Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 1 Congratulations To The Host, You Have Chosen Reverse Fraud! (Please Give Me Flowers! Pleas

Chapter 1 Congratulations to the host, you chose reverse fraud!

What Han Tang didn't expect was that the thing that made him proud was that when he was 25 years old, the morning before he was about to take the psychiatrist qualification exam, he embarked on the path of reverse fraud.

Eight o'clock in the morning this morning was exactly the 30th minute after Han Tang got up and took a shower and opened the book "Criminal Psychology".

As a time-traveler, having no information about the system twenty-five years after time-travel is logically a helpless thing. However, Han Tang has relied on the results of many years of study to make himself do well now.

Since then, learning has become something Han Tang compares to every day.

The strange thing is that the focus mode of the phone was not turned on today, which also caused Han Tang to receive a phone call that changed his life.



The phone rang twice. After Han Tang read the last line of the book, he picked up the phone and answered the call.


"Hello! Hello sir, we are the Donghai City Police Department. We found illegal firearms in your express package and now suspect that you are engaged in illegal arms trading. Please cooperate with the investigation!"

Han Tang frowned.

express delivery?


Cooperate with the investigation?

Han Tang knows very well that it is neither Double Eleven nor Double Twelve, and he has no recent history of online shopping. Moreover, when the police station arrests arms dealers, will they call you in advance to cooperate with the investigation?

In an instant, Han Tang took a sharp glance at the phone screen and found four large characters marked on the caller ID.

[Scam call]

After downloading the National Anti-Fraud Center APP, these four words will be displayed on the caller ID as long as it is a reported scam call.

Looking at these four words, Han Tang fell into deep thought.

Scam me?

Although he has not reported to the police station yet, he is now considered a quasi-police officer.

Scammed my head?

Just when Han Tang was about to hang up the phone, a mechanical voice suddenly came from his mind.

[Ding, we found the best host! 】

[Ding, the system matching is successful. Congratulations to the host. Your system has awakened, but you still need to complete the activation task to activate the system! 】

[You currently have three options. The host can get corresponding rewards if he chooses any option. However, the rewards for each option are different, so please choose carefully. 】

【1Alarm! 】

【2 Cooperate with the scammer’s investigation! 】

【3 Reverse Scam! 】

【please choose.....】


Hearing the voice in his head, Han Tang was stunned for a moment.

What's the meaning?


Got the system?

I have traveled through time for twenty-five years, and I have never received any information about the system. I thought I was a fake time traveler.

Unexpectedly, there was news about the system today.

But this option?

Could it be that.....

After carefully thinking about the reminder that just sounded in his mind, Han Tang touched his chin.

Activating the system also requires completion of activation tasks.

I don’t know what the system is?

But it’s much better than nothing. It’s all delivered to your door. It would be unforgivable if you don’t activate it!

So this task still has to be done, and it must be done!

Not only do you have to do it, but you have to do it very well!

As for this option...

The rewards for each option are different.

It's definitely not difficult to call the police first, but the reward probably won't be that great either.

The second one is to cooperate with the scammer in the investigation. This is probably a choice made because of some mental deception.

As for the third one...

I feel that among all the options, this one is probably the most difficult to achieve. There is no such thing as a pie in the sky. Almost all game tasks are more difficult, and the rewards are better.

Thinking about it this way, the most perfect mission and mission reward must be the third one.

Although it is difficult to say it is a bit difficult.

But the difficulty means that his mission reward may be the best!

Han Tang nodded, and then said firmly.

"I choose reverse fraud!"

Immediately, the system prompt came again in my mind.

[Congratulations to the host, you chose the wisest option! You have obtained the initial reward for option three, skills of A-level voice actor imitation and S-level ventriloquism! 】

[Ask the host to complete the reverse fraud task and reach the SSS score to complete the activation task! 】

Voice actor imitation?


Could it be that...we are now on the same level as those dubbing masters in movies and TV series?

Doesn’t that mean you can imitate whoever you want?

Han Tang also discovered the most important thing, that is, the sound of S-level ventriloquist can give people images.

That is the legendary imitation environment.

Generally speaking, for beginners of ventriloquism, it is already difficult to imitate one sound.

S-level ventriloquist can imitate multiple sounds at the same time, giving people an immersive feeling.

Phone calls, A-level voice actor imitation, and S-level ventriloquism can completely give yourself another identity and another environment.

Just how to reverse the fraud has become a problem.

At this time, the corner of Han Tang's mouth raised an arc, looking at the call on the phone that had not been hung up, showing a sly smile.

"Hey, Mr. Han, please cooperate with the investigation. Do you know what kind of crimes are involved in selling and buying guns in our country?"

"I advise you to tell the truth and strive for leniency!"

Han Tang already had the ability to imitate an A-level voice actor. At this time, he put his finger on his chin and made a middle-aged uncle's voice with a sinister smile.

【Ha ha ha ha. 】

[You dare to check my goods? 】

【Don’t you know who I am? 】


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