
Execs office


Fred: "What's the meaning of this!?"

Staff: "You four are under arrest for betraying the league"

Midoriya: "WHere is the proof!? Or else I will demand a explanation for this treatment"

Staff: "We have all the documentation one of your friends kept as back up"

Fred: "This----!!! Those are falsified documentations! I demand justice"

Staff: "Yes Justice will be served, for you all in court, be ready to face the wrath of all the parents whose kids you all have destroyed throughout the years"


President's observation Box


Staff: "The execs has been arrested..."

Charles: "What is it?"

Staff: "It appears someone is backing them from behind giving the orders, the plans and tasks they had to execute was too precise and detailed for them..."

Charles: "Hmm... Since we have evidence of betrayal I will give my orders and President I want you and the men you can trust to investigate every single employee of the League and root out any betrayers we have within"

Staff: "Yes, it will be done!"

Charles: "Sigh... THis as well as the Mega Evolution... You are swamping me with too much work Jay...."


Indigo Stadium Audience seats


Man: "It's a battle between those two mad men! Hope they kill each other's pokemons so they won't go rampage on innocents!"

Old: "At least the Jay boy does not kill without reason, from what I got there is a rumor going around that some corrupted officials of the League placed a bounty on Jay's head and those three he faced which was fixed matches were bounty hunters..."

Man: "If that is the care then the boy truly is fighting for survival down there, is it even a tournament or a death match down there?"

People were discussing many different kinds of conspiracy theories as the rumor originated from the man Jay once allowed his pokemons to play with his daughter, the man knew Jay would not answer the people's doubts because Jay knew the people will not readily listen so the man decided to spread a rumor of the discussion he had with Jay and slowly the people's opinions began to change because the rumor had more credibility than others may believe.

Because the fact Jay was forced in brackets to face all three Lovegood Brothers was simply too unnatural, and now with the finals being against a torture mad man the people could only believe that the rumor was the truth. Meanwhile Jay's mother Anne alongside Freya were watching the battlefield where Jay was standing calmly with his arms crossed and eyes closes.

Anne: "Jay.... Please be careful"

Freya: "Don't worry mom, he will be perfectly fine"

Anne: "I Just help but feel worried ever since the day I met that boy"

On the large screen was Portrait of Jay Silver and Issei Tanaka at the edges of their portrait were six black circles indicating their six pokeballs they can use for their match and between their portraits was a large bold VS..

Announcer: [It is finally time for the finals to commence!]

The people began to roar with cheers, as this was a anticipated match between madmen.

Announcer: [On the left we have Jay Silver from Pallet Town who has only recently became a trainer a few months ago, it is rumored that he is a direct disciple of Professor oak and the son of Blaine Silver who retired as Gym Leader of Cinnabar Island]

Hearing this the people broke out in another storm of discussions as Jay being a student of that Professor and that Ex-Gym Leader began to make them understand this lunatic's strong strength and resolution in combat.

Announcer: [On the right we have Issei Tanaka from Johto Region, he was once a deserter trainer who came to Kanto to cause trouble but recently he has completed his Rehabilitation]

Man: "Rehab my buŧŧ! If he has been Rehabilitated then I am a female"

Old: "Ptui! Has the league gone senile!"

The people began shouting curses not only at Issei but at the league as well, this was something that Charles needed for when he announces the crimes of these execs to have the public opinion on his side, that way his idea of clearing out the League in Kanto will run smoothly.

Announcer: [And now we will have our Referee to start the match!]

Man: "Kick that guys ȧss back to Johto!"

The Referee who heard that almost stumbled and fell on the ground, these audiences truly were open with their feelings so he could only take of his hat and be grateful to the people still recognizing the real bad guy.

Referee: "This is the final Match of the Indigo League Tournament! Each trainer can use up to six pokemons, substitution is allowed. First one to defeat six pokemons wins the Tournament"

The shutters began to open between Jay and Issei revealing the next field that was rising, what appeared was a standard battlefield with no obstacles, nothing but a plain battlefield painted in a rectangle and a Pokeball sign in the middle. Charles chose this battlefield to close of the tournament where neither side will have field advantage over the other, and to give off a nostalgia scene of the old tournament battlefields they used during the tournaments.

Referee: "Can you both call out your first pokemon!"

Issei: "Come out Typlosion!"

Typlosion: "ROAR!!!"

Jay: "Lets go, Snorlax"


The area shakes when Snorlax gently landed on the battlefield looking left and right and then at the pokemon that is slightly close to his height looking at him with a sadistic smile, Snorlax was confused and thought this pokemon was thinking he is food so he waved his finger.

Snorlax: "Snor Snor Snorlax" {I am not food, if your hungry go ask food from your trainer}

Typlosion: "Roar!!!" {Bastard!}

Issei could sense the anger of his pokemon was going slightly out of control so he gave his pokemon a fierce glare making Typlosion calm down slightly but it's hate for Snorlax went even deeper after being scolded by his own master.

Referee: [Hey hey! Isn't that the snorlax that slapped the previous pokemon into the wall?] "B--- Both Pokemons are on the stage, trainers ready? Then let the battle begin!"

Issei: "Typlosion use fire blast"

Fueled with its hatred for snorlax Typlosion exerted more energy into this star shaped fire ball which was far larger than a normal fireball, but for some miracle reason Snorlax fell backwards on it's back with it's buŧŧ raised in the air for a moment, within that one moment an earth shattering ear deafening fart resounded the entire stadium into silence, the fireball was blown back at Typlosion who did not expect his attack to be reflected like this and could only endure the explosion.

Meanwhile Snorlax's buŧŧ caught on fire as he began to roar in pain and confusion, when the fire finally died down he looked at the Typlosion that had a bit of charred fur with pure rage. He began running towards Typlosion with a look that made even Typlosion flinched as he was not sure why this snorlax was so relaxing but now looking at him with such hatred, covering his fist with ice energy snorlax punched typlosion who was still shocked into the ground.

Man: "What the hell is up with that pokemon? It looks like a bar fight for me"

Snorlax was currently stomping all over Typlosion's body out of rage, when he calmed down a bit he raised Typlosion's buŧŧ up and released a Ice beam into it's but making the Typlosion's mournful cry to make all the males buŧŧs to twitch at this scene. Just like how Typlosion loved to torture, it was now being tortured out of a misunderstanding.

Jay: [Seems snorlax finally began to take battling seriously, it's a good thing I had Riolu punch him with Aura force regularly]

It is a shame that Jay completely misunderstood Snorlax's predicament and reason behind its anger, when the ice beam fully froze the buŧŧ of Typlosion Snorlax began swinging typlosion like a rag doll and slam him face down in the ground in front of him and then on it's back behind him. It was going repeatedly until typlosion unfortunately died from being manhandled by snorlax.

Snorlax: "Snor?" {Huh? WHy is he sleeping? I haven't finished giving him my punishment... SIgh it's no fun hitting sleeping pokemons}

Snorlax threw the now dead Typlosion towards Issei and walked over Jay with a face that looks like he wants to go back to sleep,

Referee: [What the hell have I just seen here?]

The match was simply too shocking as the people were silent, even some began to pity the typlosion that died after losing it's anal vɨrġɨnɨtƴ to a ice beam. Jay looked at the Referee who was looking at him with a strange gaze which made Jay uncomfortable but at least he won the first round.

Issei: "Ty--- Typlosion.... no no no no NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

Jay: "How does it feel? Feels exhilarating right? Taking the lives of pokemons... "

Issei: "Bastard! I will slaughter your pokemons and family!"

Jay: "Hold your horses boy, we are being watch remember?"

Issei: "Tsk!"

Staff of the league came to pick up the corpse of typlosion and cleared the battlefield, only then did the Referee snap out of his stupor.

Referee: "Typlosion has been destroyed! Snorlax wins"

Jay: [Destroyed? Well whatever] "Snorlax return, you can sleep now bud"

Referee: "Call out your next pokemons!"

Issei: "Come out! Kadabra!"

Jay: "Lets play it Gengar!" [kukuku, can't wait to see what will happen when he uses it]

Jay finally called the Gengar he caught in Mt Moon Caves when he met his first Hunger Game Opponent, after so so so long Gengar was finally being called out to fight. But because Jay did not train him much Jay gave him a weapon he can use during the match as long as he used his ghost energy to block the view of the outside people.

Kadabra: "Ka!? Ka Dabra!" {Ghost!? I will defeat you!}

Gengar: "Geng---ar" {Hold up friend I have some good stuff for you, before we fight let me show you}

Kadabra: "Kada kadabra?" {Your not tricking me are you?}

Gengar shakes his head

Gengar: "Gengar geng" {No I won't you see my trainer is an ȧsshole who force me to fight and I don't want to so before we fight let me show you a secret on how you can defeat him}

Kadabra nods his head accepting Gengar's proposal.

Referee: "Both pokemons are out! Let the match begin!"

Gengar flies towards Kadabra and the latter flies to him, when they reach each other gengar covers his hand with a dark mist that surrounded the two blocking the view from the outside, what Gengar took out was something Jay created from his previous world called (1) "surströmming". When Kadabra looked at this can of preserved fish food he looks at Gengar who was nodding with a wide smile, when kadabra took the can and began to open it the contents of the can burst out into it's face.

From the outside people could hear a scream not of pain, nor was it of fear... It was a different kind of scream, it didn't take Long for the Referee to shout.

Referee: "WHo the fuċk released shit here!? Dear Arceus it stinks!"

Soon the mist dispersed leaving a fainted Kadabra with white foam leaking from it's mouth, the smell was so bad it mentally broke down Kadabra. Poor pokemon will never be able to use his psychic energy without being reminded of this horrible experience. Gengar appears in front of Jay laughing gleefully at his prank being successful, he could be grateful that being a ghost he could enter something similar to a spirit mode that allows him not smell nor the smell can glue onto him.

Referee: "What the hell happened!? Dear Arceus! This pokemon stinks! Hey you bloody call your stinky pokemon back!"

Issei was perplexed about this situation but when the smell reached his he immediately recalled Kadabra while holding in the urge to vomit, when he smell that the smell was coming out from his pokeball now he threw the pokeball away not daring to touch it.

Referee: "The match is placed on hold! Arceus, this shit stinks!"

Jay and Issei was led off the battlefield so the staff could clean the battlefield of the smell, even people in the audience seats were vomiting their Lunch they had today. The Finals were temporary postponed for two hours.


Author note:

1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmu7bHj81WI

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