Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 52 - Quarter Finals

Sitting on the bench with the view of the battlefield in front, today it was a volcano battlefield for the battle between Ash Ketchum and Issei Tanaka. Their battle of Six Pokemons were truly fierce, only by sacrificing five of his pokemons which he bȧrėly managed to save by recalling them, he managed to defeate typlosion with Pikachu. But because Pikachu hated going back into it's ball, Jay asked the Mew within his cap to teleport Pikachu into Ash's arms when it can't battle anymore.

The inteference was something no one expected, people were talking about it with each other sharing their different views about this situation. The referee did not make a issue of the interference as Ash who was a bit smarter this time gave up the match and went off to the Pokemon Center, however Issei Tanaka was looking at Jay with a faint trace of killing intent to which Jay responded with a mocking smile.

The shutters opened and lowed into the hangar tunnel and soon a new field rose up, what appeared was a Ice Field which was quite something as the amount of Ice type pokemons are not that many within the Kanto Region. When the field was set both Jay and Patrick went to their positions and thus the final Quarter Finals Match started, it was finally time to show a little something to get Charles Goodshow and Professor Oak to work a bit faster behind the scenes.

Referee: "This is the final Quarter Finals Match between Jay Silver of Pallet Town and Patrick Lovegood of Vermillion City! Please know that each trainer can only use six pokemons and substitution is NOT allowed!"

This new rule was added just now by the orders of the execs as Charles Goodshow was currently ransacking their hidden mansion, Jay looked at the Referee with a smirk and nodded. The surrounding people were wondering why the rules were different for this match compared to the previous match but did not complain about it because they were not happy with Issei Tanaka and Jay Silver who can both kill pokemons within a tournament,

Patrick: "I will be getting Revenge for both my brothers today! This time your up against the strongest of us and I intend to destroy you...."

Jay: "Your brother should have warned you... If you come at me with such intentions I will not spare a single pokemon and liberate them in this life from a foolish trainer like you"

Patrick: "Ptui! Come out! Jynx!"

What appeaered was a Pokemon that resembles a woman. It has a purple face, pink lips, saucer-like eyes, and long blonde hair while wearing a red gown with two gold circlets on the ċhėst. It has white arms and five-fingered purple hands.

Jay: [Guess I can use him for a change... If I am not mistake one of the weaknesses of Jynx is steel after all....] "Let's have some fun time Steelix!"

The very same steelix he caught in Cerulean City Cave when he once explored and caught snorlax thanks to this big guy, when steelix appeared it glared at the woman pokemon in front of him and when he turn to look at Jay who was nodding at him meaning this is his turn to battle.

Referee: "Both Pokemons present! Now let the Quarter Final Match two begin!"

Patrick: "Jynx use Psychic!"

Jay: "Rock Tomb"

Steelix inject it's ground energy within the ground and soon large boulder rocks began to emerge from the ground covering his body blocking the psychic energy to hit the rock instead, after blocking the first attack Steelix began to dig into the ice causing the whole field to shake and crack all over the place, Jynx was feeling dificulity to stand so she began to float slightly above the field while looking around to see if she could find steelix.

But Steelix was another odd pokemon that learnt how to prank other pokemons while being underground from Gengar and he loved it, so while he was underground he began using earth energy to shoot of rocks at Jynx from all direction. Jynx was warding them off with psychic energy but the amount of Rocks began to increase, and just as the Barrier was at it's weakest Steelix emerged from the ground and entangled it's body around Jynx breaking her psychic barrier in the process.

Steelix began to move his body squeezing her body tighter than the previous second, soon her body was showing signs of exploding as her face was expanding and her eyes began to emerge from the eye sockets. Patrick tried to recall Jynx several times already but steelix did not allow him to, Jay made him watch his pokemon suffer to teach him a lesson.

Afterwards Jay nodded at Steelix and let him drop Jynx on the ground, she was completely unconcious and Patrick recalled her while making a posture that he wanted to throw the pokeball away but stopped when he realized he was in a stadium filled with people. When Jay saw this he could only sigh as the lesson did not work and that this guy did not treat his pokemon preciously compared to his other brothers.

Jay: [From what I saw my actions changed the two younger brothers greatly so their chances of carrying on their poor deeds will become minimal... But this guy already experienced cruelty and did not flinch despite he tried to recall his pokemon only to save his reputation? Sigh... What a bunch of troublesome brats]

Patrick: "You showing such pity towards me!? Do you think I am weaker than my brothers that you won't kill my pokemons?"

Jay: "I simply see no point in it... Pokemon getting killed by humans and Humans getting killed by pokemons is a daily occurence outside... So for me your not worth it" [More like you won't be shaken by it, so the best I can do now is simply dominate him with my pokemons into a one sided show] "Steelix Return!"

Referee: "Both Pokemons are unable to battle, the match is a draw.... Call out your next pokemon" [Whoever made this rule is really stupid]

Patrick: "Come out Hitmonlee!"

Jay kept quiet and simply tossed a pokeball in the air, what appeared in front of him was his little girl Mawile. Seeing the fighting type pokemon in front of her especially how weak the energy she sense from it, she look at Jay.

Mawile: {Jay what is this? Even my small reserve of fighting energy is more potent and pure than his}

Jay: {Probably a caught and never trained pokemon... Give it a proper beating, simply show his trainer how you beat it down... If you kill it make sure you do it cleanly and fast}

Mawile nods her head before turning to look at the pokemon that was kicking in the air like it was warming himself up.

Referee: "Round 2! Fight!"

Patrick: "Hitmonlee close combat!"

Mawile: {Heh just what I wanted to begin with!}

Hitmonlee sprinted towards Mawile and the latter sprinted towards the former, when they came close to one another Hitmonlee threw out a kick which Mawile ducked to dodge it and when the leg was over her she immediately jump kicks into the family Jewel socket. Despite pokemons gender does not reflect outwards but it can emerge during the time of the deed, so that kick cracked a nut maybe two making Hitmonlee's mournful cry blow a cold wind between the legs of all Male Audiences including Jay who had a cold sweat seeing that kick.

When Hitomlee brought his legs together and his hands covering his crotch Mawile jumped towards his face gripping the head before smashing her knee into it, but she did not allow him to go yet. Within the moment she was still mid air he gave him a series of Face slaps and a round house kick which finally sent him off sliding to his trainer knocked out.

Patrick: "Is that really a Steel/Fairy Type pokemon?"

Jay: "No! It is a Steel/Faiy/Poison Type!"

Patrick: "WHere the hell did the poison come from?"

Jay: "From the >snake<"

Referee: "Hitmonlee is unable to battle! Mawile wins the round!"

Patrick: "Hitmonlee return!"

Referee: "You going to continue this time? If not I will have to count it as your loss"

Jay: "Nah, I intend to finish this battle with this girl"

Patrick: "Bastard! Come out Rhydon!"

What appeared in front of Patrick was a large pokemon standing on it's hind legs, for Jay it looked like a Rhino that is trying to live as a Human. Mawile seeing this snorted thinking that this trainer wants to use her type weakness which is the correct approach... But that is for ordinary Mawiles.

Referee: "Round Three FIGHT!"

Patrick: "Rhydon use earthquake!"

Rhydon slammed his leg which was covered with ground energy into the field and the icy field began to shake even more violently destroying it in the process, now there were little places to run between and only certain places to stand which was more of a disadvantage to his Rhydon.

Jay: [Is this guy a idiot?]

Mawile was currently mid air as she launched a hyper beam with the snake into the ground to blast herself into the air to avoid being attacked by the ground energy, seeing that Rhydon has almost no where to go she made the Snake shoot off another Hyper beam but this time to propell her towards Rhydon like a rocket. First she covered her body with Iron energy to harden her already intensive trained body to endure the impact, and covered her fists with thick ice energies, what happened next when the two came in contact was a large explosion similiar to when Espeon slammed her iron tail on the ground making the whole stadium shake from the impact.

A updraft of dust soon formed a mushroom before spreading towards the audience seats, alot of people were still standing up from the ground to take their seats again but most of them still stood and what appeared in front of them made them take another cold breath for the day. In front of them was the field itself snapped in half so the League would not be able to lower it right now, in the middle of the crater was Rhydon with it's body ripped in half and a Mawile covered in blood standing there looking at the pokemon.

Referee: [Dear Arceus what the hell is this!?] "R-r-r-Rhydon is unable t-t-t-t-to battle! Mawile Wins!"

Patrick was shivering from witnessing this power, it was only now he began to take the words of his brothers seriously that they should consider restarting their lifestyle and become earnest pokemon trainers once again. It was their own faul their pokemons died because it was a Kill or be Killed battle and Jay managed to teach them a lesson, but Patrick then looked at Mawile who had bruises all over her body as she could not completely ward off the force of the impact from injurying her.

Jay: "Mawile return"

Patrick: [That should have been his strongest pokemon! So I still have a chance unless he calls out that weird swordsman pokemon of his]

Referee: "Jay Silver has recalled a pokemon and Lost one battle..."

(AN: Patrick Losses: 3 - two knocked out one died, Jay: 2 - For recalling)

Referee: "Trainers please step back as the League will be moving this large field away"

Soon League Staff members came with a large amount of Psychic type pokemons and began to carry the broken Field away, when the field was taken away the shutters seems to be unscatched from all those battles. Soon the shutters open and the next battlefield to appear was a large lake with floating rocks, seeing this field Jay considered scaring his opponent one last time.

Referee: "Can both Trainers call out their pokemons!"

Patrick: "Come out! Slowbro!"

Jay: "Guess it's time to announce it to Kanto Region... Let's finish this battle"

Jay tosses out his pokeball and what appeared in the lake was a large red coloured Gyarados which shocked the people as there was only Legends about this Gyarados that once destroyed a town leading other Gyarados, even slowbro was intimidated by the mere presence of Gyarados.

Jay: "I will give you one last chance Patrick... I am growing tired of killing weak pokemons, are you still coming at me with that kind of intentions?"

Patrick: [THis Gyarados is way too big compared to the other Gyarados I saw... I can't give up just yet, that money.... Money.... Fuck it I will kill him!!!] "Heh your only lucky for winning those three rounds I will be turning it around"

Jay: "Sigh... Gyarados it's time"

From the view of the audience a sudden burst of red aura appear like a burning flame around Jay's body, his eyes were turning silver because this time he intend to only use Ddraig's aura with his resonance to mega evolve Gyarados. This was also a short experimentation he once did in Cinnabar Island as he wondered why Gyarados Mega Evolution was taking the traits of the Heavenly dragons and only after a few attempts he came to the conclusion at that time he used both the white and red dragon aura which influenced Gyarados's looks.

Jay: "Mega Evolve!"

Gyarados slowly began to grow bulkier, the fins on its cheeks become longer and gain a yellow tint. Its crest is larger and black, and its barbels also gain considerable length. A large spike extends downward underneath its chin, and it now has a enamel underside with a red stripe around the edges. The yellow spots along its body are replaced by raised crimson red scales, which propel Mega Gyarados through the water. Two large yellow fins with Light red spines appear on its back. Most of the other fins along its back disappear, replaced by two rows of crimson red spikes. There are now four yellowish, spiky fins near is tail: two on its back and two on its underside.

When the people saw this they all broke out in a roar of confusion trying to make out what this is all about, when Professor Oak saw this he could only laugh with a wry smile realizing just what Jay meant by giving him alot of work to do! This was big news for Kanto the fact that there was a evolution other than normal Evolutions, with this the progress of stronger trainers will bring Kanto's military strength to a whole new level.

Patrick: "What---- What is that thing!?"

Jay: "This is called Mega Evolution, details will be explained by Professor Oak after today...Hyper Beam"

Without warning Gyarados released a highly concentrated hyper beam that simply disintegrated Slowbro into nothingness, seeing this Patrick fell onto his knees shivering from fear and even let a bit of piss slip.

Jay: "Sigh... I will ask again--"

Patrick: "I give up! I am not battling that monster!"

Patrick finally snapped and ran away as if his life depended on it, the people did not pay much attention to him but the power the pokemon displayed was something they never saw before. Such a concentrated Hyper beam normally requires a few seconds of charging but this pokemon released it in a moment, the Referee snapped out of his stupor when he noticed Patrick was no longer around and when he looked at the staff nearby signalling him with his hands that Patrick ran away he could only smile wryly thinking "Who the hell wants to face this kind of monster to begin with?"

Referee: "Patrick Lovegood has left the match, Jay Wins the match and Advances to the Final Round!!!"

Jay recalls Gyarados who was still swimming roaring happily at the awe and respect it was getting from the audiences.

Jay: [Now them Charles.... How much longer]

********* Mean while somewhere deep in the forest

After finding the documentation he was sent to get from this mansion which was equipped with variety of traps but it was of no use to stop him, he pulled out his cellphone and speed dialed a specific person.

Secret Agent: "Sir! We got the evidence!"

(From the cellphone) Charles: "Good, make posthaste towards the nearest branch and teleport. Make sure no one follows you"

Secret Agent: "Sir yes Sir!"

********* Back at the Indigo League Plataeu

Charles: "Progress?"

Staff: "President, the agent just arrived at the Branch and teleported the documentation to your office"

Charles: "Good, now start the arrest immediately. I want them captured before the match between Jay and Issei Starts!"

Staff: "Yes President"

********** Between the Audiences

Oak: "Hehe, so this is the work he gave me huh?"

Anne: "Professor what happened there?"

Oak: "That Anne, your son used a rare method that allows the pokemon to temporary evolve into a stronger form which is called Mega Evolution. This evolution not only makes the pokemons stronger or change their forms but also give them different Types and Abilities, for example his Gyarados was a Flying/Water type but when he Mega Evolved it, it became a Dragon/Water Type."

Anne: "How did he achieve this?"

Oak: "For mega evolution to take place three things are required, a Mega Stone which is for the specific pokemon, a Key stone on the trainer and a strong bond between the two"

Anne: "So you can't use the same Mega Stones for different pokemons?"

Oak: "No each pokemon has their individual Mega Stones, by the way Anne why are you interested in this?"

Anne: "Well you see my son is going to help me renovate my Day Care and I will be coming in contact with many trainers and my son showing this will cause people to ask me about it as well so it will be helpful to know more about these kind of things before hand"

Oak: "I will ask Jay to connect your computer to my database that is linked with the other Researchers that can give you access to General Public Information"

Anne: "ah, thank you so much Professor! It will be of great help!"

Oak: "Well it is small compared to what your boy gave to me and to the Region"

Anne: "hehehe, I am proud of him"

********************* Back on the battlefield


Referee: "Jay Silver, Issei Tanaka you have one hour to take your pokemons to the Pokemon Centre and have your pokemons healed before the match. The pokemon centre is equipped with the latest medical treatment equipment that will heal and treat your pokemons in a flash"

Jay: "Thanks!"

Issei: "I will be seeing you soon Little Jay"


Author Note:

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