It was 9am in the morning and Jay was getting dressed for the next Pokemon Gym battle, it took him the whole night last night to convince his mother and Freya to stay at home while he is going for the Battle. The worst part was the fact he shared the reason why his father has not shown up yet till now is the fact about the mewtwo project which made his mother quiver when she heard that they managed to recreate the pokemon, it made her even more frantic to not let him go but when he said he wish to bring it to an end so his father might have courage to face his sins she kept quiet and never said another word till now.

Freya was a bit more understanding as she knew that it was Jay who fought the legendary birds of Kanto so another Pokemon on Kanto should not easily threatened him so she agreed to stay and help his mother out, since Freya was here and the League were properly monitoring his mother Jay recalled all his pokemons he left here once and took everyone together with him as he got onto his motorcycle and drove off to Veridian City.

Upon Arrival Jay was checked by Officer Jenny who was controlling the entrance and leaving of the city along with her team of Policemen, when she saw Jay's ID she immediately gave it back to him and gave him a serious nod allowing him to enter. Despite the police launching a strict check up the town was still as lively as ever with everyone calling out their products in hopes to attract a potential buyer, and there was even some trainers having Pokemon Battles to entertain the people. Jay continued to walk while looking at the newer shops that opened up recently till he reached the pokemon center, when he entered he was greeted by a bright smile of Nurse Joy which he grew resistant to thanks to his daily interaction with Freya which he realized that she will punish him if he gets intimate with other girls. Friends is fine anything more and he gets the washing board,

Joy: "Welcome to the Pokemon Centre, would you like for me to check up your pokemons?"

Jay hands over his team he will be using in the upcoming battle for Nurse Joy to do a regular check up.

Jay: "Check up please"

Joy: "Please take a seat, I will be back in a hour or two"


Few hours later


Jay Collected his pokemons from Nurse Joy and went to the back of the Pokemon Center where he trained with his pokemon to see if their condition is good enough for the upcoming battle, unlike other pokemon gyms. Jay will be facing Giovanni's main team as a challenge which includes Mewtwo which he can't neglect, especially Giovanni's Title of being the strongest Gym Leader of Kanto which is definitely not for show. After confirming that his pokemons are in topnotch condition and even better after training in his PokeWorld for so long they should be good enough to take on his team.

Finally it was 3 Pm and Jay was walking straight for the Veridian Gym that looked Deserted, no one was coming near the Gym at all which was quite strange indeed. Since he was here for a Gym battle he pushed open the door only to find one big light was on and working which showed the centre Battle Field with a Man standing at the Gym Leader side silently with his eyes closed. When Jay entered the Gym and started to walk down the man who was standing on the field began to speak.

Giovanni: "It has been a little more than five years haven't it Jay Silver..."

Jay: "Yeah it has, I Must thank you for that money your Team Rocket loaned me when I escaped from the Team Rocket Head Quarters five years ago"

Giovanni: "So it was you who stole the money, stole my first Mewtwo and all the resources in the Storage!?"

Jay: "Of course! I mean it's against the law to steal from innocents but it's not against the law to steal from Criminals after all"

Giovanni: "You must be confident to say this in front of me... Is it because of you the League locked down the city?"

Jay: "Well Of course, you the leader of Team Rocket needs to be stopped isn't that how it works? Villains get their arises kicked by heroes"

Giovanni: "BWahahaha and your the hero?"#

Jay: "Whether I am a hero or not, I will leave it for the future generation to decide... So Giovanni I challenge you to a pokemon battle for Veridian Gym's badge"

Giovanni: "Very well but the battle types will not be your usual you had up till now... We will have two battles, the first one will be You against my pokemon and I will fight your pokemon at the same time... Our Second battle will be a regular pokemon battle"

Jay: "As expected, you truly are a survivor from the outside aren't you?"

Giovanni: "Of course, I did all those menial tasks to grab the Leagues attention to pull me in as a Gym Leader here so I will be the final test before the Grand Test for Pokemon Trainers so the League won't need to deal with the weaker pokemon trainers but instead the league helped me! After making a deal with the trainer I will make them sign a contract where if they lose they have to work for twenty years under me, I of course held their family hostages till they were loyal enough to serve me in Team Rocket"

Jay: "Your truly a scum"

Giovanni: "Scum!? BWahahahaha Then the vice president who was torturing the trainers and their families is even more scum since he did it to help me cause trouble so he could use it as evidence against Charles Goodshow and take over the League!"

Jay: "You are quite honest as it seems you realized I was tapped huh?"

Giovanni: "Of course! I have not been a leader of a criminal Syndicate for so many years for nothing but don't think I am so easy to be caught boy"

Jay: "Well that will be up to fate to decide, call out your pokemon let me see just what I am up against"

Giovanni: "Are you confident or conceited? Let's see come out NidoKing!!"

What appeared was a large, bipedal, purple Pokémon with distinct reptilian features. It has narrow eyes, large, spiny ears, fur-like tufts on its cheeks, and a short snout filled with pointed teeth. There is a long, venomous horn on its forehead and a ridge of spines down its back. Gray plates cover its ċhėst and belly, and there is a gray, rounded spine on each elbow. Each hand was three claws, while each foot has only a single hoof-like nail.

Giovanni's main partner the NidoKing which is his strongest if not for Mewtwo's existence, seeing that he was up against this monster Jay called out his Boost and Divide gauntlets which turned into gloves instead of their Gauntlet forms. The green and blue gem were flat instead of their oval form and the leather was made of Dragon leathers so the likes of Nidoking's needles will not be able to pierce through it.

Jay always wanted to change his Gauntlets into gloves because wearing Gauntlets while fighting got in the way and did not fit his clothing much, so with some practice the two sacred gears granted his wish as gained a function to change between Glove and Gauntlet forms.

Giovanni: "Not calling out your pokemon? Giving up?"

Jay: "Ah no, I was actually in a dilemma for a moment but thanks to you I know just who to choose"

Jay took out a pokeball and threw it up into the air, when the cap opened blue light streamed down onto the ground like a waterfall taking the shape of a pokemon, what appeared was a short, bipedal Pokémon with a pale yellow body and purple arms and feet. Its legs have a thick, fur-like covering resembling hakama or a skirt. Its most notable feature is a pair of large Snake head emerging from the back of its head. This snake has purple scales and yellow cat-like eyes, this mutation was caused because of Jay irresponsibly feeding this pokemon his Dragon Aura causing a mutation to occur.

With the pokemons out Giovanni moved over to the one side facing Mawile, Jay's little Steel/Fairy/Poison Type Pokemon that thinks it should have been born as a Fighting type and Jay stood in front of the large Nidoking who was gazing at him with disdain, Jay however ignored him and put on his Music Head phones while turning his cap to the back side of his head. [Now Playing: Nosy Neighbor] Hearing the music playing Jay began tapping his foot along with the rhythm, this action cause NidoKing to become angered.


Jay vs NidoKing


Nidoking came charging at Jay with it's horn pointed at him energy began to gather around the horn extending it [Mega Horn], Seeing the incoming attack Jay calmed his mind feeling the surrounding energy, the flow of the wind, the sound of the earth and the incoming attack that was like a river coming down upon him. With a two meter radius seikuken field Jay dodge the Horn attack by ducking low enough but when the face of the pokemon was close enough his red glove jewel began to resound.


Feeling his dragon aura increased explosively Jay used his right fist that had the white glove and smashed his fist into the face of the pokemon while making use of his leg energy along with his entire body launching a uppercut into the face, the Nidoking Roared in agony as it was send flying backwards two meters away from Jay. When Jay landed on the ground he took his battle stance once again waiting for Nidoking to stand up because this is his first battle against someone else's pokemon he will use this as reference to learn from for his future battles.


Giovanni vs Mawile


Giovanni: "Heh, the brat thinks that having a pokemon that can use Iron Defense to hold out till he finish his battle first and then defeat me will work then he is in for a ride of his life"

Poor Giovanni never knew this little pokemon is a Martial artist Fanatic, then he would never say such a line which he was about to learn now for the first time in his life. When he charged he was caught off guard by the pure psychical speed of this pokemon who has been focusing more on it's psychical strength than the energy part, when he launched a fist in hopes that he could scare the pokemon away he was instead drawn into her seikuken when she grip his fist with her left hand, the snake already moved behind his leg as she covered her right palm with [Brick Break] energy and slammed her palm into his ċhėst causing him to crash slide into the ground. This Short exchange made him bewildered as this was movements of a Fighting type but what was in front of him was a Mawile that was suppose to be a steel / fairy type.

Giovanni: "What the hell is this!?"

[Chapter: Giovanni's common sense gets destroyed]

Author Note:

Everyone give a round of Applause to our little Martial Artist Mascot Mawile!!!!

Anyway this chapter is a introduction to a new pokemon battle style that will occur more often in the other regions, there are many other types of battles as well that I will introduce as the story progress!

Trainers vs pokemons with their body is common sense in the outside world... Stay tuned

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