Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 54 - Tournament Interrupted


Author Warning:

This chapter is not for the Pokemon Die-Hard fans or those who prefer novels sticking to the Lore and rules of the world.... You have been warned


The moment the stadium got cleaned by hundreds of staff wearing safety masks they completed the task relatively easy, so the finals resumed when the Audiences took their seats once again with a drink and snack the Pokemon League gave as compensation for the event took place. The culprit Jay Silver got away with it as Issei Tanaka could not give out a proper reason why his pokemon would stink like shit.

Referee: "Now let us resume the match! The League added a new rule [No Stinky Pokemons that can affect the whole stadium] So please be sure to follow it"

The shutters opens and the current battlefield was taking down and the next battlefield to appear was a plain grassfield with similar painted marks like the previous field.

********* Mean while at the Audience

Man: "Dear Arceus any of you know what happened down there?"

Old Man: "No but I heard that Lunatic's Kadabra smelled worse than shit down there... I better keep my kids and grandkids from catching Abra's from now on"

Strangely to all the wild Abra's confusion for the next few years Abra's prosper and could grow their population high enough to not be seen as a Rare kind of pokemon anymore.

********** Back to the Battlefield

Referee: "Now trainers call out your next pokemons!"

Issei Tanaka: "I WIll get you for this! Come out! Golem!"

Jay: "Hmm... Better not use Gengar, that guy fell inlove with that shit can, can only hope he does not use it in the PokeWorld or I will get beaten up with him... Lets do this Mawile!"

In front of Issei was his Golem pokemonwith it's reptile head glaring at Mawile who appeared in front of Jay, seeing Jay call out his supposed strongest Pokemon Issei wondered if it was truly the truth because he remember from the reports Jay Silver's Espeon also caused such a incident and both of them used the momentum of falling to increase the impact of their attacks.

Issei: [Will have to see what she is made off by sacrificing Golem]

Referee: "Both Pokemons are out! Let the match begin!"

Issei: "Golem Rock Tomb!"

Large rocks began to float around Golem when he was using his ground energy before sending the Rocks flying towards Mawile to lock her movements but what these two pokemon and trainer did not expect to see was Mawile jumping from Rock to Rock avoiding the situation she was in, she was even pointing her palm towards Golem upside down with her fingers straightening and moving half closed fist indicating for it to come at her.

Issei: "Golem use Rock throw!" [Lets see how you dodge smaller rocks]

Soon the surrounding of Golem was covered with floating pebbles, pointing it's hand towards Mawile the pebbles shoot out one after the other like a machine gun. When Mawile saw this her face brightens up as all the gravity seals on her body was fȯrċɨbŀƴ released, she concentrated her steel energy to harden her body along with her head while manipulating the small amount of Fighting energy around her fist. Resounding explosions rang out in a orderly fashion. Bang! Ba-Ba-Bang! Ba-Bang!

Some stones were hitting her but she could ignore it due to the fact the golem in front of her is not used to using small moves, the stones it was launching was too brittle because of the energy management issue. It appears Golem is only used to using Big moves that costs alot of energy that it forgotten how to control the energy efficiently, thus making the rocks it blew brittle and fragile that simply iron defense was enough to block it.

With the number of rocks increasing so was Mawile's speed increasing, her talent in martial arts was something even Jay felt he underestimated when he was looking at this odd ball enjoying this match like a training session. But it could not last long as Golem shortly ran out of energy from shooting those pebbles and stopped, Mawile however was not happy because she was enjoying the practice.

Mawile: "Ma Ma Wile!" {Come GIve it to me Harder}

GOlem: "Go GO Goooo" {No I can't anymore}

Mawile: "Ma Ma Wile!!!" {Give me more!!}


Issei: [Shit. Golem is tired it's best I ----]

Boom! Before Issei could react Mawile sprinted towards Golem concentrating her fighting energy in one hand and punched into the body, she was experimenting a new way of using fighting energy similar to how she noticed Riolu using force palm but what she developed was a way to vibrate the fighting energy in a punch and inject the vibration into the body of the enemy. It was a move she developed when she was against pokemons with hard bodies, and it proved to more effective than she imagined because Golem was weak to fighting type pokemons or more like Fighting type energy in the first place.

This time the golem did not explode or fall to pieces but the inside of it's body was utterly destroyed as it drew it's last breathe at the moment Mawile punched it, the body of Golem tilted backwards and began to roll across the battlefield but there was no other movements. The Referee came over and saw the fearful face of Golem he could not help but shudder to imagine what kind of pain this pokemon experienced to die with an intact body.

Referee: "Golem is unable to battle! Mawile Wins!"

Issei: "Shit!"

Once again our Corpse collecting Team of the League came rushing, all of them were cursing the fact that their jobs was suppose to be the easiest and least work to do but for some reason this Tournament they are more active than the cleaning team!

Referee: "Trainer call out your next Pokemon!"

Issei: "Ptui! Come out Sudowoodo!"

Sudowoodo: "Sudo Sudowooo DO!" {Who should I fight, it's been so long I slammed someone}

Mawile: "Ma?" {Huh?}

Referee: "Both pokemons are ready! Let the match begin!"

Issei: "Sudowoodo, Rock throw!"

Similar to Golem, the rocks were floating before shooting off towards Mawile who was bored of this already so she sprinted towards the Tree-like pokemon.

Issei: "Now! use mimic!"

Sudowood send out pink orbs that entered Mawile's body and returned back towards it, the strange thing was that Mawile's "Pokemon Moves" were slowly dissapearing as she is using energy instead of the moves so the moves Sudowoodo could copy was minimal. And the move Sudowoodo copied was [Fire Punch] so it sprinted towards Mawile now with both it's branches on fire, when Mawile saw the courage of this little pokemon she leaped towards him.

She lowered her head dodging the fire punch but the snake instead got punched for the first time in the face, it got so furious for being punched it breathed out strong acid poison onto Sudowoodo making it scream out of horror how it's body was withering as this kind of poison was something that feeds of Vitality of pokemons and won't work on dead pokemons. Mawile seeing this chance released a series of lef and right jabs in the abdomen of Sudowoodo before jump kicking it on the side of it's head making it fly back ucnconcious towards Issei.

Issei: "Why was there not alot of moves on your pokemon!? It's impossible for it to be so strong with only this handful of moves!"

Jay: "Originally she had over twenty pokemon moves but I am training my pokemon in a different manner..."

Issei: "YOu---- You should be a deserter too then! How can you know the training method of Unova Region!?"

Jay: "Oh? You even know which Region I got this manual from? Well it is not only Unova you see, I brought all the training manuals of all the regions and created a new one with all their essences into one... You can't beat me with half ȧssed pokemons like this"

Issei: "Sudowoodo Return! Come out! Lucario!"

Lucario: "Lu Lucario!"

a Faint tick mark formed on the forehead of Mawile, she truly was jealous of these fighting types who have the energy capactiy she dėsɨrės so she could use much more flashy fighting moves but pokemons who got it can't even control that energy. Jay could only wryly smile at Mawile.

Referee: "Let the next match begin!"

Jay: "Mawile..."

Mawile looked at Jay but when she saw his eyes, her eyes widen from shock when she realized what he wanted to do. Jay never tried Mega-Evolving his Mawile before as he did not know what kind of effect it will have on his Mawile that is truly unique, but today it was time to give it a try.

Jay: "Mega... Evolve"

Crimson red and white energy emerge from Jay's body giving off a image like he was on fire and soon tentacle-like strings began to latch onto the body of Mawile who was glowing brightly, Mawile's body was growing longer till she reached the height of Jay, the snake behind her head began to shrink and soon divided into many kinds of snakes acting as her hair.

Her hakama-like fur grew shorter and a Crimson/Silver scale covered her ċhėst and bottom like a leather armour and tight pants, her feet also had scales that transformed into sneaker-like form that was extremly flexible and her fist were also covered in crimson/silver leaving her fingers exposed.

The way she looked you could describe it how those girls wear at the gyms, shirt covering around the brėȧsts, tight knee height pants with sneakers. Only difference was that it was made of scales, when the people saw this some men began to whistle especially at the fact Mawile developed a big bust for some reason.

Announce: [OH!!!! What the hell is this!? IS that really a pokemon!?]

Chattering were all over the stadium as the people totally forgot about Issei, but the latter was fuming with rage at how much Jay had in his hands but he had nothing but his Regeneration and pokemons he spent years to train. He was jealous, extremely Jealous at Jay's circumstances. But Jay knew how much effort his pokemons put in to train despite having the best resources they could get, they never stopped training each day similar to him.

Jay: "Let's see the changes Mawile underwent"

Jay pulls off his glasses from his cap and put it on his eyes once again to see the changes of Mawile.

[DING! Pokemon detected! Initiating scan.... scan.... Scan Complete

Pokemon: Mawile

Power Rank: Lord Rank

Type: Fighting/Poison

Beginner: Ghost, Rock, Water, Fighting, Grass, Poison

Intermediate: Fire, Ice, Electricity

Advanced: Steel, Fairy, Dark, Normal, Fighting(Mega)]

Jay: "PFFFTTTT!" [Seems the heavens blessed her with a unique Mega Evolve form that turned her into a fighting type]

Mawile on the other hand felt her fighting type capacity grew explosively making her so happy and excited she began to hop around the battlefield testing her new power and speed which was more than Five times her original strength, remembering she was still in a match she landed in front of Lucario and gestured for the pokemon to come.

Mawile: "Ma Mawil!" {Come you Mutt!}

Lucario barked in pure rage when he noticed she was looking down on him because of her new change, he immediately sprinted while throwing Aura spheres. Because the Resonance was influeced by Ddraig/Albion's power Mawile also temporary unlocked the ability to use Dragon Aura, so she covered her hands with dragon aura and smacked the spheres away. The Force Palm of Lucarion was close to her face but she grip the wrist with her left hand and her right hand gripped his throat twisting her body was she uses his own momentum to slam him into the ground.

The force of the throw was enough the crack the field once again but atleast she did not destroy it like the previous time, but her excitement went a bit too far as she knocked out Lucario. But before the dust disperse she imemdiately slapped Lucario awake so when the Referee saw Lucario was still concious he did not stop the match.

Issei: "STOP! STOP! I give up!" [Shit who said this guy is weak! His a bloody monster!]

Mawile let go of Lucario after giving it a few more face slaps allowing Issei to recall his pokemon as the one they are targetting was Issei himself.

Referee: "Resignation of the match has been confirmed! The winner of the Indigo League is Jay Silver!"

The whole stadium erupted in a loud cheer at their very own lunatic beaten the lunatic from outside, but under the watch of everyone Mawile pinned Issei down in the ground in front of Jay.

Issei: "You can't kill me! It's against the rules!"

Jay: "Kill you? No no no my friend... Killing you is simply going too easy on you... You see I got some real REAL good stuff for you"

Issei: "huh?" [What the hell is this bastard planning]

After cuffing Issei up using special cuffs that can't easily be broken even by Marshal Grade Pokemons, Jay recalled Mawile. The Referee wanted to stop him from doing anything bad but a call came through asking him to leave the battlefield so he could only reluctantly leave, while the people were completely confused at this. Could it be their lunatic finally snapped and wanted to kill the other lunatic?

What Jay took out was the familiar can of preserved fish called surströmming, the only difference was that this can expired years ago when he was still recreating this stinky food way back in the days he lived in Pallet Town with his mother.

Jay: "THis is some REAL Good stuff, it will make you a good boy in one sniff"

Issei: "Fuck off!I don't do drugs!"

Jay: "No no, this stuff is totally legal... Here take a small wiff"

Jay secretly covered his body with a thin layer of psychic energy to prevent the smell from ȧssaulting him, he opened the can of the stinkiest food. The smell came so fast that it ȧssaulted the brains of Issei to the point he screamed louder compared to kadabra, the people of the audience was not sure what to feel other than pity as that scream truly touched their hearts but the moment the familiar Smell came they all evacuated the stadium, the League issues a Red Warning for possible Plague could break out so each audience was checked if they are healthy.

With the people leaving the stadium Jay placed his finger on the mind of Issei injecting his psychic energy into the mind of Issei destroying his awareness, from this day forth Issei Tanaka died and only a living doll was now in front of Jay silver. He used his magic to clear off the stink smell he used to knock out Issei and burnted the can into nothingness.

Jay: "You can come out now"

Yes the gloomy energy Jay sensed a few days back finally arrived which was another reason why he used the smell to chase the people away, he could not see what the person look like in front of him but Jay knew the current him was not his match yet.

???: "I would never have expected for you to complete my job for me"

Jay: "What you mean?"

The person waved his hand and Issei Tanaka who was a breathing doll appeared in his hand.

???: "I needed a living Body for my little experiment..."

Jay: "....."

???: "But to think the Hero finally arrived in this world, so it means the Creation God and the Hero God caught our trails so soon? Well it doesn't matter as the rules of the gods prevent them from Descending but killing you now will grant them a reason to descend so your quite lucky boy...."

Jay: "Who are you?"

Luke: "Me? I am the father you destroyed and used my ȧssets to save the world that I truly wanted to destroy!"

Jay: "Luke Ford... You bastard how did you come to live again?"

Luke: "Kukuku! I Was granted a chance to live again thanks to the Evil God! He even gave me this amazing powers! I can crush you anytime I like if it wasn't for the specialness of this area... Congratulations in winning but remember little Jay... When you leave Kanto you leave the protection dome of the Gods, because outside is where the true Hunger Game takes place"

And so his father and Issei Tanaka dissapeared like he teleported away, Jay could no longer sense him anywhere nearby. He sigh at the fact that he atleast destroyed Issei's mind and memories so his ex-Father would not come to know the existence of his Mother, Freya was something else as she will be travelling with him so he had to look out for this.

Shortly after Jay walked out of the stadium where Charles Goodshow was standing in front of the Four People whom Jay recognized as the Elite Four, Bruno, Lorelei, Agatha and Lance.

Charles: "Someone came as you expected huh?"

Jay: "Yeah but Issei is no more than a living doll but he too was taken away from that man"

Charles: "Sigh... I will get my men to investigate this man and his origins in the mean time, I have spoken with these four but none of them wish to battle you after your display of prowess. Each of them feel you are more than enough worthy if leaving Kanto Region as a Champion"

Jay: "Is this kind of thing allowed?"

Lance: "Allow or not, we are simply not your match, or more precisely that Mega Evolve form of Mawile is way out of our league so battling will end up being completely pointless"

Jay: "I see" [Or is it to prevent your pokemons from getting possible crippling?]

Charles: "Well for now just relax with your family and we will be holding a winning ceremony for you, thanks to your little stunt there was no panic because of that man's arrival"

Jay waved goodbye at the five people heading towards the direction he could feel his mother's aura.

Bruno: "I wanted to fight him but he is decisive, so fighting him is similar to having a death match. His pokemon is simply too powerful"

Agatha: "That boy has a secret other than his little training manual and so called food from outside Kanto, the results of his pokemon strength should be something much more valuable"

Lorelei: "Your not thinking of---"

Agatha: "You think I have a death wish brat!? I have no interest in it, I simply wish to fulfill my task as a elite four member and make sure the trainers that challenge us for higher status in the outside world is prepared to face what's to come"

Lance: "I can feel a real strong pulse of Dragon Aura around his body, not only is his pokemon strong but he himself should be near the top in pure strength alone"

Bruno: "Hoh?"

Charles: "Well in any case, each of you will have to post your badges you would have given him if he wins a match and make sure he gets it, that boy is in a direction I can't even predict but I feel he might bring us surprises and hope"

******************** Mean while a bit further away

Jay: "MOM! Freya!"

Anne: "Jay! Your fine!"

Anne hugs Jay tightly to which Jay responded with a Hug of his own, Jay pulled Freya into the hug and held both of them closely. This family, yes this family is what makes getting stronger, worth it


Author Note:

Energy Levels are divided into three Categories!

Beginner: 1-2 Moves

Intermediate: 3 - 4 Moves

Advanced: 5+ Moves

Depending on the amount of pokemon moves each pokemon can learn (By leveling, TM/HM, etc) will determine the capacity of energy the pokemon can use. I am still working on this idea but this is simply a rough explanation for now as I am currently still working on it.

The Damage scale of each energy level will be compared to Pokemon Power tiers (Intermediate up to God Rank)

Beginner Energy: Damage potential from Intermediate up to Elite Rank

Intermediate: Damage Potential Elite Rank up to Marshal Rank

Advanced: Damage Potential up to God Rank

Meaning even if Mawile is a Lord Rank Pokemon if she uses Beginner tier Energy moves, the damage from the "ENERGY" alone will only be able to go up to Elite Rank, she will have to use an advanced Energy move to have a "ENERGY" based damage of a Lord Rank

This does not include the psychical aspects of the pokemons, otherwise my brain will explode hahahaha

Anyway! If something is confusing just drop a question in the comment box and I will type the answers for each question here, keep the questions in the comment box for this chapter about this so I can answer efficiently!

Author Note #2:

Please also support me on my other book (Only writing this book and the other)


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