Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 45 - Starting Matches of the Tournament Part One

The next match was Stacie against Leaf, the battle was something to behold as Leaf gave off the air of being a grass type expert since she won the match with only her Venusaur and Rosario. It wasn't that much interesting compared to Ash;s boy but at least it was enough to keep Jay busy as the next match was Gary's turn. Wonder what team of Pokemons he will use in this league.

The people were going nuts as the amount of money the league placed into these battlefields instead of the standard ones shows how much they are throwing in to nurture these kids for the world outside, seems from this generation onto the next one they will be enjoying this type of battlefields more compared to the previous generation. How lucky!

The shutters under the battlefield opened once again letting the battlefield that was current in use to slowly descend and no idea how it went out of the way down there but the next battlefield to appear had a small volcano in the middle with a mini forest surrounding it. At least the trees were minimal so people could see the battle from the screens.

Referee: "This is the third match of the first round between Gary Oak from Pallet Town and Warren (Censored) of Seafoam Island"

Warren: "To think my opponent would be the famous Genius Gary Oak"

Gary: "Less talk, just battle"

Referee: "Both trainers please present your first pokemon"

Warren: "Come out Magmar!"

Magmar: "MAG! MAGMAR!!!"

Gary: "Blastoise..."

Blastoise: "Blastoise!"

Referee: "Both pokemons present! Let the match begin!"

Warren: "Magmar use Flamethrower!"

Magmar took a deep breathe swiftly and blew out flames towards Blastoise who looked at it with disdain.

Gary: "Blastoise use Hydro Pump"

Blastoise aimed both cannons attached to his back peeking out the openings of the shell of it's back at the approaching flames, soon a blast of water came towards the flames, upon impact a large amount of steam generated but the water did not stop and continued to push through the flames even if bit by bit turned into steam.

Shortly afterwards the flames lost it's battle strength and dispersed only to leave Magmar wide open, when it saw the highly concentrated water coming at him he dodged to the wrong side missing the water that was blasted from the one cannon but got a full force impact from the second cannon.

Being weak to water itself and the strength of Gary's pokemon was able to decide the match in that one blow leaving Magmar fainted on the ground twitching, when warren saw this he could only helplessly chuckle as it appears he did not train his pokemon enough.

Warren: "Take a good rest my friend, Next up! Come out Kadabra!"

Gary: "Blastoise return! Come out Umbreon!"

Jay: [Huh? Wasn't it suppose to be eevee? How did he managed to evolve it so soon?]

Warren: "Huh? YOu also have that non-native pokemon that the other guy have?"

Gary: "Well I was exploring a dark forest that had almost no light in search for ghost pokemons and for some reason when this little guy fought a powerful ghastly it evolved into this"

Warren: "Oh! Well I won't lose this round!"

Gary: "Heh"

Referee: "Both pokemon present, let the second round begin!"

Warren: "Kadabra use psychic!"

Gary: "Counter with Dark Pulse!"

The wave of pinkish transparent energy and dark murky energy clashed against one another causing a small explosion within the forest, Gary already had Umbreon use [Quick Attack] the moment it's attack was released and flanked the kadabra, when Warren wanted to have his Kadabra to use [Teleport], Umbreon already did a [Tackle] against kadabra making the move it was about to use to be interrupted.

Gary: "Finish it Shadow Ball!"

Warren: "Snap out of it and teleport!"

Kadabra's body had a faint pink energy around it's body as the feet began to disperse but Umbreon's shadow ball still exploded into it's face before it teleported away, when Kadabra appear it was on the ground fainted, this shocked the stadium people thinking that such a attack while the pokemon is busy teleporting could be possible.

Man: "That boy is a genius!"

Woman: "Well he is Professor Oak's Grandson so it will only be natural he would be a genius"

Gary: [I honestly did not expect that to happen but let's keep it this way]

Referee: "Kadabra is unable to battle! Umbreon wins!"

The next match Warren called out his Pikachu to which Gary responded with his Elekid where he got god knows where, the battle lasted no longer than 10 minutes as Gary won the battle with little effort. Seems he also have the devil's luck like Ash boy but the next battle was something Jay paid attention to fully. The shutters opens once again and allowed the current field to descend and the next field to ascend was a normal grass field with nothing else on it.

Jay: [This----.... Charles I hope you know what your doing]

*****************Meanwhile at the President observation Box

Staff: "Mr President are you certain?"

Charles Goodshow: "Well those Execs thought they will be able to hide his existence from me, but they sure are well prepared to clear up the evidence required to capture them, now even if that Issei kid kills the trainer's pokemon it will only be met with a little speech of asking him to stop... Because we can't stop this battle because of the rules"

Staff: "This----"

Charles: "And it is also time the people become aware once more, how ruthless the world is outside... THere is slavery that is legal, creatures that can't be captured with Pokeballs... Not to mention the worst enemy is humans themselves. So I will make use of this to remind them all"

Staff: "This could reduce the reputation of the League"

Charles: "No, we will air one of the most dangerous Pokemon Tides that took place in history and show it on the television"

Staff: "But the kids?"

Charles: "Place a age restriction of 15 on it, this will let the trainers who think POkemon training is all fun and games realize just what kind of world they wish to step in"

Staff: "Won't it reduce the number?"

Charles: "Quality over Quantity, we have already experimented with this before and you know the results that came out correct?"

Staff: "Yes sir...."

The staff could not refute Charles's reasoning anymore, it was completely crazy to the point of risking losing the support of the people but the people will not let the Pokemon League go after that video is displayed along with the question this mad man wants to be the credits.

[If you hate the pokemon League who will protect you against such a tide?]

Simple, brutal but honest question that will make the people support the league even stronger than before and all of this will start with this league.

Charles: "Besides that brat of Professor Oak will handle Issei for me, while I will deal with the Execs... That is our agreement"

Staff: "You mean Gary Oak?"

Charles: "No... Jay Silver...."

************************ Back to the Battlefield

Standing in one side was a boy wearing black and white priest-like robes but no cross could be seen, Jay was a bit perplexed as he could no longer sense the sign that he was part of the Hunger Games anymore.

Jay: [Has he learnt how to hide the sign? But the Hero God said such a thing is impossible when I first thought of using a wish to hide the sign]

His black hair was swaying along with the trail of the winds blowing past him, if it wasn't for his strange facial expression that seems like those of a madman about to do something crazy the girls would probably started cheering for him but no one cheered for him, it was quiet as for the other opponent who seems to be he had only spent a year training his pokemon was shivering slightly just from the predator look of Issei's eyes.

Jay: [It pains me to say this but... Good Luck Harry]

Jay knew he could not interfere with this battle because of the rules, seems the Execs played him and Charles quite well but it appears Charles seems to want to make use of these rules for something crazy. Jay could remember how Professor Oak said that there was one more man except for him that would be crazy enough to do things other would not and he was Charles Goodshow.

Referee: "This is the battle between Issei Tanaka of the Johto Region and Harry from Pewter City! You both know the rules so call out your pokemons!"

Harry: "Come out Venusaur!"

The pokemon that appeared in front of Harry was a squat pokemon with bumpy, blue-green skin. It has small, circular red eyes, a short, blunt snout, and a wide mouth with two pointed teeth in the upper jaw and four in the lower jaw. On top of its head are small, pointed ears with reddish pink insides. It has three clawed toes on each foot. The bud on its back has bloomed in a large pink, white-spotted flower. The flower is supported by a thick, brown trunk surrounded by green fronds.

Issei: "Oh! Just my type! Let's have some fun hunting Typhlosion!!"

What appeared in front of Issei was a bulky, yet long and agile body. Most of its body is cream-colored, but its back and the top of its head are a dark green-blue. It has a short, rounded snout and small, triangular eyes and ears. When its mouth is open, its sharp canine teeth and thick tongue are visible. Each of its paws have three digits and there is a coarse, spiky fringe of fur along its rear. Across the back of its neck, there are several red spots that was bursting out fire to show it's fighting spirit.

Referee: "Both pokemons are out and ready! Let the first battle begin!"

Harry: "Venusaur use Vine whip!"

Issei: "Grab those vines and began to pull it towards you"

When Venusaur released it's vines from it's flowers shooting towards Typlosion who stood there waiting for the vines which started to wrap around it's arms, but what venusaur did not expect was Typlosion who gripped one of the vines and began to pull Venusaur who was moving backwards to stop from being pulled but was no use.

The Pure Psychical strength of Typlosion is far above those of Kanto Region Pokemons so pulling Venusaur towards it was quite easy despite the struggles, just as venusaur was about to open it's mouth to release a solar beam, typlosion kicked Venusaur's low chin closing it's mouth causing the solar beam to explode within it's body.

Issei: "Kukuku that's good Typlosion, make it scream! Make it scream and beg for it's life!"

Harry: "No no no no no! STOP! PLEASE STOP!"

The internal injuries was enough to make it faint but Typlosion did not allow it to by burning the flower on it's back with it's flame, Venusaur began to roar out in pain making the people who was watching this battle shiver from fear. This was no longer a battle but a display of torture, Typlosion began to use it's claws to rip out flesh from Venusaur while eating of it.

Issei: "Aiya Your hungry? Well eat as much as you like there is enough to last you a month in front of you after all"

When venusaur seems it was about to faint again it will light up the flower on it's back again waking it up instantly, as the flower on the back of Venusar was it's weak point and also the centre point of it's life. As long as the flower is alive venusaur could regenerate. With a hard kick on the head of venusaur's head, cracking sounds could be heard as Typlosion began to stomp the head of Venusaur repeatedly, the woman were crying for the battle to stop while the men were screaming that this battle should end and how ruthless this runt was on pokemons.

Man: "Stop this match! How can this be a pokemon battle!?"

Woman: "Wuuu wuuu I Will not allow my child to continue his trainer journey anymore"

Old: "This.... Although it really does happen outside but to have it happen here as well... Will our peace come to an end?"

But it did not stop until the head of Venusaur bursted open with brain matters and blood splattered over the ground, the trainer of Venusaur was already out cold from the sight of his pokemon being slaughter like a pig in front of Typlosion. Things were getting boring so Issei had Typlosion set the whole body on fire.

Referee: "Venusaur has been Killed! Sigh... THe trainer fainted and will not be able to continue the match! Issei Tanaka wins the match! But Issei, although the rules stated that killing is not against the rules but could you not display such a scene again?"

Issei: "But the boy is so pathetically weak! How can the league let such garbage step out of Kanto like this... He should go back to mama for more milk"

Man: "You Bastard! Your pure evil! a Devil! You are no Human to do such acts while enjoying it!"

Woman: "Yes! His trainer license should be revoked!"

Issei did not pay them any heed and walked off the stairs, it was only through this battle Ash and Gary finally began to understand just how the outside world works. When Issei came to the side of Jay he stopped.

Issei: "I Hope you enjoyed my starter meal Jay, because I can't wait to make you my desert!"

Jay: "If that is your strongest pokemon then I am disappointed"

Issei: "Tsk!"

Issei did not want to continue this farce as he could see Jay was not shaken by this battle which displeased him, but the sight of others except for three looking at him with a trace of fear made him excited.

Jay: [Each person is the architect of their own destruction... The world outside is brutal and I can't save every single person, so Ash and Gary will have to go through this trial on their own.]

The next match was Brad Lovegood one of the three Chinese Kenpo Outfit guys against Cathy but the girl gave up the match after the first match when she saw Brad was about to do the same thing Issei did to his opponent.

Referee: "Next Match will be Jay Silver from Pallet Town against Carlos Lovegood from Vermillion city!"

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