Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 50 - Off Day before the Quarter Finals!

The next morning Jay woke up seeing that his mother and Freya already went down stairs so he got himself cleaned and dressed since today was a off day he intends to spend it with his pokemons and family. Just as he got down stairs the hair on his back raised to the end seeing Issei Tanaka sitting together with his mother who had a serious look and Freya was leaking out killing intent.

Issei: "Ah, Jay... We were just talking about you"

Jay did not respond to him and simply walked over grasped his neck tightly and dragged him out of the restaurant, everyone in the hotel breathe a sigh of relief as they were afraid of that madman who loves to torture pokemon so they can leave the madman to the other madman to handle him. Anne and Freya were showing worried faces but did not stand up to walk to where Jay went as they saw the serious face he made, he was furious.

Around the corner of the Hotel there was a temporary Alleyway between two capsule shops where Jay dragged Issei who was not resisting at all and he let go of him, Jay still did not talk at all and was looking at Issei as if he was waiting for an explanation.

Issei: "Such a beautiful mother you have... Not to mention the girl, her hooters are sooo big! I could viola--"

Before he could finish the sentence Jay punched him with a fist covered in thick dragon aura breaking his nose in the process of the punch, watching how Issei crash into the ground with a broken nose he stood up smiling as if the punch was nothing. What happened next was Issei healing extremely fast but slower compared to Jay who had the Progenitor Virus within him.

Issei: "So aggressive! But I love it! You should hold your horses boy, since we are being watched you know"

Jay: "The only reason your alive right now is because you did not do anything to my mom and Freya, but I am warning you... League or not, approach them again I will kill you" [If only Charles could move faster I won't need to hold back against this madman]

Issei: "You have such luck! Your god gave you many wishes! While mine only gave me one and even left me on my own when I was reincarnated.... People like you who have happy families, a beautiful girlfriend waiting for you at home... I hate you... And I will enjoy killing you at the tournament"

Jay: "Killing is forbidden in the tournament"

Issei: "In the tournament yes... But there is a special Duel that the league introduced to allow Trainers to fight to the death if their grudges is irreconcilable..."

Jay: "Oh? So you want to kill me because if your inferiority Complex huh?"

Issei: "You can keep acting haughty because of your three strong pokemons but the rest are pathetically weak, I will enjoy showing you how I will torture your pokemons then I will kill you"

Jay: [Your only alive because I have to ensure my mother won't have problems with the league or more like the league won't have reasons to investigate my mother] "Good Luck with it... The fact you are labeled a deserter means you have no potential to reach the heights and is destined to become stepping stones for me"

Issei: "Ptui! Don't run from the tournament little Jay or I might have to go after someone else"

Jay watch Issei walk deeper into the Alley and when he could no longer see him, Jay went back to the Hotel where his mother and Freya was waiting for him. He put up his best smile he could muster up to relief his mother from her worries, Anne however did not look at the smile and instead stood up pulling Jay into a tight hug. Nothing was said but she could at least feel he was fine.

Jay: "I'm fine mom, so what did he want here?"

Anne: "He did not talk much other than he can't wait to battle you and that we should be sure to watch it... Son that guy makes me feel uneasy... Maybe---"

Jay: "Mom I will be fine, remember Trainer killing is forbidden" [Sigh... Can't tell her about that duel thing... Sorry mom}

Freya: "That guy disgust me! The way he looks at me was similar to those guys who only see me as a object to have"

Jay extend his arm and pulled Freya into the family hug, Freya was bewildered at first but soon she calmed down and felt safe in the embrace of Jay.

Jay: "Lets have breakfast, since today is a off day I intend to spend it with you two beautiful ladies"

Anne: "Fufu, you learnt how to sweet talk to your mother... Thank you for the compliment and I would be happy to"

Freya: "Ah... uh... Sure I will happy to join"

The three enjoyed eating their breakfast at a leisurely pace while Jay ate several plates of food, seems his apatite has increased once again even Freya was shocked at the amount he was eating to the point she wanted to ask him "Are you perhaps a saiyan?". Anne however was extremely happy to see her son eating more as she was worried he was not eating enough.

Shortly after eating Jay went off to pay the bill while the two ladies were waiting for him at the entrance, when he came out he held out his arms and escorted them to the shops of their choosing. There was quite a lot of shops his mother wanted to visit especially when she saw the "Bargain" sale sign she would pull Jay to buy all the things and have him stuff it into his Babylon Gate so she can decorate the Pokemon Daycare she is running back at home.

Jay already figured out how to create pokemon Eggs without requiring a male counterpart, this of course he kept quiet about and refuse to reveal the secrets or god knows what this world could turn into. He already arranged with his Eevee squad to have their first kids which he will leave with his mother allows her to start learning Breeding so they will have a Eevee Farm alongside the Daycare for an extra income.

When the shopping were all said and done the three decided to head of to a park where very few people were around so Jay called out his pokemons: Mawile, Gallade, Steelix, Snorlax, Dragonite, Flareon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon and Riolu. While Gyarados and Vaporeon were called out into a nearby lake where they were enjoying their swimming, the rest of the eevee squad all huddled around Anne nudging their heads against her asking for her to pet them all.

Anne was enjoying herself when she took out the brush sets for each pokemon and began to brush them, Freya was also helping out as these little spoiled girls prefer a long brush session. Steelix was still ȧssimilating the ore energy which made Jay quite astonished as this meant that Steelix would rise up to Lord Rank in power then he could leave him here to protect his mother and the pokemons of the Farm and Daycare. Mr Diligent Gallade was sitting cross legs with his sword over his ŀȧp with closed eyes, he train even in break times so Jay simply left him to his own devices.

Dragonite was bored and dived into the lake chasing after Gyarados to see what it looks like underwater, Riolu walked over to Snorlax since it was wondering why Snorlax did not moved at all when Jay called him out so when Riolu came close enough to check what's up with it, it was standing while sleeping. Seeing this opportunity it charge a decent amount of aura force and struck his palm into the belly of Snorlax making the big guy fall on his back and began to roll into the river while sleeping it was now floating in the river.

Riolu: {EH!? Even water does not wake him up? Is he a God of Sleeping or something}

Jay: {See your aura control went up a notch}

Riolu: {Well waking up Snorlax with the method you taught me is extremely difficult but it does help me with control and I can feel my aura capacity is increasing as well}

Jay: {That's good but relax today okay?}

Riolu: {Yes!}

Riolu dives into the water swimming towards snorlax, when he arrived he climbs on top of snorlax and laid on it's stomach for a nice sleep. Mawile was standing behind his mother and Freya while keeping her senses sharp, this little girl truly is his partner.

Anne: "Jay come relax as well"

Jay: "Yes Yes!"

Jay walks over to the two ladies but noticed that only his mother was still busy with Sylveon who was enjoying her brush in her new form to her hearts content, so Jay laid down and rest his head on Freya's ŀȧp without telling her which shocked her. But when she saw his eyes were closed and the peaceful surroundings allowed Jay to simply fall asleep, she began to ċȧrėss his hair looking at his sleeping face.

Anne: "Fufu now I am feeling jealous that my son is sleeping on your ŀȧp instead of mine"

Freya: "Ba-- But your still brushing Sylveon"

Sylveon: "Syl Sylveon!" {I deserve a reward for what master put me through}

Of course the two ladies did not know what she was saying but they knew she was complaining so Anne simply started brushing her again, flareon and the rest were all out for a count as the brushing technique of Anne made them all fall asleep.

Anne: "It's times like these where I feel the happiest"

Freya: "His sleeping face makes me want to sleep as well"

Anne: "Fufufu, well I will be entrusting Jay to you when the two of you go out"

Freya: "Don't worry mom, I will take care of him"

***************************** Next Day

Jay was standing on the battlefield with the other Three next to him, Ash Ketchum who will be going up against Issei Tanaka. Seems our little Lucky Boy wants to have a go against someone dangerous to see whether or not he is ready for the world outside. And next to Jay who was directing strong killing intent was Patrick Lovegood, from the looks of it this fool intends go at him as if his life hangs on a thread.

Charles: "With the final Day of the Indigo League Tournament! Let the matches commence!"


Author Note:

Be sure to leave Reviews or Comments if there are things I left out or anything that appears to be confusing! Since I do read the book again myself there are times I don't really realize I forgot pokemons I caught like poor Gengar! Hope you all continue to support me as we are nearing the end of Volume 1!!! For Volume 2 the first few chapters or maybe only one chapter will be a Information Chapter to explain the layout of the world outside so when you start reading the story it will not be confusing!

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