Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 36 It’S Him, The Best Choice For Informant, Han Tang

Chapter 36: It’s him, the best choice for informant, Han Tang

"Isn't this a big case?"

I looked at Han Tang in the video sternly, and with my many years of experience in handling cases, I instantly had an evaluation of Han Tang in my heart.

this person.

If you don't have a lot of blood on your hands.

He would not become so numb that he would make killing someone as plain and simple as eating.

Seeing that Yan Yan came to this evaluation just by looking at the video, Wang Donglai instantly felt that his heart was much more balanced.

Even looking at the seriousness on Yan Yan's face, I couldn't help but secretly curse in my heart.

It seems that I am not the only one who has been deceived!

This time I feel better.

Even people like the master were fooled by this guy's acting skills.

Since he was confused by Han Tang, there was nothing to be ashamed of.

Wang Donglai just felt like laughing in his heart at this moment, but seeing that the master and his subordinates were there, he forcibly suppressed his wanting to laugh, then walked to Yan Yan's side, nodded and said.

"Master, it is indeed not a big case."

"This guy is just pretending."

"Yesterday we received a report of a fraudster who wanted to surrender like crazy."

"After asking carefully, I found out that someone was chasing him."

"This is the man who called the fraudster and pretended to be the gangster, scaring the fraudster almost into psychosis."

"The interrogation video just now was just what he said."

He blinked harshly, looked down at the information in his hand, and instantly lost interest.


At this time, Yan Yan couldn't help but think secretly in his heart.

Even if you let that kind of A-list actor come and play a killer, I'm afraid it won't be able to reach this level, right?

He doesn't live in the mountains and forests.

He also watches TV.

There are also actors playing psycho killers on television.

But as a senior criminal investigation police officer, he did not see murderous intent in the eyes of those actors.

I have never seen Han Tang with such a terrifying aura.

You said he has never killed anyone before, so he can act like this?

Can such a person really exist in this world?

Yan Yan couldn't help but watch the video again, and then said to the police officer beside him.

"Officer Hou, come and take a look."

"Looking at it from the perspective of your major crime team, does this person look like someone who has never killed anyone?"

Officer Hou was brought up strictly by the Provincial Police Department.

When walking down the street, you can tell who has committed a crime at a glance.

Generally speaking, experienced people like them are very accurate in judging people.

The kind of prisoners who have been in prison have various smells on their bodies, which are different from normal people.

Officer Hou stood beside Yan Yan. After watching the video again, he also shook his head and said.

"This guy doesn't look simple."

"I don't believe him when he says he has a clean foundation."

"Wang Ju, who is this person?"

"Where did you catch it?"

After Wang Donglai recounted what happened yesterday, he continued.

"Speaking of which, I have the same opinion as you."

"So now we are sending people to keep an eye on him to see if anything can come out of him."

"But it's only been a day. According to the recovery of the person we sent out to follow him, this person is very homely and basically doesn't go out."

"I don't know what to do at home."

"So we can't draw any conclusions yet."

"However, this kind of behavior excludes the organized evil forces. Instead, it looks a bit like a lone wolf."

Yan Yan nodded slightly, leaned on the chair and took a breath before asking.


"Have you ever had any contact with him?"

"I mean deep contact?"

"I think if this person can do it, the informant problem will be solved this time."

Wang Donglai shook his head immediately after hearing this, his eyes full of resistance, "Teacher, this is really not possible."

"This kid is very arrogant and basically won't listen to us."

"Furthermore, his identity is unknown and he is not clear whether he is an enemy or a friend. How dare you use him as an informant?"

"Teacher, didn't you teach me that when looking for an informant, you must find someone you can trust completely?"


"We can't trust this person at all, right?"

He shook his finger sternly.

Is trust the most important thing right now?

The most important thing now is the informant!

Without an informant, their deal would have failed.

If the deal fails, the enemy will definitely alert the enemy, and then the case they have been eyeing for three years will be completely broken.

If the identity of the previous informant hadn't been sensitive, would it still be necessary to search for the informant all over the world now?

So he said sternly.

"Special treatment will depend on the situation."

"The most important thing now is to deal with arms dealers."

"It's easy to talk about the funding here. You can discuss it with him. There is no need to talk about our arrests. Just ask him to help put on a play."

"As long as this deal is completed, we can give him a 1% commission."

"It's a lot of money, almost three hundred thousand."

Wang Donglai only felt embarrassed.

Although he was not watching this case, he couldn't help but think about Han Tang's arrogant look in the interrogation room.

Not to mention whether he can hide it from those black bosses.

Just talking about the job, it's surprising that this guy agreed.

He's a tough guy.

Not to mention how arrogant he was in the police station at that time, he was asked to contact the black boss.

Isn't this nonsense?

Moreover, make sure this guy can be trusted? This guy may not be a good person after all!


"In my opinion, how about we take a look at the information?"

"I searched for this information all night and screened all the informants trained by the police."

“There are a lot of good people among them.”

“The most important thing is trustworthiness.”

"It's better than this guy."

"This kid is not necessarily a good person. There are too many uncertain and dangerous factors."

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw away the information in his hand, pointing at the screen and said solemnly.

"Need not."

"No one else can do it."

"It's him."

"Money can make all the difference. No matter how bad-tempered he is, he still has to be interested in money, right?"

"And with our people watching the whole process, even if he is not a good person, how dare he show his flaws at this time?"

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