Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 65 - Revenge? Or Madness?

~~~~~~~~ Next morning

Jay was standing in front of the Large Tent where only one man was living in, his name was James Davidson. He was once the Director of the Competition before he was caught cheating on his wife where he was sued for everything he owned as his wife forged all the proof that all the items and money except for his clothes were all in her name.

It was only five years later they realized the documents were forged but the woman was already gone and sold everything, now he lives in this tent while working as a Labor worker to survive. When Jay approached the tent he did not enter and simply called out James, the man who came out was in his 30's, black bags under his blue eyes and messy blonde hair.

James: "Who are you? I don't owe you money as well do I?"

Jay: "no, I am here to ask some questions regarding the Piano competition"

James: "Huh? You guys decided to come now?"

Jay: "What you mean by that"

James: "Well after seeing the familiar people I once knew turning up dead I was fearing that I might be next as well so I rarely leave my tent at night and I was also waiting for the police to come and investigate me since I knew them from the competition but they never pitched up"

Jay: "You do realize that saying that makes it sound like your the criminal?"

Jay cast Illusion magic on James to start getting the truth out of him from the start.

James: "Well I have no idea what I should be saying, these days I feel like I am being paranoid like I am being watched by a ghost. There are times when hands start touching around my tent at midnight, and there was once a time when the face of Trevor Rosefield even appeared in front of me. I pissed myself out of fright, since then I would drink sleeping pills before going to bed to make sure I don't wake up at midnight"

Jay: "What can you tell me happened that day during the piano competition?"

James: "The competition was actually suppose to be a huge success, all of the participants played perfectly on the piano but it was only Trevor who played last that end up injured. There was even people who spread rumors that it was done out of revenge, even Trevor's mother lashed out like a madwoman. The problem lied in the fact that one of the participant victims was someone that went on stage before Trevor, according to what I remember one of my staff back then told me that guy realized something was wrong with the Piano but did not mention anything because he did not think there was anything wrong with the piano"

Jay: [But if it happened like this then wasn't Trevor suppose to be the one alive doing all the deeds?] "What can you tell me about the staff?"

James: "Hmmm... If I remember the one was called Carlos he was quite a timid guy who was in charge of arranging the piano and other sound equipment, he is quite friendly and extremely respect. I am not even sure why anyone would target a man so timid as him, I mean I once only rose my voice to scold him for making mistakes in ordering a different brand sound system and he immediately began crying."

Jay was committing all of this to his memory.

Jay: [If I have to summarize this then if the Killer was Trevor I could then say he killed the participant for not warning the staff about the piano key that broke, killed Carlos for getting the fragile piano, Jenny for hiring Carlos and finally Randy who made him go last which caused this incident... But the problem lies in the fact that Trevor was killed first] "Was there any abnormalities during the competition of before it?"

James: "If I were to say abnormal it will be Trevor Rosefield, you see before we even began to decorate the venues we did a interview on the participants that wanted to join the competition. When I interview Trevor he was quite talented and did well enough to the point I Believed he would be the champion from the start, but the guy's attitude was like he did not really want to join but it felt like he was pushed to join"

Jay: "Oh?"

James: "During the competition it gotten even worse, the complexion became extremely unhealthy each day he pitched up for practicing the order of which every participants had to appear ------"

Jay said nothing and began to think about it, from the looks of it someone was pushing Trevor to join the competition.

Jay: [Could it be some sort of gangster that betted money and lost it all?]

James: "It was after the competition that I was contacted by one of my staff members that a woman called Claire was asking strange questions to my staff members"

Jay: "huh?"

James: "No idea, so when I asked my staff why she is asking around it appears she was the Mother's Sister so I told him to answer as long as it does not breach the confidentiality rule. But what was strange was that the same staff called me again and this time the mother came asking the very same questions as well"

James: "Who played the piano before Trevor? Who arranged the piano? Who arranged ---- Good god!"

Jay: "Seems we got a nice lead on this case" [So it will either be this Claire or the mother huh?] {Mew can you leave an imprint on this guy's body so we can teleport to his side if he gets in danger?}

Mew: {Alrighty!}

Jay: "Thanks for your cooperation, I suggest you continue your life as usual try to not make anything obvious and keep the information to yourself unless someone comes to you and shows you a Trainer Guild Badge likes this or a league Badge"

James: "I will do so, please catch the criminal sir! God I am scared I might be next!"

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