunderbolt from it's mouth and destroyed the pokeball in his hand. With this Moltress was no longer in the hands of Team Rocket so Jay could use his healing magic to help Moltress awaken from it's unconsciousness, when it saw Jay healing it, it did not lash out but instead lowered it's head towards Jay which Greatly shocked him because Moltress released a faint energy that entered his body into the PokeWorld and within a Egg was starting to Hatch and a Baby Moltress came out of it, of course Jay did not know this but he was more shocked about what Moltress did as he could not understand. He did not feel anything strange within his body, when Moltress was done it immediately took flight and returned to it's home.

Jay: "Sigh... No idea what that was all about. Return Gyarados, now Sam call out the next one... We still have two more to go right?"

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