Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 49 - Battle for Top Four Part Two!

Referee: "Trainers call out your Pokemons!"

Brad: "Come out Blastoise!"

Jay: "It's time to finish this battle fast.... Come out Gallade"


Flash Back


Charles: "Why have you called me tonight Jay?"

Jay: "I need to confirm a rule with you"

Charles: "Oh what could this be?"

Jay: "You see I trained a pokemon using man made weapons, is there any rules against it?"

Charles: "No there has not been a rule and I suppose you intend to use a pokemon who uses man made weapons?"

Jay: "Yes it's a sword"

Charles: "Since it's a sword I will allow it and the league will monitor the battle and decide based on the battle presentation and the feedback of the people"

Jay: "So we will be used as an example if it goes through?"

Charles: "Of course! Because new battle styles could be created from your display which in turn strengthens our forces even more! So it will depend on you"

Jay: "You will be in for a surprise"

Charles: "hoho I look forward to it"

Flash Back ends


What appeared in front of Jay was a white, bipedal pokemon. Its lower body consists of rounded hɨps with strong legs. It has a thin Blue torso with sharp, orange horns sticking out of its ċhėst and back. Its arms are shaped like tonfas with extendable blades in its elbows. Its head resembles a gladiator's helmet with spikes at the sides of its white face and a silver head crest. Attached to it's back were two katana's crossed over one another.

Man: "Pokemon with swords?"

Woman: "Huh? This is really odd"

Brad: "BWahahahaha you trying to play swordsman with a pokemon what a joke"

Blastoise: "Blas Blastoise!" {What a weakling}

Gallade: "Gal Lade Gallade!" {Master is this the scum I should cut up?}

Jay: {Go for it, but keep it clean}

Gallade: "Gal Lade" {Turtle soup for dinner}

Blastoise hearing Gallade's provocation roared angrily at him to the point it's eyes became red, it was a taboo to talk about turtle based food towards a squirtle and it's evolved counterparts, but Gallade gave Blastoise a smirk and showed a facial expression that he is going to cook it which further enraged Blastoise. Brad was not sure what this pokemon was saying to his pokemon but he knew his Blastoise was close to erupting and even he could not control blastoise if it truly erupts.

Referee: "Both Pokemons are out! Let the battle begin!"

Blastoise roared without a command from his master he points the two cannons towards Gallade and blasted out a highly compressed stream of water, Gallade effortlessly dodged the attack but did not take in account that Jay was standing behind him and because of the provocation Blastoise did not stop it's attack heading towards Jay. Jay who saw this simply snorted as he put both his hands together, this time he used illusion magic silently to cover the dragon magic circle that formed under his feet covering the battle field while casting a silent room barrier around the battlefield as well.

[Dragon Domain!]

[Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!]

The incoming attack was halved to the point the water stream that came close to Jay was simply a spit stream which he blocked off with his psychic energy, he undo his dragon domain along with the silent room and illusion. But he did not have the chance to remove the fact he blocked off the water with his psychic energy which made the people shock, they all began to roar out of excitement that another Psychic user was within Kanto Region.

Brad: "You! What did you do with that Hydro Pump!"

Even Blastoise was shocked to a standstill when it saw it's attack becoming extremely weak towards the human and it got blocked off.

Jay: "Nothing much, the longer the distance the weaker the attack will become so it was quite simple to block it off with psychic energy" [Good thing I did not divide it all at once but divide it with each step it took towards me making this more believable]

Brad: "This!" [Bullshit! I trained Blastoise so I know it's full power better than anyone he did do something to him]

Jay: "Are you sure you should concentrate on me?"

Gallade used Teleport while pulling out it's sword, with a swift movement before Blastoise could snap out of it's shock it felt a faint feeling traveling from the front of it's neck to the back and Gallade was already at it's back, the feeling traveled so fast that the brain did not register that it was already dead. Shortly after a large stream of blood blasted like a fountain pushing the head of blastoise off, this kind of display was quite horrific towards the crowd who began to scream out of this display.

Man: "Bastard! Why the hell did you go kill the pokemon in such showy way!! My wife fainted!"

Old: "Is that even a pokemon to begin with!? That sword movements is like a Swordsman!!!!"

Bald Man: "You shameless Brat! Killing the pokemon when it was not focusing!!"

A lot of people starting cursing Jay with many kinds of names but he did not look at the people nor respond to their curses, shortly afterwards they began calling him a monster and such similar to Tanaka to which Brad was smiling incredibly happy. So if he kills Jay he will be able to use to pressure from the public to get away with it. But he was stumped because he did not expect to face a Pokemon that uses a sword instead of it's body.

Brad: "Isn't it against the rules for a pokemon to use man-made weapons?"

Referee: "There was never such rule to begin with, not to mention it is a sword not a firearm..."

Brad: "This..... Shit!"

Brad: "Come out! Gengar!"

Gengar: "Gengaaaar!"

Gengar looked at the dark shadowy forest and in front of him stood a pokemon holding a sword like a human, this made gengar confused but extremely happy that his trainer let him out again to have his fun. Soon Gengar disappeared in the shadows.

Referee: "Both Pokemons are present! Let the next round begin!"

Brad: "Gengar use shadow balls!"

Soon shadow balls began to materialize around Gallade and shooting at him one at a time, with a slash of his sword coated with his psychic energy he effortlessly cut down the shadow balls that approach him. Soon the numbers of balls began to increase and the speed of his strikes increased accordance to the number, because of the death of Blastoise in this forest and its resent the ghost energy was quite concentrated within the forest so Gengar could display power far above it's rank.

It was more than half an hour and the balls were increasing but Gallade's speed could no longer keep up with the sheer number of shadow balls, soon the balls he missed began hitting his body which did not hurt immediately but as the number of hits began to increase so did the injuries began to irritate him enough to slow down his speed. Gallade thought for a moment and allowed a shadow ball to hit him in the ċhėst and with his legs he jumps backwards crashing into the ground making it seem like the attack was quite effective.

Gengar was not convinced enough to come out of it's hiding place so it instead released a dark pulse towards Gallade, Gallade who noticed his trick did not work immediately teleported above the Forest dodging the pulse attack. By using the Fire Energy it uses for [Fire Punch], it coats it's sword with flames and psychic energy while taking a Iai stance while floating above the forest, Jay who saw this could not help but twitch his mouth at this Mr Diligent who is about to unleash one of his strongest sword arts.

With a swift movement as if Gallade was pulling the sword from it's "sheath" that was not there and swing the sword across the direction of the field, the air surrounding the field came to a standstill for a moment before large explosion blew up the forest in flames and the trees that were uprooted from the force of the sword strike was swept up by the wind the sword generated. a Loud scream of pain could be heard from within the forest before a shadow flew out of the forest that was on fire revealing a Gengar that was heavily injured by that sword strike.

Brad: "Gengar return!"

Jay: "Are you giving up this round? Because if it comes out one attack is all it needs to finish it off"

Jay smirked at the angry Brad who felt like he could eat Jay up whole, but this guy was simply too powerful for him. Even he knew that Gengar could not continue.

Brad: I will give up this round"

Referee: "Gengar is unable to battle Gallade wins!"

Jay: "Gallade return!"

Brad: "Come out Primeape!"

Jay: "Come out snorlax"

Boom! The entire stadium shaked when snorlax took a step and fell face first into the ground, slowly it began to stand up straight once again while scratching the back of it's head confused why it fell down. The Forest fire was put out by the league staff and the same burnt forest battlefield was used for the final match between Brad's Primeape and Jay's Snorlax.

Referee: "Both pokemons are out! Let the battle begin!"

Brad: "Primeape Close combat!"

Primeape sprinted towards Snorlax and began to hit along with kicking snorlax at varies place, snorlax was yawning while looking down at the pokemon that is poking at him which slightly annoyed him. With a wave of his palm be back slaps the face of primeape launching it into the wall below the audiences, this one slap made the people drew a cold breath all thinking one thing "Don't go poking this guy, he will one slap you".

Brad's jaw dropped looking at the Primeape who fainted while embedded into the wall like a portrait.

Referee: "Uh ---- Primeape is unable to battle! Jay Silver wins the match"

Jay: [How am I suppose to feel right now... I feel more like I lost something than won] "Snorlax you can return and sleep" [Best not to call this big guy out soon]

This battle was one of the top shocking events that took place today in all of the matches, everyone was talking about capturing a Snorlax.


Shortly after there was one more match after Jay and it appears Patrick Lovegood, Brad's brother won this match and he was even looking at Jay with greater hostility than yesterday. Jay only met his cold look with a smirk blatantly taunting him, but Patrick did not make a move and simply left together with Brad. Shortly After tomorrow's matches were displayed on the board:

Match 1: Ash Ketchum vs Issei Tanaka

Match 2: Jay Silver vs Patrick Lovegood

With the line up presented everyone left the stadium for the matches that would be continuing not tomorrow but the day after tomorrow which includes the finals, Jay's mother and Freya waited for Jay like yesterday but this time he greeted them with a wide smile. His mother praised him and said she was convinced of his powers and that she will give him permission to go outside Kanto but under the condition he has to call her everyday with the PokeNav which was more obvious he would do.

When the night came Jay went to the relaxing room where there is only chairs for guests to sit around and talk or read books, Jay took a seat in the corner of the room and connected his ŀȧptop to the wi-fi. He was considering of getting some back ups for in case he could not get Issei Tanaka to talk about his connection with the four Execs, thanks to gaining administrator rights from Charles Goodshow secretly Jay had a easier time logging into the database and began searching for evidences.

These guys were thoroughly with cleaning their trail but one of them slipped up by leaving back up data of all their receipts, emails and photos about their past actions which Jay immediately copied everything including the location of the Secret house and emailed everything to Charles Goodshow. So while he would be battle Issei Tanaka during the league, Charles will then use the time the execs are focusing on the battle to ransacked the house Jay specified for him.

Jay: "With this Charles can handle those four, I don't need to make a move that would anger the league so it truly is a double win situation for me"

Shutting down his ŀȧptop and closing it, Jay looked at his quiet surroundings and felt a cold gust of wind. His instincts kicked in screaming for him to dodge which he did, dodging to the front he managed to get away before small needles striking where he sit before. When he looked around he could not spot the intruder and immediately used spatial lock on the entire hotel including illusion magic that make it seem like this long time lag was like a instant, Jay started to use search magic and spotted the ȧssassin in the corner of the roof which was standing still because of his illusion magic.

He swiftly moved towards the ȧssassin pinning him down into the floor and released the illusion magic that allowed people to start moving again, it was a similar concept of a time stop but it was not a real time stop. THe ȧssassin feeling that he was caught wanted to bite his tongue but Jay already forced a tick stick into his mouth preventing him from biting down.

Jay: "I will be enjoying cutting you up... Piece by piece, you see I find it more pleasurable to first rip of your nails... Then tear of the skin layer for layer till your raw flesh shows, then I will start to dismantle your finger like I am butchering meat and cut it cleanly off from your bones before chopping off your bones... Would you like to hear the next part?"

The ȧssassin nearly pissed his pants hearing this mad man talk like he is skinning an animal which scared him more than his missions he undertook for a long time, he cursed his greed undertaking this mission and now he was doomed. When he heard Jay's question he immediately began to shake his head left to right and prayed for some god that he could somehow escape from this mad man before he really gets butchered.

Seeing how the ȧssassin was scared off his ideas Jay snickered within while smiling on the outside, he dialed a number on his PokeNav.

Charles: "You send an email now you call, what happened?"

Jay: "I caught a living evidence for you"

Charles: "Huh?"

Jay: "I caught an ȧssassin sent by those execs probably"

Charles: "I will send someone over immediately!"

Jay: "Thanks!"

Jay closes the call and look at the shivering Assassin.

Jay: "If you don't want to see me how I butcher you, you best answer their questions truthfully okay? Because I have already neutralized that poison within your mouth so you won't be able to commit suicide"

The ȧssassin was astonished at the fact Jay mentioned he neutralized the poison but he did not feel him taking it away, but the eyes he could see Jay was not lying to him. Soon the league staff came and once Jay confirmed they are indeed Charles Goodshow's men he allows them to take the ȧssassin away. With the events come to a closure Jay went back to his room and set up a strong barrier that moves along with his mother and Freya in the center and will activate when someone with ill intent tries to touch them in any way.

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