Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 64 - Meeting the Victim Family

After separating with Freya, Jay went off to one of the resident blocks where the victim's family was staying at. Their house was small for the number of people that was living within, but in a world that is the way it is right now they are probably well off. When Jay knocked at the door there was a scramble of feet rushing over to the door, soon the door was ripped open with little girls having hopeful eyes.

(14 year old) Girl: "Brother!"

(10 Year old) Girl: "Big brother!"

(14 year old) Girl: "Huh. Your not our brother. What do you want?"

Woman: "Suzu, don't be so disrespectful to our guest. Go back to your rooms now!"

(14 year old) Girl => Suzu: "Got it Mom!"

The two girls leave reluctantly as a woman in her 40's approach the door where Jay was still standing outside waiting to be led inside, the women appears to be friendly but her eyes reflected a cold light like she did not want Jay to be here.

Woman: "Can I ask what is Sir here for?"

Jay: "I just recently came to the town to join the investigation behind your son's death, and I would like to ask you a few questions"

Woman: "But I have already answered all of the questions--- "

Jay: "I only need you explain things for me, you see some things are better understood when heard than when you read"

Woman: "Okay, please come in"

Jay was led into the small house, on the left was a open plan kitchen and the living room on the right. a Bit further in was 3 more doors. Jay took his seat in the living room while the woman was preparing a cup of coffee, after a while of waiting she came into the living room holding a tray with two warm cup of coffees.

Jay: "Thank you very much"

Lisa: "My name Lisa Rosefield, and I am currently working as a Nurse at the Pokemon Centre. My son was Trevor Rosefield, he was a talented young man who enjoyed playing the piano that is in the corner of the room. It was only after the competition that he suddenly stopped playing---"

Jay: "Ma'm, if you don't mind me asking but do you have any idea of why he suddenly stopped playing piano?"

Jay: [hmmm.... Well it might be worth it to look into Piano's Competition... To think the league skipped such a obvious clue]

Lisa: "My son is honest and timid by nature, he had never provoked anyone and would rather take a beating than to provoke others. He is only 19 years old and was about to turn 20 this year wuuwuuu!"

Jay: "I want to ask one more thing, was there something your son might have been part of that is suspicious to you?"

Lisa: "Not really, the only thing that was suspicious was the friend he once brought along with him once. I was not sure why but when I looked at the boy I simply freeze up in fear"

Jay: "Can you describe what he looks like?"

Lisa: "Black hair braided into dreadlocks, dark color skin. He wore quite fanciful clothes and tend to touch his groin for some reason"

Jay: "Thank you for the time Ma'm, I will make contact with you if there is any update"

Lisa: "Please, please just bring justice for my son's death!"

Jay: "I will"

Jay: [The fact that the two girls should have been informed that their brother was gone of some sort is way too hopeful for his return, is it possible that there is something else going on here? Not to mention the woman's acting was a bit rusty, if I did not care about the Jenny Family's authority within this town I would have pushed for an answer---- Shit! I forgot I had magic.... Sigh.... Will do something about it later, time for the second victim family]

What Jay arrived at next was a slightly bigger house but inside was only a elderly woman who was in her 60's, Jay also sensed some people monitoring the house so she was protected by the league. When Jay knocked on the door the Elderly woman opened the door, when she saw Jay and the men who was monitoring were not moving meant this man is not here to make trouble.

Elder Woman: "How can I help you?"

Jay: "I Just arrived and joined the investigation about the death of your daughter. I would like to ask you a few questions if that is fine with you?"

Elder Woman: "Such a polite young lad you are, come in. I will make some tea"

Jay: [Think I will not be able to drink anything when I am done asking people around]

This house had a small dining room where Jay took his seat and the old lady shortly afterwards came out of the kitchen with two cups of tea.

Jay: "If you don't mind I would like to start, your daughter is there anyone whom she was in contact with before her death?"

Elder Woman: "If there was, it will be Lisa Rosefield. The mother of Trevor Rosefield who also died not long before my daughter died."

Elder Woman: "Well they are simply acquaintances so if there is something that the both of them had in common would be the Piano Competition that had an accident at"

Jay: "What kind of accident happened?"

Elder Woman: "Well it was not suppose to be serious but during the competition when it was Trevor's turn to play the piano, after playing a bit his fingers suddenly began to bled. According to my daughter one of the keys of the piano snapped and injured his fingers, and such injuries according to her can easily destroy a pianist career"

Jay: "Do you think this could have been planned?"

Elder Woman: "By no means it was planned because the Piano was in front of all the people and more than 30 people played their pieces, so all the keys were definitely pressed otherwise it would have happened sooner"

Jay: [hmmm.... It is a shame the daughter died because she holds the piece of information I need]

Jay casts a illusion spell on the Elder Woman and asked her the very same questions and the answers came out the same so he was certain that she spoke the truth, from what he gathered it is linked to the Competition. So when he was done he said his goodbyes and went to the Pokemon Centre. When he arrived he was quite welcomed by Nurse Joy who contacted her Family to confirm and heard all the things Jay had done for her family so she was more than happy to help him, so he asked her for a ŀȧptop and access to the internet which was swiftly arranged.

Freya: "How is it?"

Jay: "Well I guess it is because the person is following a pattern of a novel I wrote I came up with a lot of clues to follow but I can't help but feel someone else is directing the crimes from the back"

Jay: "Ah thanks honey buns"

Freya's face turned red at Jay's intimate way of calling her like they were already married and went out to the kitchen to cook food for the two of them, Jay who was smiling turned serious and began comparing the Victim list with the list of participants of the Piano Competition.

What came out of this result was the fact that only two people of the participants were victims, the other three are part of the staffing team. This mean that the crime was not entirely following the way he thought it would, so before he meets up with Claire he will have to go visit someone's new address to get some new information.

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