Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 56 - Leaving Kanto Region

It was early morning the day after Jay Silver had his birthday party with all the residents of Pallet Town and his family, the reason for throwing such a large scale party was because Jay would be leaving the house the next day for a long time. Jay walked over to the wardrobe looking at his clothes pondering what he should be wearing today, the best part was he managed to learn how to change his Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing Gloves to different colors so he was no longer pushed to stick with silver and red.

After a while he decided to go with Black sneakers, Blue Pants, Black shirt with a open sleeveless over cloak that was black with blue flame borders at the bottom. He also had his blue cap on with Mew who is still small as ever sleeping in his hair, it was truly a mystery how this mew could keep sleeping and living in his hair under the cap without being bothered about it so he could only let it slide.

Jay: [Professor Oak warned me to steel my heart for what I am about to face and also warned me not to simply try to be a hero, there are problems I can't solve myself so my goal is to deal with the legendaries but I will still save those I can help without endangering me and Freya in the process]

Mom: "Jay! You ready yet!? The Plane is going to leave Veridian City in two hours"

Jay: "Ready mom!"

Mom: "Gosh, you can stay if you going to miss mommy so much"

Jay's face blushed at his mother's teasing and went pass her because he could not face her like this which made her laugh heartily at her son's behavior, Freya grew closer to Jay and these days she would start asking for Hugs and holding hands. They have not progressed to Kissing yet, but Jay thought about doing it sometime soon during a romantic date as he intend to give her a proper memory of her first kiss with him or so he planned.

Freya: "You sure love to sleep"

Jay: "Hehehe, sorry for being late"

After packing all the bags into his Babylon Gate, Jay together with Freya and his mother went off to Veridian City where Professor Oak and Gary along with Ash was already waiting for them. It took them no more than 30 minutes to arrive at the airport, Gary and Ash were already fighting one another over something which Jay did not bother to get involved with.

Professor Oak: "So you really chose Unova Region?"

Jay: "Yes, it will be the best place to start my journey"

Professor Oak: "Sigh... I thought you would say that so I contacted Professor Juniper who arranged someone to pick you and Freya up from the airport, please be sure to support her as her father is investigating the Origins of those two dragons your after"

Jay: "His help will be beneficial so helping her and her father will also be helping myself so don't worry about it"

Gary: "You sure you going to Unova Jay?"

Jay: "Yeah and you going to Johto?"

Gary: "Yeah, I want to confirm if being a Trainer is really my path"

Jay: "Considering becoming a Professor, I am sure you will be able to become a good one"

Gary: "Hmm... I will think about it... Laters Jay"

Jay: "Take care"

Ash: "Wait up Gary! Jay good luck in your journey! I will challenge you to a pokemon battle next time"

Jay: "Train your pokemons this time Ash"

Ash: "Yeah yeah"

Jay: "Bet he did not take it to heart"

Freya: "Fufu, in some ways you are the same"

Jay: "Hold up that comment I can't let it slide"

Freya: "*whistles*"

Freya walks off to the check in after giving Jay's mother a tight hug, Jay turned to his mother who had moist eyes he could only pull her into a tight hug reassuring her that he will call her daily and that he will be sure to stay safe while looking after Freya.

There wasn't much to be said between Jay and Professor Oak as they already had their long talk before, so Jay simply shaked his hand and told him to watch his phone as he will be calling him regularly as well. After checking in, the time to board finally arrived so Jay and Freya boarded the plane.

The Flight Attendants looked at Jay and Freya weirdly because the two of them were not carrying any luggage's as if they were going on a holiday, but they dare not ask any questions as the seats Jay and Freya were sitting in were First Class meaning they were important people.


Unova was created by uniting the warring peoples of the land by twin heroes, they used a single dragon sometime more than 2500 years ago. The brothers started to argue over their beliefs, the elder brother sought truth and the younger brother sought ideals. Their arguments split the single dragon into Reshiram, who sided with the older brother, and Zekrom, who sided with the younger brother.

Since they were both born from the same dragon neither could defeat the other and the brothers declared that there was no right side. However, eventually their sons continued the fight and both the dragons started to battle again, destroying the Unova region with their fire and lightning powers before disappearing.

According to Lacunosa Town legend, a long time ago, a large meteor came from the sky containing a terrifying monster. It was said that at night, the monster would appear in the town along with the cold winds and take away humans and Pokemon to eat them. The legendary monster, Kyurem, was really a remaining third Pokemon created when the primordial dragon had split into two.

Jay: [The legends of Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem is still the same huh? I will have to dig in some more at the region if I am going to face against these two dragons as the path I walk contains both ideals and truth... Because as a Hero it is ideal to have the world Safe no Villains, but the truth is without villains there can be no heroes and no heroes mean no villains... Simply unrealistic]

Jay continued to read the book to where he came across the three Legendary Sword Pokemons but if he is not mistaken the three would become four or should already be four, Terrakion, Virizion and Cobalion. These three Pokemon who stopped the civil war between Pokemon and Humans who disappeared from the sights of Humans only to become myths.

Not to mentioned the legend about Thundurus and Tornadus who battled against one another without care about pokemons or humans in their surroundings only to be stopped by Landorus, who saw the massive destruction the pair had brought to the region and its inhabitants, according to the legend it says the two have been punished in order for them not to repeat their mistakes once again.

And finally one of the pokemons Jay is after, Meloetta. Who had once entertained the people of Unova with song and dance, but because of the sorrow that was too much for Maloetta to handle she lost her voice and shoes for some reason.

Jay: "Phew"

Freya: "Finished the book?"

Jay: "Well yeah, the legends are the same as what we got from our previous world, but it will be better to double check this when we arrive at the town"

Freya: "So our happy vacation is over huh?"

Jay: "Sigh, yes. I honestly wanted you to stay at home with my mother as what is to come next is going to be hell Freya are you sure you will be fine? I can still teleport you back to my room"

Freya: "I have already chosen to walk with you till my end, I will not regret my choice"

Jay: "Very well, I will be training you personally while we journey alright?"

Freya: "En! And I want to join the Pokemon Contest with my pokemons"

Jay: "That will be a good turn of events for us, I look forward to seeing how you will perform in the contests"


Soon the airplane landed on the sea near Humilau City because it was a floating city and very much far enough from the main lands of Unova, when Jay and Freya climbed off what they saw was the Capsule homes Jay created back in Kanto but these people modified it into Capsule Home Boats.

The City looked similar to the original floating city from the Game but the problem lied in the clothing the people were wearing, it was ragged although not dirty the torn signs of age was reflecting on the clothes. Feeling a bit confused about this situation he went to check the stores and only saw that the clothes were more expensive than food, the reason for this was that the materials required to make the clothes are rarely gathered by Trainers in the main lands.

Jay: "Guess we will have to buy and wear clothes made in this land Freya"

Freya: "Hmmm..."

Jay: "We will stick out like a sore tumb if we continue to wear these, I am not sure where the other hunger game opponents would be and becoming a fire for the moths will be troubling for us"

Freya nods her head, the two of them entered the store buying and changing in the same style of clothes they came with but it looked more aged. With preparation complete, Jay and Freya went to a pier so Jay could call out his Speed boat which they would be taking to Nuvema Town. The First Fortress of Unova Region

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