Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 67 - Hunger Games: Quest #1

The next morning Jay was sitting alone up right on his bed looking at the transparent screen in front of him, he always anticipated the arrival of the Hunger games but to think the Gods will be so bored to make a system screen of this.

[Hunger Games!

Hero Champion vs Envy Champion

Description: The Envy champion has taken control over many people in the city and the only way for the hero to save them is to kill the champion! But if the Hero does not sever the links between the Envy Champion and the people, killing the champion will be same as killing the people!

Tip: Something extraodinary might happen tonight]

Jay: "If I knew this would happen I would not needed to even investigate!"

[Hunger Games note: Champions need to make contact with each other in order to generate a quest, both sides will get different quests]

Jay: "Well shit... So my enemy also know that I am here..."

Jay pondered over the transparent screen and thought of clicking on the Information buŧŧon and suddenly the screen changed to the looks of the person. When Jay saw this his face went pale, not because of the person but the fact that his face might be displayed to the enemy and he could link it up with Freya. Without waiting Jay went over to Freya who was still sleeping, he wrote a short letter and teleported her to his home where he set up a teleport formation for situations such as this.

Jay: "That was close, lets check this... what the hell!? Is the gods asking me to smack a women!?"

In the transparent screen was the face of a woman who is in her mid 40's, dark brown hair with traces of her hair turning gray. Her face is slightly wrinkled wearing a black robe. Underneath was a general summary of her ability.

[Hunger Game Note: Envy ~ All which it envies should belong to the ruler]

Jay: "I wonder if this description is accurate... From this it appears her ability would be something similar to skill stealing or power stealing?" [It will be a hassle to deal with a opponent that can steal things belonging to you which is a good thing I sent Freya away]

Jay went to shower while he was still thinking over the tip he gained from his mission specifically speaking of tonight but what time? What would the Envy Champion want with Trevor's Mother and Sister, why was trevor chosen to be killed? There was simply too many questions popping up making the whole bloody situation more confusing, so the best way would be to face off against the champion tonight.


Nurse Joy: "Morning Jay, is Freya still sleeping?"

Jay: "Freya already left the centre so it will only be me today"

Nurse Joy: "What did your girlfriend drop you? I won't mind taking her place"

Jay winked at Nurse Joy who was simply teasing him, he knew she was not serious about it so he joked as well. Today Jay went to the forest in Route two for a bit of exercising, he will have to prepare some moves and weapons he could use against the enemy but he could not simply use anything.

The worst situation would be to use something that will turn against you, so the only idea Jay had was to simply use the Reality Marble as his final Trump Card while he gains a better understanding over his enemy's power. If he understood the skill then if he uses his reality marble as the attack, the moment she makes contact with the swords he fired at her it will turn into particles and become her energy instead of being able to use the ability he was using which would work.

Jay: [Whether it will work or not will be troublesome, using Rule Breaker will endanger the people if I don't know how to control it properly]

Jay opened his babylon gate and took out a small dagger, it is an iridescent and jagged dagger. In order to test the blade Jay conjured several Ground Golems each having a different set of commands embedded into them, since he never used this dagger before it will be trial and error to cut the golems without destroying them and only erase certain commands for a start.

At first it was easy when there were only two commands he could do it after three attempts but when the number of commands increased the difficulity increased because if he even touches the link of the mana thread it will destroy the command instantly so it was quite a delicate training of control.

Jay: [I have no idea how the links from the champion to the people will look like but I can only think of a spiderweb link with the Envy in the middle... For now I can only train my strikes to be more accurate as I am more used to fighting with my fists and legs than with blades.]

Mew that was in the cap of Jay was suddenly woken up by a presence of a stronger pokemon who was flying over the lands of Unova, when Jay also sensed the presence of the Pokemon he turned his head to look and what he saw was a cluster of clouds that looks like a flat spiral with thunder strikes flashing within as it moves closer and closer.

Jay's sacred gears were both vibrating not of fear but excitement to face this formiddable opponent but Jay knew he was not ready to face off this dragon just yet, if his memories served him well then this cluster of clouds were covering the body of Zekrom who was currently still flying around Unova. The clouds did not stop and went over Jay heading straight in the direction that leads deeper into the Unova Region.

Mew: {Jay, that Pokemon is still fine but he is on the verge of losing his control...}

Mew: {a Month if we are lucky...}

Jay: "Well Fuck me! I got a champion to deal with, a pokemon Gym, then another Investigation followed by another Pokemon gym and Virizion who I have to face... a Month is too little time!"

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