Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 44 - Starting of the Indigo League

The next day all the trainers who were participating in the Tournament were led into the waiting room where they will have to rest and calm their nerves, meanwhile people were lead into the stadiums filling up the seats that could fit close to a million people and massive screens being held by large iron bars spanning over the open roofs of the stadium. In the middle there was the battle field that had large shutters that opens and each battlefield type will be lifted or lowered depending on the battlefield type chosen for each battle.

While the people were taking their seats on the screen it displayed the athletes running through Victory Road holding the Torch that was lit up with the flames of Moltress, similar to the anime this athlete ran up till the Stadium and when he was about to run up the stairs to the large stack of woods prepared at the very top point of the northern wall of the stadium. The Trainers were led by the organizing Staff to walk one at a time onto the Battlefield facing the direction where Charles Goodshow was standing, the moment the Athlete Lit of the bonfire all the trainers were now on the battlefield standing in a block formation like soldiers.

In the far back left corner Jay stood there looking quite bored because of the incoming speech time that is about to take place, so he started scanning his surrounding possible opponents, Gary and Ash stood in the front and next to to them was a Girl in her teens wearing a Green hat, green flowery dress with blonde hair and the other one was a Guy seems to be in his 30's wearing biker outfits.

The second row was where Issei Tanaka stood, next to him were three guys wearing clothes that resembled each other, even their hair style and color, the clothes they wore appears to be similar to the Chinese kenpo outfits, all wore black pants but one had white shirt the other had Red and Blue. Seems these three were brothers of some sort.

The Third row had some young trainers same age as Jay standing there, they did not really caught the interest of Jay as he could feel from their facial expression and body language that they were new trainers and no familiar with this atmosphere and finally came his row and the one of the two rows that was bothering him the most. The people in the row of Tanaka and the row he was in, the trainers he did not know of were looking at him like he was something precious making his buŧŧ twitch even if he knew it was not that but the scary feeling was still there.

The surrounding people were still cheering madly at the fire that was lit up to show the signs of the start of the indigo league, Jay was quite shocked that the trio Idiots did not arrive meaning the fall of Team Rocket changed their fates maybe.

Charles: "Dear Friends of Kanto who came from all over the region here today, Here we are, back in Indigo Plateau, to celebrate another year of peace we have lived through and to remind ourselves that the battle for true peace outside Kanto is still raging on.

With the birth of the new generation we are passing our hopes and dreams onto them who will be picking up the torch of hope, hope for the day where we will be able to live in peace together with Pokemons. Hope for a future where war and pain will never happen, hope for the future.

And so for the hope we hold onto tightly we are about to start the Indigo Trials for our young bloods who wishes to step into the outside world, and we as the League felt that the rules need to bring in the things that are happening outside so trainers and natives of Kanto alike will understand how serious our situation is but to know that as long as our trainers grow and learn we will win this battle for Survival!

I as the President of the Committee of the Pokemon League, Charles Goodshow hereby thank you all for your continued support in our growth and supporting our young warriors. I hereby announce the start of the Indigo Tournament!"

AN explosive of Roars and clapping of close to a million people blasted out like a dragon roar, Jay could feel that through the speech he is trying to slowly introduce the ruthlessness of the world outside.

Jay: [Seems the residents of this region did forget how ruthless the world is outside but even I don't know whether is it worse than I imagine or much lighter... Will have to check up with Professor Oak before I head out]

After the speech there was a large Screen behind Charles Goodshow that had the faces of all the participants and each of them was marked by a number, soon the pictures began to overlap like a ghost was shuffling all the photos and soon the pictures began to align in brackets showing the matches about to happen.



Match# 1: Ash Ketchum vs. Stephan

Match #2: Stacie vs. Leaf

Match #4 : Issei Tanaka vs. Harry

Match #5 : Brad Lovegood vs. Cathy

Match # 6: Jay Silver vs. Carlos Lovegood

Match #7: Patrick Lovegood vs. Mary

Match: #8: Jessy vs. James

[[Tomorrow]] (Winners)

Match 1: #1 vs. #2

Match 2: #3 vs. #4

Match 3: #5 vs. #6

[[Third Day]]

Quarter Final Match 1: #1 vs. #2

Quarter Final Match 2: #3 vs. #4

[[Final Day]]

Finales: #1 vs. #2


Jay: "Huh? Is it me or does the Execs targeting the people from Pallet Town as well now?" [Will have to warn Ash and Gary to not have ideas of facing Issei, but considering these two fools they will not listen! Shit]

Charles Goodshow: "And there you have it everyone! The match set up has been decided! So let the Official Indigo Tournament BEGIN!"

Another round of roaring cheers and Applause shook the stadium as the trainers were led down the stage to take their seats to watch the battle of the two trainers who remained onstage. On the stage was Ash with pikachu at his side on the right side of the field and on the left side was a boy wearing the kind of outfit geeks normally wear, black shoes, blue pants, tucked in white shirt buŧŧoned up and large glasses.

Referee: "This the the first match of the Indigo League, On the left Side is Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town and on the right side is Stephan of Lavender Town. Each Trainer can use only up to three pokemons each and substitution is allowed! Can both trainers please call out their pokemons?"

Stephan: "Hmm... That pikachu is showing strong readings on my scanner seems I will have to be slightly serious huh? Come out Victreebell!"

Ash: "Ah I want to use charizard but he is too stubborn to follow my commands... Come out Bulbasaur!"

When Jay saw Ash's choice he was quite shocked as he actually believed this lucky go round boy would go and call out his squirtle and rely on his plot armour to bust up the match somehow.

Referee: "Both pokemons are out, Let the match begin!"

Stephan: "Victreebell use Razor Leaf!"

Ash: "Bulbasaur dodge it by using Vine whip to knock it down!"

Victree bell began swaying the leaf arms along with it's yellow body shooting out tiny fragment of it's leaves that regenerated back and the piece that flew off turned into large sharp leaves thanks to the grass energy it covered it but it was stopped by long thin vines moving like snakes slapping the leaves away extended from the flower bulb on the back of Bulbasaur's back.

Ash: "Bulbasaur use Leech Seed!"

Bulbasaur aimed the bulb on it's back towards Victree bell, the bulb made a movement similar to what it looks like when someone preparing to spit out and blasted out a brown bullet seed towards Victreebel. Stephan who saw ordered Victreebell to use razor leaf to knock the seed down but what he did not expect was Ash giving order for Bulbasaur to charge the solar beam in the mean time.

When Stephan realized what Ash was planning it was already too late as Bulbasaur opened it's mouth and released a highly concentrated grass type energy beam which exploded when it touched victreebells body forming a mushroom cloud of dust, as the dust slowly began to disperse the unconscious victreebell was revealed.

Jay: [Seems Ash is still too soft, will he even be able to survive in the outside world this way? Well he got the blessing of some God that Pervert is scared of so I can only let him grow in his own way]

Referee: "Victreebell is unable to battle! Bulbasaur wins!"

Stephan: "Unable to calculate, this boy is fighting strange patterns. Need to research him more... Victreebell return, take a nice rest. Come out! Geodude!"

Ash: "Let's do this Bulbasaur!"

Bulbasaur: "Bulba bulbasaur!!!"

Referee: "Round two! Fight!"

(AN: LOL!!!! For some reason I remember Street fighter game back in the days when I wrote this)

Stephan: "Geodude Gyroball!"

Geodude cross it's arms forming a ball that started to spin rapidly before shooting off towards Bulbasaur, Ash ordered Bulbasaur to dodge to the left but the Geodude used the hill it rolled onto, to turn back and the speed of rolling down increased the overall velocity as Geodude slammed into Bulbasaur making it crash through one of the rocks nearby.

Ash: "Ah! Bulbasaur!!"

Bulbasaur was quite heavily injured mostly because of the rock that was harder than normal rocks from the wild along with the hard slam from Geodude the internal injuries could not be scoffed at, it took bulbasaur a great deal of willpower to stood up once more.

Stephan: "Finish it! Rock Slide!"

Geodude's body began glowing light brown as rocks began to float around it before launching at Bulbasaur, with each strike the rocks were breaking accumulating dust that once again before to cover the Bulbasaur who was knocked out after enduring that fierce amount of attacks. When Jay saw this he noticed the Geodude was a higher Rank than Bulbasaur so this sort of outcome was only natural, when the dust settled down the Referee confirmed Bulbasaur was out.

Referee: "Bulbasaur is unable to battle, Geodude wins!"

Ash: "Bulbasaur return, you did great out there buddy. Come out Squirtle!"

Jay: [Finally we can see an ending approaching]

Referee: "Round three, Fight!"

Ash: "Squirtle use water gun!"

Stephan: "Geodude use dig!"

Squirtle water blast missed it's target as Geodude began to dig within the ground waiting for it's Trainer's next order but that was a fatal training mistake as Ash already had his Squirtle blast it;s water into the hold, under the pressure of water which it was weak against Geodude soon floated out of the hole it digged into unconscious.

Referee: "Geodude is unable to battle! Squirtle wins!"

Stephan: "Geodude return! This time you used your knowledge but it will not help you here! Come out Electabuzz!"

Referee: "Match Four! Let the battle begin!"

Stephan: "Electabuzz use THunderbolt!"

Ash: "Squirtle use rapid spin!"

Squirtle entered it's shell and began spinning rapidly like a top moving around the field while dodging the strikes, while using the up and down of the battlefield to increase it's speed squirtle finally launched itself into the face of Electabuzz but because of the difference in Level Electrabuzz managed to endure the attack but it's body was wobbling, Stephan then ordered it to use [Thunder Punch] and with that one punch covered with electricity Squirtle was knocked out.

Referee: "Squirtle is unable to battle! Electabuzz wins!"

Ash: "Squirtle return! Pikachu, it's up to you now buddy"

Pikachu: "Pika Pika PIKACHU!"

Referee: "Final Round of the First Match! Let the battle begin"

Stephan: "Use THunder Punch"

Ash: "Pikachu use quick attack in the area where Squirtle attacked"

Jay: [What the hell since when have Ash been this observant and smart!?]

Pikachu covered it's body with white normal energy to enhanced it incredible speed even faster dodging the strike of electabuzz and smashed it's body against the face where Squirtle once attacked, facing this strike again made Electabuzz extremely dizzy as it tries to stand up straight.

Ash wanted to order Pikachu to use it's signature move THunderbolt but someone whispered something in his ears and made Pikachu quick attack it again at the same spot knocking Electrabuzz out.

Jay: [That sudden Hesitation and stop was unnatural... Could it be Ash is being instructed by someone? It could become more amusing if he grows stronger than his naive self]

Referee: "Electrabuzz is unable to battle! THe winner of this Match is Ash Ketchum!"

And so the first to advance to the top eight was Ashy boy.... Stay tuned for the next battle!

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