Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 48 - Battle for Top Four Part one!

Soon dawn arrived and Jay was currently jogging in the surroundings together with his pokemons: Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, Leafeon & Sylveon. The reason for this was just as he woke up normally he would exercise on his own because his pokemon are resting for the tournament as he could use any of them anytime for the battles but today these girls were stubborn and decided they wanted to jog together with him to which he could only agree to, otherwise he would be gaining a bite on the buŧŧ from each of them.

The people were busy setting up their stores as Jay was running past, some even waved and Jay waved back at them. But he could hear their whispers looking at the eight pokemons running alongside him, they could tell all of these pokemons were evolved pokemons and they began calling him a Eevee Expert to which he did not refute as he intends to train these girls up to the level above Legendaries but it will take a long time unless he could get to the outside world.

Man: "Oh Young Man, you want a refreshing drink for your day?"

Jay: "Yes please, how much?"

Man: "It will be 5 Pokedollars--- What is it honey?"

A little girl standing next to the middle age man began tugging his shirt while looking at Jay's pokemons with stars in her eyes, seeing this the man could only smile wryly.

Man: "Is it alright for my Daughter to touch your pokemon, I will give you the drink for free"

Jay: "It's fine I will still pay, she can play with them"

Hearing the permission the girl ran towards all the pokemons and began to pat them all but soon became bewildered that there was too much to pat but she began to giggle, Espeon was quite friendly with this girl as she could sense the curiosity from the girl and how she wanted to play with them so Jay took a seat next to the man and watch how the girl played with his pokemon.

Man: "I watched your battle yesterday and thought that your pokemon would be aggressive so seeing this is quite shocking"

Jay: "Sigh... My pokemons are trained to protect themselves even if it means to take a life, but I always keep spoiling them so they will remain kind but have the resolve... Besides yesterday I did not kill because I wanted to, but because I had to"

Man: "What you mean?"

Jay: "Hehe, because there is no voice recorder near us you could not hear it form the audience seats but that man took up a bounty from the Underworld which is to kill each and every pokemon I have"

Man: "Underworld!? This---"

Jay: "Yes, and I feel like there is more... So I can only bear the criticism thrown at me for the sake of my pokemon's lives"

Man: "Heh, you truly are something I did not imagine... Well I will support you young lad, after all your pokemon is truly kind enough to play with a little girl despite her pulling their tails and ears hehehehe"

Jay spoke a bit more with the shop owner, surprisingly he was the brother of a store owner in the starting town of Unova Region so Jay got the contact number he could use if he needs someone who sells large amount of food and such. So before continuing his jog together with his pokemon, the girl was reluctant to leave his pokemons but when Jay promised her he would let her have a pokemon born from these girls as her first pokemon when she becomes a Pokemon Trainer but the girl shook her head and said she wanted to become a Pokemon Groomer.

When Jay heard this he made another promise that when she get her license as a groomer he will bring his pokemons to her, with a promise of a Eevee child and grooming the pokemon of Jay made the girl's determination to pass the Groomer test with her all. Jay would have never known that his promise started the journey of a world renowned Groomer.

Soon the time came for the next round of matches for the Top four and the stadium was packed with even more people outside, there was even a group of people with boards protesting against the rules of killing being allowed. But the majority of the people ignored them not because they were cold blooded but the mad man Charles Goodshow released a video of a recent pokemon tide and how people perished in it to the whole region, this began to explain to the people why the rules are ruthless but the rules were too LENIENT instead.

So the people who supported the league began to grow along with Charles influence over the League, the Execs were being pressured and could not handle it anymore. So before Jay could enter the waiting area in front of him was the same slightly fat black haired exec he once saw at the welcoming party and behind him were two men dressed in black tuxedos which should be his body guards.

Fred: "Pleased to meet you Jay Silver, My name is Fred Rosefield I am one of the executives of the Pokemon League"

Jay: "Oh so your one of those who have been targeting my mother and me huh?"

Fred: "Watch the accusation boy you have no proof"

Jay: "Do you think I won't kill you even if it makes me an enemy of the league? I'm giving you a warning don't have any ideas of my mother"

Jay release a strong killing intent which made the body guards shiver but they still covered Fred who had a pale face, he pointed at jay shouting.

Fred: "You should remember we the League are in control of you trainers I can easily revoke your license--"

Jay: "You hold no right over me, because that would mean Charles resigned"

Fred: "You-----"

Jay: "Be careful what you touch Fred Rosefield... I have been tolerant to your actions so far especially with Issei Tanaka, don't push too far or you will regret it"

Jay walk pass the bodyguards but one of them tried to hit jay from the Side but what he did to expect was Jay gripping his wrist with one hand and his shirt with the other throwing him while using his own momentum into the wall hard enough to crack the walls.

Fred: "You dare attack the staff of the League!?"

Jay: "If you had even a little bit of brains you would see the cameras here right? Have you forgotten what I can do besides fighting and pokemon training?"

Fred: "You you!"

Jay: "So behave little boy... I will be dealing with you later"

Jay finally leaves Fred behind who stomped his feet on the ground shouting curses while he standing Bodyguard helped the other one that was knocked out cold, just like Jay said he could deal with them but Jay did not want to provoke the League. Even if he had Charles behind him, without evidence if he simply kills a staff of the league he would be in trouble including his mother. So he could only do this much for now which counts as Self Defense.


After another Opening speech by Charles Goodshow which included the response the League gave to the protest of the people and most of the people that was protesting calmed down, but the unrest feeling was still there. The first to battle was Ash Ketchum against Leaf, Jay was astonished at how this boy's luck and his pokemons strong will managed to win the battle with a small margin.

Jay: [Seems the Pokemon Anime truly been only displaying a small amount of this boy's dumb Luck!]

But Jay felt pity because he could see the strong potential Ash's pokemons had but this fool only decided to train them now when he witnessed Jay's power, well at least he was starting to walk the path of a real trainer earlier than his previous self. The Next match that was about to start was Gary against Issei Tanaka.

When the Referee announced the start of the match Issei called out his typhlosion and Gary called out his Blastoise, the battle was truly intense and Issei within the "Rules" still tortured Blastoise by giving "Orders" for Typhlosion to hit specific areas but it attack in non-fatal points inflicting injuries. Of course the people went mad shouting curses at this shameless bastard that enjoy to torture pokemon, Gary being clever he recalled his Blastoise and gave up the first round, for the second round he called out Nidoking.

The second round was even more intense but thanks to Blastoise who managed to weaken Typhlosion allowed NidoKing to win the second round but it was heavily injured as well, so Gary had to give up the third round when Issei called out his Golem which was weaker than his Typhlosion but stronger than his Nidoking. Gary called out his Nidoqueen who was weaker than his nidoking so the match did not last that long and before the torture of Issei could start Gary gave up the match.

Jay: [He is smart, he fought for the experience while saving his pokemon before they get crippled so they can also experience a deadly fight for the first time... He truly is worthy of being called a Genius]

With the match coming to an end, the next match was Jay's, so he stood up flexing his body a bit feeling stiff from sitting for so long. He heard the referee announcing the next match. The shutters opened and the field that was used previously descend and the new field that appeared was a forest with hordes of flying cameras that was resistance to pokemon energy so it could capture the battle within the forest.

This was the first field where it was required for the Trainer to enter together with their pokemon but Jay already decided he will not be entering.

Referee: "The third match for the Day! Brad Lovegood from Vermillion City and Jay Silver of Pallet Town!"

Jay and Brad went onto the stage facing one another, Jay could feel the killing intent radiating from Brad's body.

Jay: [I gave him a warning but this is his answer huh? Very well...]

Referee: "Trainers call out your Pokemons!"

Brad: "Come out Blastoise!"

Jay: "It's time to finish this battle fast.... Come out..."

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