Chapter 11 Jesus can’t keep him, I said so


On the other side of the phone, the police officer couldn't help but break into a cold sweat at these words.

At this time, the police officer had only one word in his mind.


Very crazy!

He was so crazy that even through a phone call, he could feel the violence and murderous intent of the person on the other side of the phone.

This feeling is very familiar, yet very far away.

Before he came here to work, he once accidentally escorted an overseas boss in a prison car.

At that time, the overseas boss was sitting opposite him.

Although he didn't say a word, the air in the prison car seemed to be frozen.

But just a look from the foreign boss made him feel scared.

That fear is not about yourself.

It's about how he behaves when he thinks of the other person's identity.

For these people, one death is not enough to quell their anger.

Often when they take revenge on a person, they will take his family with them.

At this time, you will be worried.

I am worried about my daughter who is not yet in junior high school.

I am worried that overseas bigwigs will come out to retaliate against me if there is insufficient evidence.

For this kind of people, they may not be able to remember others, but if they are on the opposite side because of their identity, it only takes one glance to remember you for a lifetime.

Then you will live in the shadow of being retaliated at any time for your whole life.

That's what it feels like.

Although he had never met the person on the other side of the phone, the confidence in his voice was enough to make people fear him.


Through a screen, I saw a murderous professional killer, a crazy devil!

The police officer shook his head, and after forcing himself to calm down, he clenched the phone tremblingly.

The pain from clenching his teeth gradually made him regain his senses, and then he spoke solemnly to Han Tang on the phone.

"I advise you not to be too arrogant!"

"I don't know who you are now, but we can find out who you are!"

"Don't think you can escape our eyes!"

"The legal net is wide open and there are no omissions!"

"As long as you are noticed by us, there will be no time when we can't catch you!"

Han Tang on the other end of the phone couldn't help but smile, thinking that if he hadn't known that this guy was a fraudster, he might have believed his lies.

After all, these few sentences do have a sense of justice.

For a dazed moment, I really thought that this kid had called the police and then sought protection from the police.

But if you think about it, it's almost impossible.

Nowadays, the national anti-fraud campaign is very vigorous.

At this time, the fraudster takes the initiative to call the police, which is almost asking for death.

He didn't believe that a fraudster would rather be caught than go to the police station to seek his own death.

Besides, these scammers are very cunning. Would they be stupid enough to surrender to the police?

However, what Han Tang didn't know was that Wang Qiang had been deceived by Han Tang and was convinced.

Now Wang Qiang really thought that he had offended an overseas boss with a fraudulent call, and now there was someone outside who was chasing him.

At this time, the phone has not been hung up, and it is Han Tang who is talking to the police.

After calming down, Wang Qiang became even more frightened after thinking about it carefully.

Because I learned from the phone call that the killer played by Han Tang had found his doorstep.

He also killed his neighbor.

If you enter your room, you will definitely find all your information and then your family.

Thinking about it like this, the more I thought about it, the more scared I became. I couldn't help but look at the police officer for help, waving my hands and asking for help.

"Uncle police officer, you must help me!"

"Protect my family too!"

"Otherwise, if he comes into my house and lets him know that there are people in my family, it will be bad!"

"If he can't find me, he will definitely look for my family!"

At this time, the police officer frowned and quickly covered the phone receiver, then whispered angrily.

"If you have anything to do, wait until the phone hangs up!"

"Now that he heard it, aren't you reminding him?"

When Huang Mao heard this, his eyes widened with fright, and then he quickly covered his head and nodded hastily.

Han Tang on the other end of the phone frowned when he found that Wang Qiang had lost his voice and was almost talking to someone else.

Could it be that I am not strong enough?

In that case...

Han Tang pinched his throat, then put his hand over his mouth and used his S-level ventriloquism skills to imitate the sound of opening the door.


Then he continued to imitate the footsteps of the killer, as if there was really a killer walking into Wang Qiang's home.



Before Han Tang could say anything, Wang Qiang trembled all over when he heard such a voice.

It was as if the footsteps were an awl that passed through his heart one at a time, and then pierced his heart into a sieve.

Then Han Tang adjusted his voice again, imitating the killer's cold voice and said in a deep voice.

[I also put my words here. 】

[From the first time I killed someone, my boss told me that I must keep my word when I go out to hang out! 】

[So my boss said he wanted to kill Wang Qiang, then I must kill Wang Qiang! 】

[If you say you want to kill his whole family, you must kill his whole family! 】

[What happened to the police officer! 】

【The world is big and I am the biggest! 】

[Wang Qiang, I’m sure of it! 】

[Jesus cannot keep him, I say so! 】

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