Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 29 - Facing Legendaries Part Two

Sam was visibly shaken from losing Moltress as this meant he would have to recapture the pokemon again but since he and his team have experience capturing it, it will not be that much of a problem to catch it once again. He hatefully glared at Jay who caused this trouble and immediately threw another Pokeball which called out another large pokemon.

What appeared in front of Jay was a large avian Pokémon with predominantly blue plumage and wings said to be made of ice. On its forehead is a crest that consists of three, darker blue rhombus-shaped feathers. It has circular red eyes, a short gray beak, and long, thin gray legs. Each foot has three forward facing toes and one that faces backward. On its ċhėst is a mass of pale blue, downy feathers. Its long, streamer-like tail is longer than its body and the same shade of blue as its crest. It was Articuno, his second opponent was the Guardian of Ice and Water Elements.

Jay: "It's been a while Articuno.... I will save you soon"

Articuno did not utter a noise nor move but Jay could see the appreciation this bird had for him who would fight and protect the weak which was the same thing it stood for, so Jay called out his Mawile who will be in charge of this battle as he felt that this partner of his will beat him up if she is being left out in a battle. Even Dragonite is scared of her for reasons Jay will never know, when Mawile came out she gave Articuno a competitive glance which Articuno responded with the same kind of glance because even if Articuno wanted to be saved it was still a Legendary bird who had the pride of being one so it will not allow itself to lose easily against this pokemon that was half it's height.

Sam: "You are exploiting the type the pokemons are weak against!? Why can't you face me like a man!!"

Jay: "It's common sense to use a pokemon with a advantage type against your opponent which is why I allowed you to summon out first you know"

Sam: "Bastard! You tricked me!"

Jay: "Of course, I want to get this match over with as I can sense the barrier is weakened. Mawile do it"

Mawile covered herself with Iron Energy to toughen up her defenses [Iron Defense] while the snake behind her head was gather earth energy [Ancient Power] with the preparation complete the snake launched the ancient power near the back of Mawile causing a explosion to propel her like a cannon ball towards articuno, thanks to her [Iron Defense] hardened body that endured the Blast she was now flying towards Articuno while covering her fist with Electricity [Thunder Punch]. The explosion was caused for two reason, one was to propel Mawile while the other was the fact that the dust covered more than half the roof and a small hole was made in the building.

Before Articuno could take flight to avoid the dust cloud Mawile already appeared in front of it, since Sam could not order Articuno efficiently means that he was not a experienced trainer so Articuno had to face a punch covered with Electricity in the face [Thunder Punch] Another explosion took place and the Roof of the build began to collapse, if this building was not built sturdy it would have collapsed with all the heavy battles on top of it. When the dust settled Mawile was standing next to Articuno with it's ball in her hand, since this odd pokemon is more interested in Close Combat like a martial artist it also focused on training it's speed to the point it could break which bore fruit as she managed to slip through and snatch the pokeball out of Sam's hands.

Well with all honesty all the pokemons of Jay is odd, One pokemon simply want to use Sword like moves only, the one thinks its suppose to be born as a Fighting type, a Ground type thinking it's a Dragon, a Glutton that would fight to the world's end for food and then a Fish that loves to fly... It was only Dragonite that appears to be normal but in front of Mawile this guy's dragon pride is simply just gone... So all of them are odd, but he loved them. With Articuno Rescued Jay healed it as well, similar like with Moltress, Articuno also lowered it's head to Jay sending a faint trace of ice energy into his body which scared him because he gained a slight dragon trait which is weak to ice. But within the pokeworld without Jay's realization another Egg hatched and a baby Articuno came out.

Slowly the PokeWorld was starting to get filled with Elemental energies helping the some of the plants and tree to mutate into different kinds of plants and trees for specific type of pokemon, but the process still required the last egg to hatch.

Sam: "Damn it!"

Jay: "Good work Mawile you can rest now"

Jay Recalled Mawile and the once obedient Dragonite came in front of Jay and roared at Sam that he is now waiting for his opponent, this display made Jay chuckle a bit because his dragonite would only be this arrogant when Mawile is not around. Facing this intensity Roar Sam immediately threw the last Pokeball in his hand calling out Zapdos but what he did not take into account was that he called Zapdos out too close to him as the naturals sparks of the bird destroyed the pokeball indirectly. With it free even Zapdos was looking at Sam as if he was the greatest fool in this world or his greatest savior, it was perplexed at which it was but when it saw Jay and Dragonite it finally knew what happened.

Under the attack of Sparks Sam jumped down the torn down roof to the floor below and began to run for his life as he did not want to be captured by the league but the league were already going upwards so he will be caught sooner or later.

Meanwhile Facing Zapdos who did not lower it's head but nonchalantly threw a ball of electricity energy that entered Jay's body, with the last Egg finally hatched the Elemental energy within the pokeworld came to a balance and new plants and trees came to life. The baby Zapdos, Moltress and Articuno were being looked after the Mew who was a few days older than these babies which made it happy that it had friends to play with, Mawile and the rest made sure that the other pokemons will stay away to protect these babies who need a week for it to grow into ȧduŀt forms.


When everything was said and done the league captured all of the admins while they did not punish Jay for killing Sabrina as they simply wrote it off as Self Defense and he was even given a introduction letter so he could visit the shop that is under the league's control to buy different kinds of Pokeballs like Ultra or Greater balls. Of course Jay also gotten a Pokemon Egg which he does not know what it was as the League simply said it was a surprise.

Jay: [Aren't I getting swamped with Eggs all over the place?] "Ah Thanks"

League Official: "No, it is us who have to thank you, thanks to you the Barrier that is keeping Kanto Safe has stabilized. We the league owe you a great deal of thanks for what you have done"

Jay: "Then, I want you to arrange a team who will help me capture the Leader of Team Rocket"

League Official: "HUH!? THe LEader is not amONGST them!?"

Jay: "Yes, the leader is Giovanni"

League Official: "Impossible!"

Jay: "That's why I ask you to gather a team to surround the town, I will carry a tapped radio for you to listen through and when you get the evidence you want you can then capture him. If he is not the one I can simply have my gym battle and the League can retract their support of me as punishment but if it's true then I want to full support of the League regardless of where I go to after Kanto"

League Official: "I will have to report to the President first before I can answer you, can you wait for the answer I will still send a team to monitor Giovanni to make sure he does not escape if it really is true"

Jay: "Thanks"

Jay then went over to the Ambulance where his mother was happily talking with Freya, he naturally smiled while he felt a heavy load was finally off his shoulders. Just as he was about to say hi his mother saw him and immediately ran over to him and grabbed him into a tight hug.

Mom: "You little! Why have you gone and done such a reckless thing!? What if I Lost you!?"

His mother was crying out of relief even if she heard it from Freya that he was fine, but as a mother she was still worried for her son so when she saw him arrive all the stress and worries bursted out with tears of relief her boy was fine. Jay did not say a thing and allow his mother to vent all her worries while he held her tightly back while gently rubbing her back.

Jay: "I'm glad your safe mom"

Mom: "*sniff sniff* Of course your little girlfriend saved me and Professor Oak"

Jay's eyes twitched for a moment, but chose to keep quiet as his mother was happy so he did not want to ruin it. Even Freya was smiling cheekily at this exchange like a child succeeded in pranking. After talking for a long while Jay, his mother and Freya was transported by the League's Helicopter back home, apparently Professor Oak went on ahead as he had to fix the Lab and first check if all the pokemons he was looking after was fine.

When Jay and them came home, Jay was jump attacked by all his Eevee Evolved pokemons (Leafeon, Glaceon, Espeon, Umbreon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon) Licking him all over his face.


Just to explain the reason for the battle being ended fast, because Kanto is a starter village the 'hidden boss' aka Legendary Birds are weaker compared to the other legendaries outside Kanto. Even if they are legends but on the "Power Rank" of the outside world their power will fall around [Lord Rank].

What was not explained about the "Barrier" that was meant to protect Kanto was also indirectly blocking other natural energies from other elements to enter which made most of the pokemons in Kanto weaker than they are meant to be. Of course this will be further explained far ahead, I had to release this semi-spoiler information to explain why the MC's pokemons could be considered Abnormal or irregular on the Kanto Region because of the existence of his PokeWorld that had the energies the pokemon need to grow stronger.

Please also note I will be adding another two or three ranks above the Legendary Ranks where the Creation Trio, Groudon/Kyougre and the three Dragons are at... See you all tomorrow!!!

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