Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 51 - Interlude 1: Daily Lives of Pokemon and People


Part One


Flareon: "hey hey! You all want to hear the latest Joke master got from his ŀȧptop!?"

Vaporeon: "Is it vulgar?"

Flareon: "No no! It's very funny!"

Espeon: "Let us hear it then"

Flareon: "

In the classroom for the Grade 3 primary school kids was a teacher wearing the super short skirts and high heels busy giving class. By some miracle her heel snapped and she fell down, feeling ashamed and embarrased she walked over to Gary, Brock and Ash. She looks at Gary fiercely and asks.

Teacher >And what have you seen Gary?<

Gary >I saw your ankle<

Teacher >Go to the corner of the classroom and reflect on your actions for staring at a girl but not offering help<

Teacher turns to Brock who had saliva coming from the corner, despite being repulsed she askes him.

Teacher >And you brock, what have you seen<

Brock >kukuku I saw your thɨġhs!<

Teacher >Pervert! Get out of the class!<

The teacher chases Brock out of the class and when she turns to ask Ash what he saw, she watch how he was already packing his bags.

Teacher >And where do you think your going?<

Ash >I believe after what I have seen my school career is over"



Ddraig: "Hey albion, you felt that familiar aura?"

Albion: "Yes, it should be that Dragon Jay told us about lets go"

The two heavenly dragons flew over but suddenly they heard a shril scream of a pokemon who felt despair, when they came over they saw Mew jumping around Espeon calling her mom, the two of them were confused and when they look another direction Flareon, Vaporeon and Jolteon were also being called moms by birds.

Ddraig: "Albion, this world sure is strange... One dog gave birth to something that looks like a flying cat while the other three gave birth to birds"

Albion: "Hn! Hn! Seems we have much to learn of this world--- Huh?"

Albion noticed Dragonite looking at the two of them with a questioning look.

Dragonite: "Who is the dad and who is the mom?"

The two heavenly dragons did not immediately catch the questions but hearing the mom screaming in the back ground the two of them look at each other.

Both: "I AIN'T THE MOM!!! HE IS!"


Another massive fight broke out between the two heavenly dragons, luckily there was no casualties amongst the pokemons.


Part Three


Gengar felt frustrated and angry, his master and the god (Author) forgot about him and left him in the Pokeworld where he had to train pokemons but could not go out and battle!

Gengar: "Hmpf! Since Master loves Gallade and Mawile the most I will target the two of them kukuku"

Gengar conjures a pȯrn magazine filled with naughty pages of Mawile pokemons and dissapeared, when he re-emerge he was close to the training Gallade. Since Gallade did not pay any attention to him he left the pȯrn mag in a place where Mawile who is currently approaching the location could see it.

It could be said that Gallade had to fȯrċɨbŀƴ take three days off to recover not only from his body enjuries but also to recover his family jewel injuries

Part Four - Somewhere in Kanto


There was a child who came to school with a baby Meowth, when the teacher asked what happed the child began to tell his tale.

While he was getting ready his parents were flirting with one another which he did not completely understand but he could tell that his mother enjoyed it, but suddenly he heard something else.

Mom: "Not now Honey, let Bill go to school first"

Dad: "Well when he is gone I'm going to fuċk that pussƴ"


Author Note:

Just a short Interlude Chapter to enjoy as I will continue the Tournament battles tomorrow! Have fun and Take care!

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