Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 46 - Starting Matches of the Tournament Part Two

Even when the Referee announced the next match the roars of complaints from the people were not dying out at all, instead it grew even larger when they heard the next match is about to start thinking they would be witnessing another torture instead of a match. This was how people were, even if they are told about the things to expect when it happens they would complain regardless as if they were right, seeing that the people will not stopping anytime soon Charles Goodshow appeared on the the screen.

Charles: "To address to your complaints I would like to say a few words"

The people soon turned quiet as the president himself was about to answer their complaints so they could only hold it in and hope he would give them what they wants.

Charles: "It is regrettable that the trainer's pokemon died during the match however we as the League will add a new rule that torturing like it happened in the previous battle is not allowed! However the rules of the tournament will not change"

This answer caused the people to blow up again because they knew that little maniac will go for the kill. But Charles did not back down either.

Charles: "It's time for you people to wake up from the Illusion of our safety!"

Hearing this the people were shocked and looked at the screen at the face of a old man who was furious.

Charles: "WHat will happen when the barrier that has been protecting Kanto for all these years vanish like it did in the past? Our people has grown too Soft and carefree these years and trainer qualities has dropped! If you have complaints then make your kids train harder! If you have complaints then train yourselves! Because if the day comes when the barrier drops, then it will not only be the league who has to fight but every single one of you too"

The people began to whisper amongst themselves but Charles continued

Charles: "This tournament is one of the two tournaments the Indigo League would hold, one of the tournament will be our traditional Pokemon Battle where the trainers are only allowed to knock out their opponents and this one... But let me be clear, if the numbers for this tournament drops I will drop the traditional TOurnament... Why? Because if we don't keep sending our hope outside how long will be last till the Miasma strikes Kanto?"

The people who stood up to complain all sat down and was completely silent, these shocking truths made them shudder at the thoughts of those things from the news appearing here, they could only be grateful the President placed a rule to stop the torture but this league is the true trial for those who wish to go outside.

Charles: "I know it's painful, it is even more so for me to send our youngling to the front lines.. But a change is necessary for the survival of our Race and Pokemons"

There was quite a few people that picked up their things and started to depart but the people from outside soon came in to fill up the empty places, the opinions were divided but the truth of the dangers from outside could not be debated. So some people who were too stubborn to accept it left and the adaptable ones stayed behind to support the trainers who are risking their and their pokemons lives to keep them safe.

Jay stood at his position while the guy wearing the white shirt of the three brothers stood opposite of him with a greedy look in his eyes, Jay of course felt this gaze but did not pay any heed to it instead he was thinking of his mother. The tournament now became a life and Death Battle although one can leave with no casualties but there will always be one or two if not more pokemons dying in this tournament, after taking a deep breathe he took out a letter he wrote for his mother and silently teleported it onto her ŀȧp, since it was only a small object he could teleport it without using his boosted gear.

Jay: [This is a trial for both me and my mother...]

Soon the shutters open once again descending the battlefield and the new one to ascend was the same as the very first battle field, in the middle ran a flowing river with small hills dotted around the the battlefield with rocks, a simulated canyon battlefield. Seeing this field Carlos Lovegood began to love excitedly that this was his ideal field for his pokemons, he was a rock and ground type expert of the three brothers.

Carlos: "I am not sure who you provoked boy, but each of your pokemons cost a great deal of money to kill, so don't blame me for this, but it is also revenge for what you did to our Big Bro Surge"

Jay did not respond to the man at all and looked at the Referee.

Referee: "This is a match between Jay Silver of Pallet Town and Carlos Lovegood of Vermillion City, please present your pokemons"

Carlos: "Come out! Golem!"

What appeared was a round boulder pokemon look like many kinds of rocks puzzled together like a ball with a pair of hands and legs sprouting out with the reptile head in the centre front, Jay took off his Glasses he always kept on his Cap and put it on.

Pokemon: Golem

Type: Rock Ground

Power Rank: Elite Rank - Peak]

Jay: [Hmm... For a pokemon of Kanto this is the level of a Genius] "Come out Mawile"

What appeared was his partner, a short with a pale yellow body and purple arms and feet. Its legs have a thick, fur-like covering resembling a skirt. Its most notable feature is the purple scale snake moving around looking at it's surroundings with great curiosity. It has blue eyes and two purple ear-like extensions on either side of its head.

Man: "What pokemon is that!?"

Old: "Is that a living snake attached behind the head!?"

Woman: "It looks so cute! Even the snake looks so adorable!"

Carlos: "What is that?"

Jay: "It's Mawile, a non-native pokemon from the outside. on top of being a Shiny Pokemon this girl is also a variant as a regular Mawile has a pair of Jaws but this girl has a single snake in it's place"

Carlos: "You sure are lucky to have it"

Jay: "Well she was my first pokemon I got for the start of my journey if you don't count the other three I was looking after for years"

Referee: "Both Pokemons out! ----"

Jay: "You best come at me with your all... Because half ȧssed attacks will be pointless"

Referee: "Let the match begin!"

Carlos: "Golem Gyro Ball!"

The Large Golem began to spin with a speed that make it's form look like a perfectly round ball before blasting off towards Mawile across the battle field but it still had to cross the river, Mawile was relieved off her gravity which Jay removed allowing her to feel her current psychical strength which made her hop from one hill to the other with a happy face. This sight shocked not only Carlos but the people around it as well because the pokemon's body is so short and had a big snake to carry but it was hopping like the weight meant nothing.

Just as Golem was about to cross the river Mawile generated multiple shadow balls around her and began blasting them off towards the river, the moment the balls just entered the river she closes her small hands causing the entire river to explode. The Updraft filled with water blasting the cross Golem into the air stopping it's spinning, with it's movements stopped Golem extract it's arms and legs that was inside it's body looking at the tiny pokemon coming towards it from the skies.

Mawile began to channel the energy she normally use for the [Brick Break] Move towards both her arms as she was now free falling from her high jump when she threw the shadow balls, Golem slashed down both it's claws towards Mawile but she met his claws with her snake head who was hardening it's scale with steel attributed energy and with a swing the snake came like a whip smashing the hands out of her way so she could hit but because of the hit Golem was spinning clockwise crashing into the river.

Mawile: {This scrap wants to kill me?}

Snake: {Seems we overestimated them again....}

Mawile: {Master you owe me another spar for this!}

Jay: {Urk! Very well, just finish the battle}

Since she still had not released her fighting type energy she sprinted towards the Golem and before it could react to her presence she unleash a series of punches that did not make a sound upon impact, but when she was done the Golem who was standing still began to shiver shortly afterwards and soon explosion upon explosion took place as the Golem exploded into pieces from the fierce attack from Mawile who came to Jay demanding a head pat which he done even without her asking.

Mawile: {Master's head pat feels nice, so I will let the spar only be for 2 hours}

Snake: {Good Master's head pats is sooo good}

Jay: [If this could save me from the spar I would pat you guys till you faint] {Take a good rest as tomorrow I will be calling you guys again}

Mawile: {No! I want another battle... For another head pat!}

Jay: {Very well}

******************** Meanwhile at the audience seats where Jay's mother was sitting.

Anne was reading the letter and a faint tear was forming under her eyes, but she was determined to watch this battle from the start to it's end. Freya who also caught a glimpse of the letter could only think that Jay was an idiot but a lovable idiot who cared more about his mother than anyone else. From the look of the letter Anne could see that it was writing a while ago before they even arrived here.

Freya: "Jay really is an Idiot"

Anne: "Hehe, that he is... He is probably scared at the thought I would push him away if I see him kill ruthlessly... He really is an idiot, but I love him as he will always be my son"

Behind them the people were screaming out of shock because of the strength of Jay's pokemon which was displayed differently from the way Issei displayed his.

Man: "That boy is ruthless but at least he does not torment the pokemon unlike the other monster"

Old: "This is the kind of resolve a Trainer will need if their going to the outside world... Just like Charles said, the people has forgotten just how truly ruthless the world outside is... There strength rules above not order or chaos... Only if your strong will you be right"

Man: "Seems I will have to get my son to train hard from a early age, I am quite grateful to professor oak who gave us the training method and his company who created the tools for training pokemons... We can at least greet a bright future ahead of us with this"

Freya: "Hehe, seems Jay will become famous with this when they realize it was all his work"

Anne: "You better start making your move or you will lose him to other girls"

Freya's face turns bright red as she stutters..

Freya: "Tha--That's something e---else entirely! Besides he is de---destined to have more than one wife after all"

Anne: "Ara? So your saying I will be blessed with lots of grandkids huh? It does sounds nice after all... Make sure to work hard so I can see my first one"

Freya's mind exploded from embarrassment and Anne stopped her teasing as the two of the watch the next round that is about to start...

************************ Back at the battlefield

Referee: "Golem has been killed! Mawile wins the match!"

Carlos: "Huh!? Why the hell are you not giving him a warning!?"

Referee: "He did kill which was not against the rules but he did not torture your pokemon, it's your own fault for not training your pokemon properly... Now call out your next pokemon!"

Carlos: "Come out! Charizard!"

Mawile: {Does he think a fire lizard is going to beat me?}

Snake: {Need me to spit on it?}

Mawile: {Hmmm... No your spit will make it decompose and that kind of sight will scare the humans to their deathbeds}

Snake: {hmm.... Point Taken}

Jay who was listening at these two odd balls could not help but shake his head but facing a fire type was still something he did take seriously because a type weakness is something that could not be taken away, he could only raise her resistance with the help of Flareon.

Carlos: "I will have the head of your pokemon this time!"

Referee: "Both Pokemons present, let the match begin!"

Carlos: "Charizard take it to the skies and breath Flame thrower onto the ground!"

When Mawile heard what the trainer wanted his charizard to do to the terrain she began to gracefully dance and twirl around the battlefield [Rain Dance x Sword Dance], an illusion of swords began to form along with black clouds over the battlefield. Just as Charizard began to breath out fire the rain began to fall which weakened the fire that reached the battlefield, soon the ground grew muddy and the river was overflowing but Mawile was peaceful standing now on a small hill feeling the boost in her power from the sword dance.

The Snake was already gathering normal type energy from the surroundings making it's mouth began to pulse like a light tower, and ice cold energy began to enveloped Mawile's fists. Carlos seeing this ordered his Charizard to release a Fire Blast which was another level above Flamethrower, soon a large star shaped fire ball was released from Charizard's mouth going towards Mawile.

Being a martial artist Mawile felt like she was being looked down up by this lizard and decided to take on this fire blast despite Jay's protest for her to dodge but he kept quiet when he saw the look in her eyes. Suddenly she jumped into the air and thrusted her fist against the fire blast, a large explosion of steam shrouded the battlefield in heated mist.

Despite the burning sensation Mawile felt she swing the snake that finished charging it's attack towards Charizard, when the snake opened it's mouth a blast of energy wave traveled incredibly fast enveloping the body of charizard to the point no one could see a shadow of it. When the beam disappeared the shadow of charizard did not appear either, only small particles of ashes began to fall from the skies, the people drew a cold breath seeing this.

Man: "That blast annihilated the pokemon to that point!?"

Old: "Just how hard did this boy train his pokemon to attain such power!"

Carlos: "NO!!! Charizard!!!"

Jay: "Mawile you alright?"

Mawile: {Headpat Headpat!!}

Snake: {Hnn! Hnn!}

Jay: "Sigh..."

Jay gave the two of them a headpat and before he recalled them into their pokeballs he inserted a orb of healing form his magic into their bodies to heal them up when they appear in the PokeWorld. The people watching this battle were all excited compared to the battle of Issei, this battle was far more cleaner and easier to accept. But the one who was a bit shocked and showed a serious expression was Issei Tanaka, seeing Jay's strength he could not help but feel a bit anxious at the thought that this pokemon if it was his strongest or if there was another one stronger than it.

If it was the former he would feel a bit better but if it was the latter he would be in trouble.

Referee: "Charizard... Has been Killed! Mawile Wins the battle!"

Carlos: "Not once but twice! You people are discriminating!"

Referee: "YOu could have quitted the match from the first battle but chose to continue... You can only blame yourself for not taking in the consideration that his pokemon did not display it's full strength"

************** Meanwhile at Exec Building

Fred: "He is that strong!?"

Long: "THis is going to be troublesome... If he has a stronger pokemon in his arsenal then even Issei Tanaka we prepared might not be his match"

Midoriya: "Should we withdraw our support and ask forgiveness? From the looks of it the President caught on our trails, although he can't do anything to us yet but what if he capture Issei and ask him questions?"

Fred: "NO! Issei Tanaka comes from Johto and the pokemon he has is far stronger than the ones Jay captured in Kanto, only his Mawile should be strong"

Sam: "What about his Gallade which is also not native to Kanto"

Fred: "From the reports he captured it in Kanto so it should be weak! We still have a chance"

************** President Observation Box

Charles: "hoho, seems I underestimated this brat... His pokemon went up another tier! Well it is to be expected of the boy who fought legendaries of Kanto"

Staff: "This child fought legendaries in his first year of being a trainer!?"

Charles: "First few months of being a trainer... And he is already a monster... Hehehe seems that there will be changes in the other Regions, make sure to contact Professor Oak and get the Region Location this boy will travel off to first! Then contact that region League to support the boy, we can use his help to cleanse the corruption of the league and also wipe out the bandits and criminal syndicates"

Staff: "I will see to it, President Charles"

The Staff hurriedly left the room to call Professor Oak.

Charles: "Could you be part of the Heroes that was mentioned in the history....?"

******************* Jay's mother seat

The following discussion was whispers.

Freya: "Seems Jay was right..."

Anne: "What is it?"

Freya: "He told me that I underestimated his pokemon's strength and it seems he was right"

Anne: "Well he convinced me with this, but that's the boy that I am proud of! Hehehe, I will spoil him with some home cooked meal tonight"

Freya: "I Will help with that too!"

Anne: "Lets make it a feast then!"

Freya: [Be careful Jay, I can sense a gloomy presence is approaching from a far distance towards here]

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