Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 57 - Meeting Professor Juniper

It was quite a distance to travel from Humilau City to Nuvema Town but thanks to the speed boat being faster than regular speed boats they managed to arrive just as the clock struck 12pm for lunch time, there was a pier near the Fortress guarded by several people wearing military type of uniform but the armor was that of Medieval ċhėst plates, leather arm and leg guards.

Jay: [The armor is totally out of order, are these trainers hired by the league to look after the Fortress?]

Once Jay and Freya arrived at the Pier several guards with Guns and Pokeballs in their hands stand ready to attack the two of them at any given moment , so Jay and Freya Raised their hands.

Trainer: "Who are you!?"

Jay: "Names Jay Silver, I am from Kanto Region and only arrived today at Humilau City through the airplane and came here with my capsule ship"

Trainer: "Your quite rich for having that"

Jay: "I am here to meet up with Professor Juniper so could you kindly drop your weapons or I will ȧssume self defense even if you are guards hired by the league"

Trainer: "You---"

Veteran Trainer: "Lower you weapons!"

A man in his 30's wearing slightly older looking armor came through the trainers, when the younger ones heard his command they all reluctantly lowered their weapons because this man was someone they would not dare provoke.

Veteran Trainer: "What's your name boy"

Jay: "Silver Silver, this is Freya"

Veteran Trainer: "Professor Juniper did mention that you would arrive, follow me"

Jay: [Could it be even here the law and order is declining?]

The two of them were led by the Veteran Trainer towards a large building that looks far more advanced, modern and better than the rest of the buildings inside the fortress, the rest of the fortress was divided into sections where the Guards sleep in barracks near the Entrance / Exit Gate into Unova Region at the North Eastern section, the Fort was in the center of the town.

The Resident homes were in the south eastern sections near the pier while Professor was in the South Western section which had a secret passage for her to use to escape as her value to the league is too much to lose. The Sections were divided with a 2 meter high wall to prevent visitors from entering recklessly in places they are not allowed to, and the Shops were at the North Western section since they were using Capsule shops which is easier to evacuate compared to regular built houses.

Jay: [This looks more like a Military Fort than a Town... So it seems they call it town for convenience sake huh?]

Soon they arrived at the entrance of the large building that was almost mostly made of glass with the doors sliding open to allow them to enter, inside there was a waiting area on the left, a reception desk in the front with a beautiful girl standing there and on the right were doors leading to the Professor Offices.

Receptionist: "Ah Brad, I see you have brought two guests"

Veteran Trainer => Brad: "Ah yes, these two are the guests that Professor Juniper was waiting for"

Receptionist: "EH!? Is he the champion of the Kanto Indigo League tournament!?"

Brad: "Oh! Boy you never told me you were such a Big Shot"

Jay: "Well to be honest I never thought it would be a big thing since this world is far more dangerous than Kanto to begin with"

Brad: "But you see only the winners of Indigo league tends to last longer than other trainers who come to these lands to battle... Sigh... But it's good, it has been more than ten years since Unova Region welcomed a Champion from Kanto Region"

Jay: "It's that bad?"

Brad: "It's because of the two Dragons running Rampant in Unova and the third one is running wild during the night, not to mention the sword trio recently resurfaced. You can say Unova is in a dire strait, not to even begin to mention the Towns and Cities under the control of Criminals"

Jay: "Seems I have a lot of work to do here"

Brad: "Don't push yourself kid, just do what you can. Don't bite of more than you can chew"

Jay: "I will take that advice to heart"

Brad: "You do that and take care boy, if Arceus wills it. Let's meet again in the future"

Brad waves goodbye as he left the building and the Receptionist just came back from Juniper's office,

Receptionist: "Professor Juniper is waiting for you Sir Jay Silver and Miss Freya"

Jay and Freya followed the receptionist through the doors leading through a hallway that had doors on the left side with names tagged onto it, but the door they were going to was at the far end and the largest of them all.

When they entered they were taken into a larger laboratory similar to Professor Oak's, further inside stood a mȧturė lady with amber colored hair tied into a stand up ponytail that could be mistaken for a Ice cream style because of how thick her hair was although it looked quite soft and silky.

In front of her were three trainers two boys and one girl, one of the boys wore brown shoes, blue pants, white shirt, blue jacket and glasses. From the looks of it, it was Cheren who just started his journey as a Pokemon trainer, next to him was the Blonde girl dressed in Orange/ Black shoes, green knee height pants, white shirt Orange Jacket, green hat with Glasses.

Jay: [Seems Cheren and Bianca is here then the boy next to them is probably their childhood friend and the MC of this region? Just how horrible can my luck get, is it because of Dropped Ash in Johto and came here!? Is god screwing with me today!?]

The third boy wore Black and white casual clothes and a White cap, short spikey hair, blue eyes and had the same idiotic passionate eyes that Ash had when he first started as a trainer.

Jay: [my luck is the worst...] "Good After noon Aurea, it's the first time we meet face to face"

Aurea (Professor Juniper): "Jay! You finally came, I almost started to think you would dump me for someone else"

Jay: "What the heck!? Why you make it sound like I am dating you"

Aurea: "Fufu, yep your Jay alright... I will be with you in a minute"

Jay: "Are these the new trainers going to journey through Unova?"

Aurea: "Yes, they past the Theory and Practical test to go out"

Jay: [What theory or practical!? Good God woman Cheren I could more or less understand, but the girl is naive and the boy is a idiot like ash... huh?]

Jay looked at the three starter trainers and sensed they had a weird aura around their body that was not regular aura but divine aura.

Jay: [Ptui! Those damned Gods with their plot armors!]

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