Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 30 - Meeting Charles Goodshow

It's been five days since the last epic battle between Jay, Gary and the Team Rocket criminal syndicates, after their group got crushed the "R" Logo simply dispersed from the Region as if it was all but a dream. The people were all happy even Professor Oak was more energetic than before when he met with all Jay's mutated pokemons, he was in particularly interested in Jay's Mawile, Dragonite and Gyarados who showed the most obvious different looks from their counterparts. He Theorized that the pokemons got in touch with a unique energy which could be similar to that of the miasma in the other regions which provoked this change, this greatly shocked Jay because although he was not right he was not wrong either. This professor was truly the one to be called a Pokemon Genius Professor alright.

During the three days Freya spent almost all of her time keeping Jay's Mother company, Jay's mother was all smiles and even started calling Freya her Daughter in-law. And on the third Day his mother pushed Jay to take Freya on a date as he was most of the time at Professor Oak's to which Jay did not object as Freya seemed to be quite interested in this town. So Jay took her out while showing her the farms, and shops in the town which was not much but it was enough for him as he loved this little town that was beautiful, after walking around till the afternoon Jay came back home with Freya and just as his mom was about to say something he Said he came back home because he wanted to cook lunch for them.

Hearing her son was going to cook for the first time for her the previous thoughts of scolding him for not taking Freya out to eat at a Restaurant or something flew out the window, Jay knew more or less how to escape the clutches of his mother's anger from time to time although it does not work all the time. What he made on that day was special Beef / chicken mixture lasagne which he originally wanted to make for his mom back in his previous world, along with the Lasagne he added a few mixed salads on the sides. With the lunch prepared by her son she did not say anything as the three of them took their seat and after saying thanks for the food they start eating, it was quite delicious compared to the lasagne he made in his previous life almost as if the ingredients of this world is far more fresher here.

And when Jay had nothing to do he would be training his body and dragon Aura if not he would be having combat training against his pokemons making them used to fighting against humans as well since he heard from Professor Oak that there are people who train to kill pokemons with their hands so to counter that Jay have combats himself against his pokemons one on one. It was on the fifth day that Jay was called to Professor Oak's lab during the after lunch for a phone call, Professor Oak did not mention who as this kind of topic was highly classified but Jay already knew who it was and has been waiting for this call for a real long time now.

When Jay arrived in the lab there was a large screen with a old man wearing a blue cap and a long white beard, He was Charles Goodshow the president of the League committee who live his life now to protect young trainers to grow up to the point he can leave them to finish the dreams of having safer regions in the future to them.

Charles: "It's the First time we meet like this Jay Silver, my name is Charles Goodshow."

Jay: "Nice to meet you, as you said I am Jay Silver. I was wondering if you came to decision?"

Charles: "Ah that? Well we have came to an decision and will put a wireless recorder onto you while you have your battle with Giovanni----"

Jay: "Hold on a minute let me send something for YOUR eyes only"

Jay connects his smart phone to the video call and sent a few files about Mewtwo's Research notes.

Charles: "THIS!?"

Jay: "I hope you take this more seriously President Charles, when I am going to face Giovanni the pokemon you are seeing in that Research note will probably be used against me. I will be able to combat against it but don't forget this Pokemon is a Pokemon made off from the Legendary Pokemon Mew's Cells so don't take the situation lightly"

Charles: "But why now!? Why have you not send this along with the report"

Jay: "Because your Vice President is corrupted Person and mostly the reason for Team Rocket's fast expansion, he has tortured over more than three thousand citizens of Kanto Region Wide which caused about 75% of the members that are part of the Team Rocket are mostly avengers for his crimes. I have attached the report as well... I hope you deal with this properly President Charles otherwise I won't mind making the move myself even if I have to become a enemy of the League I have promised someone that I will expose this man's crime, protect him and I don't mind dragging the League's reputation down along with it"

Charles: "That's some serious threat your giving me boy, are you serious?"

Jay: "Just punish him properly and I will not make my move, it's not that I have anything against the League at all. It's just that the League knew about this but have still not done anything so I am simply giving you the evidence and chance to get this done"

Charles: "Well since you helped me a lot with all this information I will ignore your threats you made, I promise as the League Committee's president that I will publicity Punish the Vice President and strip him off his ȧssets which will be used to ȧssist the families he has discriminated against"

Jay: "Perfect, now for Giovanni I don't mind being a scapegoat to record his confession, I just hope that you will arrange enough people to capture him as I might be too occupied to deal with the Mewtwo. My father and I were once forced to live in Team Rocket's Head Quarters for five years so the two of us know just how powerful that Mewtwo will become if it goes on a Rampage"

Charles: "So the report of you being Blaine's son is true huh?"

Jay: "Yes, I am also the one who exposed the previous Head Quarters to you before"

Charles: "hohoho, your computer skills is beyond terrifying you realized that right?"

Jay: "I have no other way to proof that I won't become a threat other than saying that as long as the League does not harm my family and friends unjustly I won't make a move"

Charles: "What if that friend is a criminal?"

Jay: "I will personally beat him up if it's a guy, if it's a girl I will drop her off at the league to lock her up"

Charles: "hohoho, no mercy even for your friends?"

Jay: "Each person is the architect of their own destruction, if my friend commit a crime they have to pay for their consequences themselves as a lesson so they won't do it again. I am not kind enough to eat a excuse and let it slide, it's better for them getting punish than going to far when it will become too late"

Charles: "ho? Seems you were right about him Samuel, seems he will become a fine trainer to help the other Regions"

Professor: "Hehe, I choose only those who have potential to become PokeDex users after all. Originally it was suppose to be only three but with Jay it became the first Generation to have four PokeDex users instead"

Charles: "Well Jay, I have already sent the disciplinary corps to surround Veridian City, they will arrive by tomorrow afternoon so make sure you are inside the City by Morning. Make sure to start your Gym Battle only at 3pm!"

Jay: "Got it Old man, and make sure for the upcoming League You have those four top people prepared as I intend to face them right after the Tournament one day for each of them"

Charles: "Hoho, quite a gutsy one huh? Very well I will have Lance and them prepare for their battles then"

The video call came to an end when Professor Oak hear Jay wanted to immediately challenge the ELite Four he was shocked, when he asked Jay why, Jay only said that he wants to get it over and done with. Because after the Tournament and the ELite Four he wishes to return to Lavender Town to Bury a pokemon his Dragonite Respect in the Pokemon Tower, after that they will train some more on Cinnadar Island while meeting up with his father.

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