Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 66 - Following the wrong target?

It was about time to meet Claire at the Pokemon Centre and Freya was already sleeping after studying about pokemon constests to prepare herself, Jay and sitting in the dining room of the Pokemon Center waiting for Claire to arrive. Just before Jay left James he left a Ghastly from his PokeWorld to keep an eye on him since he was not certain if he teleports on time that he will get to see the intruders face so that will be Ghastlly's job.

Claire: "Evening I am here to meet up with Jay Silver?"

Nurse Joy: "Yes, he is sitting right over there"

Claire: "Ah Thanks"

Nurse Joy points towards the table where Jay was currently sitting while having thoughts about all the questions he asked the victims, it is easy to deduce that either the mother and claire is the ȧssailant but if it was the latter it will explain why it was never solved and if it was the former then it will not help because the information could be seen as the mother wanting to understand her son's accident in detail so she could "sue" them or that would be the template.

Claire: "Good evening, you must be Jay Silver correct?"

Jay: "Ah Good Evening Claire"

Claire: "Hoh? You know of me? Did I get that famous?"

Claire: "ptui! What vulgar was to say it. You could have said burst my bubble"

Jay: "Heh, I simply said it before I realized it myself, anyway can we get down to business?"

Claire: "Well according to my investigation it seems that Trevor was under heavy pressure at work and was hated by many, so the amount of possible ȧssailants are increasing. It's not easy to investigate them one at a time, not to mention the intense rivalry he had during the competition which could also be any of the participants. From the report of his mother she said he was timid and did not like to cause trouble which means someone went after him instead of him looking for it"

Jay: [Well this is a good way to bullshit someone... Does she think because I am 16 I can be lied to?]

CLaire: "The league already sent a notification that if the case is not resolved in a week it will go to cold case for others to resolve, well at least it will be out of my way. Even after asking questions with James the previous Director on people who organized the competition I thought I might find a clue by going to the people who were involved in the arrangements to see if they were bribed by someone or be the ȧssailant themselves, I found nothing. So what have you found?"

Jay: "Nothing different from you, I did visit James to hear his output and it was mostly the same as you said" [Can't trust her, a lot of things she mentioned makes zero sense... Just what is the league thinking]

After a few more minutes of talking Claire bid farewell and left the Pokemon Center but what was strange was that Mew instantly teleported Jay to James Tent, what appeared in front of him was a man wearing a black Robe that was about to enter the tent but when he spotted Jay he instantly threw a smoke bomb and made a run for it.

Jay used his boosted gear to swiftly close the distance between the two but when he tackled the man he slipped through and fell into the ground, the man who he tried to catch simply disperse into smoke. Seeing this Jay felt bewildered as he was certain his senses was marked onto him, even Mew had her mark on him but it both vanished as if he never existed.

Jay: "Is that some sort cloning power that also has a pulse of life aura? But I should have been able to sense two auras instead then!? Where the hell did one of the auras go to!?"

It was truly mysterious but this also made Jay feel extremely vigilant looking at his surroundings, an enemy he can't sense through aura is really troublesome so he cast life& Death aura sense magic to see whether or not he could pick up the signs but there was nothing. Even his magic was useless.

Jay: "There is three possibilities and all three are a bit problematic... First possibility would be a ghost pokemon but Ghastly would have been able to see the pokemon, he did not see anything other than a human body covered in a black robe... The Second possibility would be someone like me who has a ghost bloodline giving access to the astral energy... And the last possibility is that i stumbled upon another Hunger game opponent..."

Jay immediately cast a psychic barrier around the tent to guard James during the night as he was certain the ȧssailant would not attack during the day, he was not sure why he thought so but his gut feeling was telling him so he place his trust in it. With the barrier cast and Ghastly still around to monitor, Jay went over to the mother's house to monitor the situation.

But what he found was disturbing when he cast clear eyes magic that allows him to see through walls or objects that does not have properties to block mana, the kids were fine and sleeping in their rooms but the mother was busy sewing a doll which was not problematic.

The problem laid in the fact that the doll had a trace of blood over it, to be safe he cast a "Injury Scan" magic over the mother without alerting her and found she did not have a trace of injury. Feeling cold he used the same magic over the two children and found they were fine, only then did he feel relief so he cast invisible magic and moved closer to the house.

Lisa: "Kukuku, I am almost done Trevor. Mom has almost completed your new body for you! That man said we will soon be reunited, only need the blood of that man and we will be able to move your soul into this body"

Jay felt a shiver run down his spine thinking this woman is beyond mad, but what came next made him enter alert state.

Claire: "Sister, can't you be more careful with your victims. Even if that man is helping you collecting the victims he is doing it way too messy and right now I have to deal with a brat who is investigating as well"

Lisa: "yeah I met him, he was easy to fool by telling half lies half truth and he left without coming back to ask more questions so you have nothing to worry about... kukuku Herald told me that once I complete the doll he will then cast a blood ritual to bring back the soul of my son"

Jay: [Jesus... What the hell is all this shit about]

Jay was in his room on his knees sweating a bit more than usual as he could not get rid of the trace he felt, the power was not powerful but the fear he felt for that power was simply to disturbing.

Jay: [That power was not strong but why did my instincts fear it?]

Mew: {Jay! That power is truly vile and dangerous! You should stay away from it, it will not harm you but those two women are corrupted by it}

Jay: {You are telling me they are corrupted by that black subtance aura?}

Mew: {Yes, I am not sure what it is but it is definitely the thing that is corrupting those women}

Jay: {So I have been chasing after the wrong person all this time... Shit this is bloody confusing!!!}

Freya: "Jay what's wrong?"

Freya who woke up on the arrival of Jay noticed his back was soaked wet and his face was a bit pale, she immediately ran over to hug him tightly checking if he was fine.

Jay: "I think we stumbled upon a big problem...."

Freya: "You found the person responsible?"

Jay: "Yes I have, but they are not the real culprit"

Before sleeping Jay explained his experience to Freya who had an unnatural serious expression on her face, when he was done talking he went off to shower and went to bed. Freya did not talk much after this and went to bed together with Jay.

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