Next day Jay was called along side the other participants of the League to give them their prizes and new Ranks for when they will be leaving Kanto. The top Eight which did not include the top Four got the rank of Sergeant, the last two of the Top Four gotten the Rank of Lieutenant and since there was no Second Place they gave the spot to Ash Ketchum while finally Jay Silver the winner of the Indigo League gained the Rank of Lieutenant Colonel along with One million Pokedollars and One Pokemon Egg.

Jay gave his thank you speech which made his mother and Freya blush but it never be mentioned as it was embarrassing, so after the reward ceremony was over Jay went together with his family and friends back to Pallet Town where they were once again welcomed by the residents of Pallet Town who threw a festival Feast for Jay, Gary and Ash who battle in the tournament. It was quite the sight to see Pallet Town throw a festival even some wild pokemons came out of the forest to eat.

Afterwards Jay and Freya agreed to stay a few more months in Pallet Town before they head out to the other region, the main reason was for Jay to upgrade the security system in his mother's house while Freya will help her with the Daycare business. Jay managed to craft mini-spider bots equipped with poison needles that disables the nerves that allows them to move their body, making it easier for the spider bots then to use the web function it was equipped with to tie up the intruders. There was over Fifty of these bots over the Daycare Ranch and inside both House and Daycare building.

Jay also called out Steelix, Gengar and Gyarados to live here from now on to protect his mother and the pokemon that lives here, he intended to leave the eevee squad but decided not to as he could not expose Mawile, Dragonite and Gallade in the world outside just yet so he needed a decoy. With security done, bodyguards left, Jay went to build the fences around the Ranch for the Daycare and his eevee's were already expecting to lay eggs in a few times, Jay was researching on how pokemon are being created as looking at a Eevee laying a egg about it's size seems way to strange.

So after research with the help of Professor Oak they came up with one of many possible theories that when the pokemons love one another and share their energy into the wȯmb of the mother (AN: No XXX here simply something like touch of bodies and the energies when towards there), when Jay tried to have his pokemon to have kids with other pokemons these girls all shook their heads and looked at Jay who was bewildered. Although it was unheard of, but because he had the bloodlines of three other pokemons he could not entirely be considered a Human either, so for the sake of experimentation he touched each of their heads and injected his Dragon Aura with his psychic trace of energy into them.

And what happened was something Jay will never tell Freya or his mother, his pokemon end up having a smaller core within their bodies that was slowly being nourished. When professor Oak noticed his pokemons were pregnant he gave a manual to Jay's Mother Anne to practice with the Eevee squad, anyway Jay was busy setting up some fences with special something for pokemons that try to leave or intruders want to enter.

Jay: [kuku, just the right amount of electricity to shock them to stay in or out, Hmm... The expansion function seems faulty..]

Jay began fixing the Expansion function which allows to the Fence to burrow deep into the ground so digging will not help the pokemons to escape, as for flying pokemons he added small anti-aircraft launchers that shoots out needles and a net at the same time to paralyze it and capture it before it falls and hurts itself.

Jay: [I wonder if the people will think I am building a Prison... Well most of the features will not be used since most people train their pokemon properly to begin with]

With the set up complete Jay could officially say that his mother will be the safest woman within the Kanto Region while he is gone, the one million PokeDollars he left with her under the pretext he was "Buying" shares but only giving money for his mother to be fine for many years.


It was the day before Jay Silver will become 16 years old and currently he was sitting in Professor Oak's Lab to get a introduction on the world outside.

Professor Oak: "Now lets start with the history... Or should I say the true history of the pokemon world..."

~~~~ Professor Oak: Introduction to Outside world ~~~~

Many years ago when Humans were dominant Race within the Pokemon World even the Legendaries had to bow down to them except for the Creation Trio and Arceus, there was a company who was renowned to the whole world as The "Umbrella Corporation" this company dabbled in a lot of products from clothes to medicines, there was simply no company who could stand toe to toe with them when they realize new products every day, every week, every month and each year.

At that time a criminal syndicate which they did not name themselves infiltrated the Umbrella corporation and made use of the corporation to create a manmade virus that the World now calls "Miasma" but the researchers call this with a simpler Version "Zombie Virus" as well as "Berserk Virus", one of the virus turns the infected into a Zombie or could be said a walking dead being.

The Zombie virus at least have a strong restriction on that each living being infected can only infect another one of their "Choosing", the Researchers call it choosing at the virus would only become proactive to individual DNA and ignore the rest. And every time its a different choice, so this is probably the reason our world could still combat against these creatures, the antidote is not yet created as the Umbrella corporation was leveled after the criminals completed their tasks so there was no other information about this virus other than a footage of what happened which is why we know what happened back then.

The Berserk Virus is something that can spread like wild fire, one a living being is bitten by a berserk being they themselves become berserk and simply seeks out to destroy or bite the next victim. This is also manageable but the problem lies in the Legendaries that somehow got in contact with the Berserk Virus, they appear to be able to control this virus but there is a few times a year they can't control the virus and Rampage for about a week before they get it back under control again.

There is an antidote within the pokeballs to heal these pokemons but catching them all is simply impossible so we are currently researching a better way to resolve this issue, but if we want to start the plan someone needs to take down the Legendaries first.

This is the major problems each Region is facing, for the minor problems would be there are towns and cities under the control of Criminals in each region and there the rules are simple, Strong is King Weak is Thief, if you want to survive you will have to be stronger not only your pokemons but you yourself as well because in those town and city the criminals do whatever they want as long as they have strength.

If you wish to liberate towns or City, you can join expedition quests at each Trainer Guild, please note that you will have to re-register with each Trainer guild of each Region as they use a separate System for each Region. So even if your an S Rank in Unova, you will start as F Rank in Johto. The next problem would be the Gym Matches, you are required to at least be Rank E Trainer before you can challenge your first gym battle, Rank D for your Second and Third Gym Match, Rank C For your Fourth, Rank B for your Fifth and Sixth, Rank A for your Seventh and finally Rank S for your Final Gym battle.

Rank E & D Gym battles are still lenient and the Gym Leaders will not kill your pokemon, but from Rank C it's best to mentally prepare yourself that you will have to kill the gym leaders pokemon or at least immobilize it completely to safely pass the test. But Rank S you are expected to kill, no questions asked. The League outside need soldiers to face the enemies and they have no time for Naive Trainers that thinks people can change so this method is to mentally train trainers to be able to kill when they face Zombies especially Zombies that have Familiar faces.

Finally in order to raise your Ranks within the GUild you will have to partake in quests which can be Gathering Quest for Berries, Acorns or herbs, Subjugation Quest for Zombies, Berserk or normal Pokemons that pose a threat for the town/city depending where it is located at. Capture Quest to catch pokemons of people's choices, and each quest is ranked from F - S depending on the dangers the trainer can be met with. You will only be able to take a quest 1 rank higher than your rank, so if you wish to rise in Ranks fast then complete ten quests of a higher Rank.

There is no Tournament League in the outside world for each Region but instead there is a international Tournament that will be taking place two years from now and I have already registered you for it, I expect much from you Jay Silver... I have added more information onto the PokeDex if there is any information you require.(1)

~~~~ Introduction Finished ~~~~

Jay: "That sure is a lot of information to take in all at once"

Professor Oak: "Well this is simply a summary of what happened, what you will face and what to do when your there Jay, you best truly prepare yourself"

Jay: "Oh that I will do, I will buy the fire arms at Unova as it will be that Region I will be heading off to first"

Professor Oak: "Oh why you going to such a high Danger region?"

Jay: "I need to investigate the Dragons in that Region and get their Aid to help me clear off Johto fast"

Professor Oak: "Johto?"

Jay: "Yes, if we can get Ho-Oh back under control we can use it's purifying flame that burns nothing but impurities to get Rid of the Virus's from Johto Region... But facing off a true Legendary Bird requires greater Strength so the two dragons of Unova will do since I remember those two are still currently in their Orb form so they should not be infected yet, so it will be easier this way"

Professor Oak: "It's still a dangerous Gamble but from what I saw of your pokemon I can send you off with a peaceful mind as they are quite strong... Beside you want me to Re-scan your pokemons according to the OUTSIDE world Power Rank?"

Jay: "AH yes please do"

Jay calls out all of the pokemons he will be taking with him in the outside world.


1) Pokemon: Mawile *Shiny Variant*

Power Rank: Marshal Rank

Energy Levels:

Beginner: Ghost, Rock, Water, Fighting (Normal Mode), Grass, Poison

Intermediate: Fire, Ice, Electricity

Advanced: Steel, Fairy, Dark, Normal, Fighting(Mega Mode)

2) Pokemon: Gallade *Shiny*

Rank - Elite Rank (Pseudo Commander Rank)

Type - Psychic / Fighting

Energy Levels:

Beginner: Grass, Bug, Water, Ghost, Ground, Fairy

Advanced: Fighting, Psychic, Normal

3) Pokemon: Dragonite *Variant Shiny*

Rank - Marshal Rank

Type: Dragon

Energy Levels:

Beginner: Fighting, Rock, Ground, Poison, Dark

Intermediate: Water, Psychic, Steel

Advanced: Flying, Dragon, Electric, Normal, Fire, Ice

4) Pokemon: Flareon

Type - Fire

Energy Levels:

Beginner: Ground, Fighting, Poison, Steel, Ghost, Dark, Water

Intermediate: Psychic

Advanced: Fire, Normal

5) Pokemon: Vaporeon

Rank: Elite Rank (Peak)

Type - Water

Energy Levels:

Beginner: Ground, Fighting, Steel, Psychic, Ghost, Fairy, Fire

Intermediate: Poison

Advanced: Water, Normal, Ice

6) Pokemon: Joteon

Rank: Elite Rank (Peak)

Type - Electric

Energy Levels:

Beginner: Fighting, Steel, Poison, Ghost, Fairy, Fire, Water

Intermediate: Ground, Bug, Psychic

Advanced: Electric, Normal

7) Pokemon: Espeon

Rank: Elite Rank (Beginner)

Type - Psychic

Energy Levels:

Beginner: Ground, Fairy, Poison, Fire, Water, Ghost, Grass, Fighting

Intermediate: Dark

Advanced: Psychic, Normal,

8) Pokemon: Umbreon

Rank: Elite Rank (Beginner)

Type - Dark

Energy Levels:

Beginner: Ground, Fighting, Psychic, Poison, Fire, Water

Intermediate: Fairy, Ghost

Advanced: Dark, Normal

9) Pokemon: Glaceon

Rank: Elite Rank (Middle Stage)

Type - Ice

Energy Levels:

Beginner: Ground, Fairy, Dark, Ghost, Poison, Fire, Fighting

Intermediate: Psychic,

Advanced: Ice, Normal, Water

10) Pokemon: Leafeon

Rank: Elite Rank (Middle Stage)

Type - Grass

Energy Levels:

Beginner: Poison, Water, Ground, Ghost, Fighting, Flying, Psychic, Bug

Intermediate: Fire

Advanced: Grass, Normal

11) Pokemon: Sylveon

Rank: Advanced (Beginner)

Type: Fairy

Energy Levels:

Beginner: Ground, Fire, Water, Poison, Ghost

Intermediate: None

Advanced: Fairy, Normal, Psychic,

12) Pokemon: Riolu

Rank: Intermediate (Beginner)

Type: Fighting (Steel will be added when Evolve)

Energy Levels:

Beginner: Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost, Dragon

Intermediate: Fire, Ice, Electric, Steel, Psychic

Advanced: Fighting, Normal, Dark


Professor Oak: "It may seem like their power has dropped but it has not, I have scanned them according to the Ranks of the outside, so they are quite strong even when you go out."

Jay: "Is there possibilities of people coming after me for them?"

Professor Oak: "Yes, for now I suggest you only use your Intermediate and Advanced Pokemon. This will still draw attention but far less compared to your other pokemons, and slowly introduce them in the outside world... Because outside the criminals are more united compared to us"

Jay: "I see, thanks for the introduction and update on my pokemon strengths, so will I Have to use the new PokeDex of Professor Juniper?"

Professor Oak: "Ah yes, while you journey through Unova Region she will be your backer"

Jay: "Very well, take care Professor. See you tomorrow"

Professor Oak: "Take care young man!"

Jay waves good bye while leaving Professor Oak's home.

Jay: [The time is almost here, I will leave Kanto in two days with Freya, we will be taking the airplane and fly straight for Unova Region which will take about a day or more to arrive... But... Sigh... WHAT THE HELL IS RESIDENT EVIL DOING IN POKEMON WORLD!?]


Author Note:

1) I Have created the Q/A Page, I believe it is page 3 of the novel. So type your questions there so I can answer each of them for every reader to simply read it there instead of scrolling the comment section for answers


I will be displaying Stats of Pokemons more regularly but will not be adding the "Energy", I will only display it ONCE for each of the MC's pokemons or future pokemons.

And once again another NOTE!

Bwahahaha I came up with the idea of changing the Miasma into Resident Evil theme as it fits my apocalypse idea I Had for the world but I add restrictions on the Virus to still make it a threat but not that much to annihilate the pokemon world before our MC even got the chance to save the people!

So Zombie & Berserk Virus is what I have added there may be more coming! With this chapter I hereby announce! Volume One: The Beginner Village Kanto has been concluded! Volume 2: Dragon Trials of Unova is coming up soon! Might only post a chapter in a day or two as I will be transforming the world into something different... Hope for your patience and continued support!

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