Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 2: Scamming The Black Boss? (Please Give Me Flowers! Please Give Me A Review!)

Chapter 2 Scammed the Black Boss?

The scammer’s voice came through the phone again.

"Sir, please cooperate with the investigation!"

"We are from the Donghai City Police Department. Please don't make some fearless resistance. It's best to recruit them truthfully, cooperate with our investigation, and strive for leniency!"

"Now we have frozen your funds. If you need to unfreeze, we will provide you with a safety account. You can transfer the funds to the safety account, and you will also need to pay us a safety account fee of 5,000 yuan."

"Once we have identified the source of the firearm and determined that it has nothing to do with you, we will transfer the funds back to you."

At this time, on the other end of the phone, a young man with yellow hair was putting his legs on the table. He snorted comfortably while leaning on the sofa. He turned off the microphone and chuckled.


"You still pretend to be big brother with me?"

"Do you really think I am a person who has never seen the world?"

"It would be great if you can spend five thousand yuan on something like this!"

"Return brother?"

"Are you willing to kill me?"

Han Tang, who was on the other side of the phone, heard that Huang Mao didn't seem to believe it. He touched his chin, took the phone further away, and then said in a different voice.

【Brother! 】

[I have just contacted Zhang Zizi, but Zhang Zizi has temporarily changed the time and location and wants us to meet at the old paper factory in the eastern suburbs at 2pm! 】

[And Zhang Zizi said that he must see you before he is willing to trade, otherwise...]

Compared with the uncle's voice just now, Han Tang's voice now is a clearer voice, lacking the richness and strength of a middle-aged man.

At the same time, Han Tang couldn't help but think that the fun had just begun.

Hearing the voice coming from the phone, Huang Mao immediately took his feet back from the table, looking stunned and his body straightened.

At this time, the contempt and disdain on Huang Mao's face was slowly disappearing, and the smile on his face gradually became stiff.

what's the situation?

Two voices?

Is there someone around this person?

It doesn't matter if there are people. After all, there are usually people around when making scam calls.

But today....

Listening to the content of this phone call, it seems that it is really related to some kind of transaction...

After Huang Mao thought for a while, he shook his head and breathed a sigh of relief.


So far, although the money he has defrauded is not much, he has made a lot of scam calls.

I have said the same thing at least a hundred times, but I have never hit the black boss!

Certainly not this time either.

The voice on the phone must be fake.

Nowadays, jokes about scam calls are often leaked on the Internet.

The phone call in front of me is probably the same!

Maybe he knew that I was a scam caller, and then he found someone to cooperate with his drama, right?

Isn't he the black boss?

I want to see how you keep pretending!

Huang Mao nodded. Although he still didn't believe that his scam call really reached Boss Hei, there was more doubt in his eyes.

Listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, Huang Mao actually forgot that he was the fraudster, let alone that he wanted to lead the other person into his trap.

Han Tang listened to the silence on the other side of the phone, raised the corners of his mouth, and then switched to the deep and cold voice of his elder brother, pretending to speak to his younger brother.

[Zhang Laizi wants to see me? 】

[Do you know, I only leave this transaction to you. 】

[Do you know that our goods have been taken away by the police? 】

[Do you know who I’m calling now? 】

After speaking, Han Tang continued speaking into the microphone.

[He’s from the Donghai City Police Department, right? 】

[Where did you get this news? 】

[Is there a mole planted in our place? 】

[Haha, I didn’t expect it. If it hadn’t been for your call, I really wouldn’t have known who the mole was. 】

After saying that, Han Tang slammed the table and made a loud noise.


【Is it Ajie? ] Han Tang roared at Huang Mao on the phone, as if he knew who the mole was.

At this time, Huang Mao was startled by the sudden roar. He touched his neck at a loss and then hesitated.


"Ah, ah Jay?"

"I don't know him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Tang puffed up his cheeks, put one hand in front of his mouth, and then activated his S-level ventriloquism skill to imitate the mechanical sound of a pistol being loaded and the safety released.

[Click! 】

Then Han Tang roared again.

[Ajie, is it you? 】

【Did you betray me? 】

[Did you hack my goods? ! 】

[Do you know what will happen if you betray me? 】

【ah! 】

After roaring, Han Tang took the phone away again and imitated his younger brother's voice.

[Brother, it’s not me, I don’t know anything! 】

Then Han Tang put the phone in front of his mouth and immediately imitated the sound of a gun being fired.

【boom! 】

Almost at the same time, Han Tang imitated the sound of blood splattering.

【Poof! 】

At this time, Huang Mao's whole body began to tremble as if electrified. Although he did not see it with his own eyes, a black boss had already appeared in his mind. He took his own pistol and shot and killed his men involuntarily.

The sound of blood splattering was as real as blood falling onto his face.


There are not many words in the new book now, but the author writes very quickly, at least 10,000 words per day. If there is data, he can write 30,000 words and 20 chapters in one day!

I hope you can support me, data is my motivation for updates!

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