Although Wang Qiang said nothing, his horrified expression spoke volumes.

Wang Qiang, who was already nervous and a bit nervous, was worried about his family one second, but when he heard Han Tang's naked threat to his family the next second, his tense nerves suddenly broke.


At this time, Wang Qiang grabbed the police officer's cell phone and wailed quickly.

"Brother, I was wrong!"

"You must not take revenge on my family!"

"If you want money, just tell me directly. Even if I go to northern Myanmar, I will definitely get the money for you!"

"You must not go to my parents!"

Han Tang on the other side of the phone couldn't help but laugh when he heard Wang Qiang's sudden voice.

It seemed that Wang Qiang was really frightened this time.

I just don’t know if this counts as an SSS rating.

After thinking about it, Han Tang still shook his head. He had frightened Wang Qiang just now, but the score still did not meet the standard for activating the system.

If you want to achieve an SSS-level rating, it is estimated that this level is not enough.

If he was really scared enough to surrender to the police station, that should be enough.

But now...

Han Tang didn't believe that Wang Qiang turned himself in and just randomly found someone to play the role of a police officer.

Since you are playing a police officer and talking to him, it is not too much to understand that it is a scam just like Wang Qiang, right?

In this case, it would be better to scare this passerby as well.

Expanding the number of reverse scammers should help improve the score, right?

Han Tang nodded, then activated S-level ventriloquism again, then pretended that he had touched the photo frame on the table, and then picked it up.


Switching to the voice of the young killer, he took a breath and joked.


【Wang Qiang? 】

[I didn’t expect your parents to be so young? 】

[Looks like he’s not even sixty yet! 】

[Tsk...What a pity, they are not as lucky as you! 】

As he spoke, Han Tang immediately began to imitate the killer's footsteps again, and deliberately amplified the footsteps, bringing the phone closer.



After Wang Qiang heard this, his face turned pale with fright.

When I first ran away from home, I was thinking about whether to tell my parents, but I thought it was more important to save my own life now, and as for my family's affairs, it was up to fate.

But I didn't expect it.

Now it has become his biggest worry.

At this time, the police officer looked at Wang Qiang's appearance and immediately muted the phone's microphone. Then he glared at Wang Qiang and shouted in a low voice.

"Be sensible!"

"You have us protecting you. What are you afraid of?"

"We will contact your parents immediately and protect them. Please be quiet!"

Just as Wang Qiang was about to burst into tears, he was silenced by the police officer's reprimand.

With a sad face, after biting his wrist, tears flowed into his mouth like salt.

After Wang Qiang tried hard not to make a sound, the police officer turned the microphone back on and spoke to Han Tang on the other end of the phone.

"I advise you not to be too arrogant!"

"We will send people to protect Wang Qiang's parents and family immediately!"

"Don't you dare show up!"

"Just wait to be caught!"

"Also, don't think we can't catch you!"

"Don't you have a deal with Liu Laizi?"

"With this clue, I can find your boss!"

"And you have already appeared in Tailai Community. We can also know who you are through surveillance!"

"Don't think that we are afraid of you just because you have killed a few people!"

"Dare to kill someone in front of the police? You are so arrogant and lawless!"

"I will risk my life to catch you!"

At this time, Han Tang couldn't help but smile, thinking that the passerby he found had a sense of justice.

You actually like pretending to be a police officer so much?


Satisfy you!

As soon as the police officer finished speaking, Han Tang imitated the voice of the young killer and roared.

[You earn thousands of dollars a month, why are you trying to kill me? 】

【Catch me, right? 】

【good! 】

[I took the money! 】

[I killed the person! 】

【Come and catch me! 】

After saying that, Han Tang hung up the phone directly.

As for the police officer, listening to the busy tone on the phone, veins popped up on his forehead.

"So arrogant!"

"Even if I didn't see it, he killed someone on the phone in front of me!"

"You are really lawless!"

"You wait!"

"Even if I don't eat or drink, I still want to find you and bring you to justice!"

After speaking, the police officer took his cell phone and glanced at Wang Qiang's cell phone, which had already been frightened out of his mind.

"Now there is a recording of the phone call between us and the killer on your mobile phone. It has become evidence and will be temporarily kept by us."

After speaking, the police officer walked out of the interrogation room, and then came to the office of the police station director with his mobile phone.

On the other side, after Han Tang hung up the phone, he rubbed his hands and couldn't help but murmured excitedly.

"This time I defrauded two people in reverse."

"This should count towards my SSS grade, right?"

"This fraudster is also interesting."

"You found a passerby to scare me. You don't really think you can scare me like this, do you?"

After saying that, I couldn’t help but continue to think about it.

Even before the system is activated, it has already achieved A-level voice actor imitation and S-level ventriloquism.

And it’s quite easy to use.

I don’t know what else I will get if the system is activated.

I can't wait to do it.

The words just fell.

The voice of the system sounded in Han Tang's mind again.

[Ding, congratulations to the host. The host defrauded the fraudster in reverse and allowed the fraudster to choose to surrender to the police station. The reverse fraud effect is perfect! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host, the host jointly defrauded the police in reverse, and the reverse deception effect is perfect! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host, this reverse fraud score is SSS! 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have successfully activated the system! 】


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