Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 47 - End of the starting matches of the Tournament

Carlos: "Ptui! I will destroy you!!!"

Referee: "Alright could both trainer send out their next pokemons?"

Carlos: "Machop! Come out!"

What appeared in front of Carlos was a humanoid pokemon with three brown ridges on top of its head, large red eyes, and a relatively flat face. On either side of its ċhėst are three, thin, rib-like stripes. Its feet appear to have no toes, while its hands have five fingers. It has a short, stubby tail.

Jay: [Good thing I recalled Mawile before this thing came out... It would truly be a disaster] "Come out Eevee!"

The eevee that came out was the very same one Jay saved from Caledon City, he trained this little girl to be able to use Fairy Energy more efficiently in hopes she would become the last piece of a puzzle for his eevee team he have. When eevee saw the pokemon in front of her she could feel that her body was being influenced by the weakness it has against this type of energy, she turned to look at Jay and what she saw was firm eyes who entrusting her to win this battle.

Eevee: "EEVEE!!!"

With a loud bark she ignite her fighting spirit which in turns makes the machop more excited that he has an opponent who does not back away from him, the surrounding people were stumped at this brat who recalled his strong pokemon and brought out this little pokemon who is also weak against fighting types.

Jay: {Eevee, your sisters will be watching you through me, show them you have what it takes to become part of their team}

Jay was purposely applying an additional pressure on Eevee in hopes it would rouse her potential during the battle as this little girl has two things she hates the most, the one was to show an unsightly side of hers to her sisters and the other one Jay does not know himself but she refuses to fall in front of him who she vowed to walk at his side till her end.

Eevee: "Ee Eevee!" {I will not lose! I will win it!} [For master]

Referee: "Both pokemons are out! Let the match begin!"

Carlos: "Machop use Karate chop!"

Eevee watch the fast approaching Machop who raised it's palm similar to how Gallade normally raise his sword, eevee was familiar with this posture so she could easily evade it by covering her body with normal energy to increase her speed. When the attack hits the ground a updraft of dust cover the area around Machop and Eevee released some fairy energy she managed to form a core within her body and used [Fairy Wind] it create a vortex which blasted Machop against a nearby rock.

Being a Fighting Type Machop did not get much injuries against this kind of attack and stood up from the rubbles shaking the pebbles of it's body.

Carlos: "Use Double Team!"

Soon eevee was surrounded by many afterimages of Machop around her, before she could react and start her attack. Carlos order Machop to use [Close Combat] with swift movements Machop appear in front of Eevee and began to beat her up, each strike made her cry out in pain to the point that even the Audience felt sorry for this pokemon and wanted to curse the boy who was standing there looking at his pokemon.

But no one realized how Jay was gripping his hand into a fist that his nails dugged into his flesh with blood slowly dripping.

Jay: [Endure Jay! Endure! It's for her future!] {Is this it Eevee? Is this your determination to follow me?}

It pained him more than anyone to see his pokemon especially that he had to say words such words that is not meant to be said for females, but he made a choice and he will keep it. For her future she has to evolve before he leaves or she will not be strong enough.

Eevee: "Eevee! EE! EEVEE!!" {No no no! Don't leave me! MASTER!}

Suddenly Eevee's body released an enormous amount of fairy energy which blasted machop through several rocks away while a vortex was forming around the glowing body of eevee, that was slowly growing larger. She was walking towards Jay as a tentacle of blue energy was extending from the nape of her neck and curled around the wrist of Jay, he could feel it that moment of despair she felt and he knew when the girls are called out he will be in for a round of punishments which he would gladly accept.

Eevee: "Ee ee eevee vee" {I vowed that I would stay by your side... Only you can be my master... So don't leave---}

Jay went down on one knee and patted the head of the new pokemon in front him on her head, a quadruped, mammalian pokemon covered with pale cream-colored fur with pink feet, ears, and tail. It has light blue eyes, long ears with blue interiors and thicker fur, a tiny nose, and two stray tufts of fur on top of its head. There are two bows on its body: one at the base of its left ear and one on its neck. Each bow is pale cream with a pink center and trails a pair of ribbon-like feelers. The feelers are pale cream with light blue tips. Before the tip of each feeler is a pink and then a dark blue stripe. It has slender legs with small, three-toed paws and a fluffy, slightly curved tail.

Jay: {Sorry I scared you like that Sylveon... But I needed you to evolve before we go outside}

Sylveon: {Muu! YOu better compensate me for my fragile heart master! I almost wanted to cry!}

Jay: {Yes! Yes! I will spoil you all you want but first finish the match okay?}

Sylveon cried happily at the promise Jay made as she turns around facing Machop that stood facing her, Carlos was perplexed about the fact he was used as a whetstone on top of losing two pokemons. It made him angry to the point he felt he could lose his mind, he commanded Machop to use [Close Combat] Once again but Machop was stopped when Sylveon used her normal type energy to boost her speed once more to dodge the first strike and released a beam of fairy energy pointblank at the side of it's head.

Without anyone realizing it, Jay cast a spell which instantly decompose the body of Machop as he realized Sylveon only managed to blast it's head into nothingness and the sight of a headless corpse will be a bit too much to show his mother. Seeing his third pokemon gone just like that, Carlos dropped onto his knees keep mumbling how impossible it was, but Sylveon who won her first battle jumped onto Jay ŀɨċkɨnġ his face.

Jay: "Hehehe, calm down. Your not fully healed yet, here"

Jay sent a orb of healing within her body and recalled her into the pokeworld through his pokeball.

Referee: "Sigh.... Machop is unable to battle! Jay Silver passed to the top eight!"

Jay walked across the battlefield and picked up a piece of Golem's Body, a piece of Charizard's scale and one of the brown ridges that was on the head of Machop. When the Referee see this he could not help but ask.

Referee: "Why have you collected that?"

Jay: "I intend to bury what's left of their bodies in the Pokemon Tower"

Referee: "Why?"

Jay: "Because that is what my pokemons want"

There were some people who cheered! Some even complained that he could have spared them! But Jay did not bother, the trainer came with the intention to kill so he will respond in kind, for the pokemon that perished because of their trainer's stupidity the least he could do is bury them or what's left of them to honor their loyalty they had for their trainer to the end.

Shortly after Jay's battle the battle between Patrick Lovegood and Mary was quite intense, the only thing was these two trainers did not go for the kill and only battled to knock out each other's pokemons. Patrick won the battle in the end and this kind of battle made a lot of people cheer that there is some trainers who still uphold the traditions of Pokemon battles, but they did not catch the glint in Patrick Lovegood's eye when he was looking at Jay.

The Next battle was between Jessy and James, it was quite bloody as neither of them wanted to give up so their pokemons ended up getting injured quite badly, but by some luck Jessy won the battle in the end. The people also cheered more for this match despite the injuries there was no pokemons that died, Jay looked up at the match up board to see who will be against who tomorrow!



Match #2: Gary vs. Issei Tanaka

Match #3: Brad Lovegood vs. Jay Silver

Match #4: Patrick Lovegood vs. Jessy


Brad: "You best prepare yourself because tomorrow, I will slaughter all of your pokemons like you did to my brother"

Jay: "So you took the bounty as well?"

Brad:"Of course, it's a lot of easy cash to be gained and I am the second strongest of us all"

Jay: "Oh, good luck then... But if you intend to come at me with the intention to kill... I will be responding in kind... Keep it in mind"

Brad: "Hmpf!"

Jay: [Fuck he is 26 and still crying? Did he think just because he can kill, he can't be killed? What an idiot]

Jay stood up and walked over to Gary and Ash who were talking quite seriously to one another.

Gary: "Ash, you should not face that guy"

Ash: "But your going to face him aren't you?"

Gary: "I trained my pokemon but you have not---"

Jay: "I think the both of you should not face him"

Ash: "Jay! Good Match out there today but your quite ruthless as well"

Gary: "What you mean I should give up as well"

Jay: "This is only my advice for the two of you, decide on it yourself but remember if you intend to face him. You best go with the idea that your pokemon can die and you should kill his because he will stop at nothing to kill your pokemons brutally as possible"

Anne: "You really are an idiot like your father"

Jay: "....."

Anne: "No matter what happens or what you decide to do... I will always be your ally and mother, don't you dare forget it okay?"

Jay was shivering before holding his mother tightly, he could not show his crying side to his mother, he could face and kill hundreds of people but what he could not face was his mother hating him for it. Anne could feel her shirt was getting a bit wet and start to gently ċȧrėss Jay's hair, Freya stood at the side and did not disturb this moment as she also knew just how much Jay loved his mother so hearing that made all the fear he felt disappears and could only cry in relief.

When he finally calmed down he sniffed a bit and wiped his tears away while acting like he never cried, it was extremely embarrassing but he felt relieved. While scratching the side of his chin while looking away with a faint blush appearing on his face.

Jay: "Thanks... Mom"

Anne: "fufu, Jay's shy side surely is quite cute isn't Freya?"

Freya: "Yeah, he looks quite adorable"

Jay almost felt fainting from being called cute and adorable, he was a man and would preferred to be called Handsome or something manly but instead being called as if he was a girl. After being teased a few more times the three of them went to the hotel, Jay was told to go over to the Oak's and invite them over for a feast as his mother and Freya arranged with the hotel to use their kitchen to make their own dinner which was allowed.

Professor Oak: "Oh Jay! Congratulation on advancing to the Top Eight!"

Jay: "Ah Thanks professor, my mother send me over to invite everyone here for a feast"

Professor Oak: "You have a better look on your face now compared to the other days... We will definitely accept the invite!"

Jay: "Hehe, thanks professor. I wanted to ask how is Charles Goodshow going to handle the Execs?"

Professor Oak: "It is quite difficult despite we know their connections with the underworld they used to place that Bounty on your head which lured the trio Killing Stars to enter the Tournament and their connection with Issei Tanaka, we have no solid evidence... We can only rely on you to make Issei Tanaka speak out in public"

Jay: "Hmmm... I thought that dealing with them will not be easy, very well I will do my part in getting the evidence--- OEF!"

Daisy approached form the back and hugged Jay tightly into a embrace, the feeling of her brėȧsts which grew more compared to her anime self.

Daisy: "Muu! Stop the difficult talk and lets go!"

Being pulled by Daisy, Jay & Professor Oak followed her to the private Dining Room Anne arranged for them to have their meal. It was a happy occasion eating together while laughing, when Jay released all of his eevee squad he was tackled and bitten all over, at least they spared his family jewels and face thanks to his mother negotiating with them but instead she began teaching them to bite his buŧŧ as punishment to which Jay could began to fear his pokemon who would do it and Mother who came up with the idea.

After the dinner everyone went to their rooms and got into bed but Jay sat near the window looking at the skies, during his match he could feel a gloomy yet dangerous energy comparable to his own level approaching towards him. From the distance he feel that the energy should arrive after the League came to an end, Jay could not contact the Pervert Hero God in any way so he could only prepare himself for the possible up coming battle.

Jay: [This peaceful life of my family and friends... I will safeguard it and save the world bit by bit till I get to the bottom of this, but I will have to gain more allies as going on alone will become difficult.... I wonder what my future holds]


Author Note:

Just edited my novel and noticed I skipped out poor gengar! So I intend to give the poor ghost some screen time during the Second volume! Such a bad author I am, forgetting my prankster *Dogeza*

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